
Greeter Information

has been referred to participate in the
Check-In/Check-Out Program and you have chosen or been selected to be his/her Greeter – THANK YOU!

The most important thing you should keep in mind is that you should keep ALL of your interactions with this student POSITIVE! Please think, say, and do only positive things about this child. If you become aware of anything negative that needs to be addressed with this student, please see Angie Ellsworth, Kathy Quinn, or Jared Groehler, and we will deal with that.

Please follow these steps:

1. Each morning, the student will stop in to see you. He/she will give you the Flight Log Summary from the day before that they had signed by the parent. Say, THANK YOU FOR RETURNING YOUR SUMMARY!” If they don’t have the Summary with them, say, “OKAY, LET’S START ON A NEW ONE TODAY!”

2. Give the student a new Flight Log/Point Sheet – you can either fill in their name and date or you can help them. Say something like, “HAVE A GOOD DAY – I KNOW YOU’LL MAKE GREAT CHOICES!” (See other ideas on the back of this page.)

3. At the end of the day, the student will return to you with their completed Flight Log. Help the student add up their points and fill in the Flight Log Summary that will go home to their parent. Find something POSITIVE to say to the child about his/her day like, “WOW, YOU DID AN AWESOME JOB RESPECTING OTHERS TODAY!” If the student comes to check out but doesn’t bring their Flight Log say, “OKAY, THANKS FOR CHECKING OUT WITH ME. I’LL SEE YOU TOMORROW MORNING!” Please notify Angie or Kathy Q. if they don’t have their log.

4. Record the data from the student’s Flight Logs on the summary sheet provided. This data will be monitored and graphed on a regular basis and shared with you. Please contact either Angie Ellsworth or Kathy Quinn if it appears the program is not working or if you have questions/concerns.

Typical Problems and Solutions

1. The student forgets to check-in
This is very common, particularly with younger students or when students are just beginning in the program. The student’s teacher will gently remind the student to go see the Greeter to get their Flight Log. If the problem persists (2-3 days per week), contact Angie or Kathy and we will come up with a plan.

2. The student comes late to school or you are absent
The office staff will have extra Flight Logs and Kobyor Mary will give this student act as a substitute Greeter when the student comes to school late or you are absent.

3. The student loses the card – either just loses it or “loses it” if they are having a bad day
If the student says that the card is lost, thank them for checking in anyway and tell them you look forward to seeing them tomorrow. Let Angie or Kathy know if this happens.

Tips for Providing POSITIVE Feedback

Things to say at check in…

  • Wow! You brought back your Flight Log Summary signed!
  • You’re here on time again -Great!
  • Looks like you’re all set to go
  • It’s great to see you this morning!
  • Looks like you’re ready for a good day!
  • You’re off to a good start!
  • You look so nice this morning!
  • You look happy to be here this morning!
  • I like the way you said “good morning”!
  • Thanks for coming to check in!
  • Sounds like you had a good weekend!
  • We missed you yesterday (if student was absent), nice to see you today!

Things to say at check out….

  • You had a great (awesome, terrific, etc.) day!
  • You’re right on target!
  • Your mom/dad is going to be so proud of you!
  • You’re really working hard!
  • You are such a good student!
  • You made your goal- wow!
  • I know it was a tough day- thanks for coming to check out!
  • We all have tough days once and awhile- I know you can do it tomorrow!
  • You look a little frustrated- what happened?*

*If a student looks upset take a few minutes to “just listen”

  • Looks like today was hard. I know you can turn it around tomorrow.