Night Essay


Choose 1 essay question and write a 5 paragraph essay on that topic

  • Refer to the Writing Guidelines & Purdue Owl for assistance
  • Will be scored using the Writing Rubric


  1. Planning & Pre Writing

Choose your topic for your class period

  • Periods 1 & 4 options:
  • At the beginning of Night, Eliezer describes himself as someone who believes “profoundly.” How have his experiences during his imprisonment affected his faith? Choose 3+ main examples.
  • Imagine that you are a member of a committee asked to create a Holocaust Memorial and you need to find THREE quotes from the story that best represent, symbolize, or epitomize the Holocaust. Which THREE quotes would you choose? Explain why you chose these particular quotes.
  • Periods5 & 8 options:
  • Night focuses on a single year in Eliezer’s life. Identify and explain 3+ of the internal and external conflicts he faced that year.
  • In what ways did the concentration camp life affect the relationships between fathers and their sons? Why did their relationships change during the course of their imprisonment? Choose 3+ main examples.
  • In what ways is the word Night an appropriate metaphor for the author’s experiences and ultimately a good title for his memoir? Choose 3+ main examples.
  1. Pre Writing [Use the Night Essay Pre Writing graphic organizer]

Choose 3 main examples

  • Choose 1 quote per example

Write a 3-point thesis

  • Include the 3 main ideas/examples you will focus on
  1. Writing

Write your 5 paragraph essay

  • 1 quote per body paragraph
  1. Editing

Use the Editing Checklist to Edit [page 2 of this packet]

  1. Submit [Due on Friday April 7th]

Turn in your essay on Turtitin.com

Hand in your printed essay

Editing Checklist

Directions: Use this checklist to make sure you have all of the necessary components in your essay

MLA Format:




Double spaced

Font: Times New Roman 12 (or Ariel or Calibri)


4-6 sentences long


includes author’s name and book title

Thesis statement

Body Paragraph 1:

6-8 sentences

3 details/examples

1 quote

  • introduced
  • speaker clear
  • properly cited

quote explained

concluding sentence

Body Paragraph 2:

6-8 sentences

3 details/examples

1 quote

  • introduced
  • speaker clear
  • properly cited

quote explained

concluding sentence

Body Paragraph 3:

6-8 sentences

3 details/examples

1 quote

  • introduced
  • speaker clear
  • properly cited

quote explained

concluding sentence


4-6 sentences

restates thesis

3 details/reasons restated

ends with concluding thought