Disability Program Navigator

Affordable and Accessible Housing

List of Related Documents

1.) See attached Bio of James Yates, TAC Associate

2.) Priced Out 2002 – TAC and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Housing Task Force released Priced Out documenting the severe housing crisis facing people with disabilities and describes how this crisis has worsened. The report is available at

3.) Section 8 Made Simple - This guidebook contains practical information to assist people with disabilities and the entire disability community to navigate through the Section 8 program more successfully. It is available at

4.) Piecing it All Together - This is an excellent resource book for communities and disability advocates to help them influence the development of their Consolidated Plan to help provide housing for persons with disabilities.

It is available at

5.) Regional Housing Forum: A Technical Assistance Guide for Housing Resources and Strategy - This guide provides detailed information on housing resources and strategies to assist people with disabilities. This book was prepared for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Systems Change Grantees Conference, held in March 2003. It is available at

6.) Opening Doors Issue 22, September 2003 State Housing Agencies - How They Can Help People with Disabilities - This issue describes the various types of state housing agencies and the resources they control. It also identifies strategies for using these resources to expand housing options for people with disabilities with the lowest incomes. It is available at

7.) Contact the National Council of State Housing Finance Agencies, the membership organization for state housing finance agencies, to locate the housing finance agency for your state at

8.) To find the Public Housing Authority in your community, go to HUD’s online listing at

9.) HUD offers a nationwide database/list of:

- Existing HUD-assisted rentalhousing (Section 8 supported projects) at

- Multi-family units for the elderly and/or persons with disabilities (Section 811) at and

- Housing Counseling Agencies at

10.) TAC provides a list of agencies who administer following targeted disability vouchers:

Mainstream Vouchers at

Designated Housing Vouchers at

Certain Vouchers at and

- Fair Share Vouchers at

11.) The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) is formally affiliated with state housing coalitions. A list of the state housing coalitions is located on the NLIHC’s website at

12.) Other Useful Websites to learn more about affordable housing in your community.

Government Agencies

US Department of Housing and Urban Development -

Non-Profit Agencies

The Enterprise Foundation provides a range of services to non-profit organizations developing affordable housing, including grants, loans, technical assistance, training, research, and information. For more information on Enterprise’s programs, go to

The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) is a national non-profit corporation established in 1971 to increase the availability of decent and affordable housing for low-income people in rural areas throughout the United States. For more information on HAC, please go to

The Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC) is a national non-profit support organization and social investment banker for community development corporations nationwide, providing both funding and technical assistance. For more information on LISC, please go to

The Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) works to expand the quantity and quality of service-supported permanent housing for individuals with special needs who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. For more information on CSH, please go to

The Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (NRC) is a national non-profit that provide support to local community-based non-profits in the form of grants, loans and equity investments to create affordable housing. For more information on NRC and its programs, go to

The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) is a national advocacy organization and coalition of State Affordable Housing Advocacy Groups. For more information, go to