Best Practice Statement for Chair (not to be read out):
- The principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 should be considered throughout the whole meeting.
- Prior to the meeting the Chair must ensure that the meeting’s minute-taker is able to fulfil their responsibilities in line with Hampshire County Council’s minute-taking guidance. The Chair must be aware of the needs of the minute-taker throughout the meeting. If part of the meeting needs to be recorded verbatim the Chair will make this clear to the meeting and the minute-taker, stating the start and end points.
- The Chair has the authority to suspend the meeting at any point and review its membership. This may lead to the meeting being held in 2 parts with different attendees.
- The Chair must ensure that the attendees will receive the minutes only for the part of the meeting at which they were present. The Chair will need to decide whether the minutes (and which copy of the minutes if more than one) should be sent to anyone invited but not attending the meeting.
1Welcome and introductions: name, title and connection with service user/service provider.
Chair to askfor name, job title and connection to service user
2Reason for this meeting:Chair to read out the following:
In line with Hampshire County Council’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy, this meeting is to share what you know about (add name/s of service user/s or service provider here)and the allegation/s of abuse; to make shared decisions about what we do next, and take responsibility for actions to protect the service user/s.
Central to this meeting are the views and wishes of the service user/s and everybody’s views within this meeting will be respected, everything that is discussed remains confidential.
To make things easier for the minute taker can people talk one at a time, and please remember that minutes taken are an accurate summary of the discussion, not a verbatim record. If you need to check anything please talk to me (the Chair) after the meeting has ended.
3a: Background information of service user e.g name, age, outline of health and social care needs, general situation including any previous safeguarding concerns or risk management plans
b: Details of concerns raised Chair to ask an appropriate person in the meeting for a summary of concerns
c: Do the concerns represent an ongoing risk to the service user/s or anyone else?Chair to seek views of meeting
d: Representation of service user/s views wishesand desired outcomes Chair to ask Care Manager to share with the meeting the views of service user. If service users views have not been sought record the reasons in the minutes.
4Does anyone have anything to add? Chair to ask meeting
5A review of the level of response and seriousness (incorporating the views of the service user/s) was agreed by those attending as follows:
Chair to lead discussion & gain consensus view on risk using the Levels Of Responseand Seriousness Tool:
6Safeguarding allegations: Not determined/inconclusive; Inconclusive pending investigation;Not substantiated; Part substantiated; SubstantiatedChair to lead discussion & gain consensus view on allegations
7Protection Plan:
Clarify risks, agree the Protection plan and responsibilities to minimise risks
Chair to lead discussion & focus on safeguarding concerns and ensure everyone knows the actions they are responsible for before they leave the meeting. Chair to use discussion on risks and outcomes to inform protection plan and actions
Consider use of Family Group Conference
What Will Happen / Who Will Do This / By When- Feedback to Service User / Rep, to include:
- copy of Protection Plan
- explanation of minutes
- availability for future meetings
- Update relevant parties e.g:
- Hantsdirect
- Adult ServicesOut of Hours
- GP
- Housing
- Family
Record outcomes e.g. - AIS/ SWIFT
- RiO
- Provider view
8Is everyone in agreement with the decisions made today, and how we reached them?
Chair to lead discussion
9The status of the case was agreed by those attending as: Open to safeguarding procedures, or Closed to Safeguarding?
Chair to lead discussion and gain consensus view of meeting. If case is to be closed ensure action is recorded on protection plan.
10Next meeting:
Format of meeting:
(e.g. in two parts family/provider to attend second part only)
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