Paton-Churdan Community School District

P.O. Box 157

606 Adrian Street

Churdan, IA 50050

Board of Education Meeting

May 8, 2017

Churdan School Library

6:00 PM


1. Call to Order

The meeting of the Paton-Churdan School Board was called to order at 6:02 PM at the Churdan School Library by President Palmer.

2. Roll Call

The following Board members were in attendance: Palmer, Happe and Tilley. Robey was absent. Also present were Superintendent Lensch, Principal Smith and Board Secretary Denise Best.

3. Approve Agenda



Motion by Happe, seconded by Tilley to approve the agenda as presented to the Board. All voted aye, motion carried.

Oath of Office

1. Board Member Oath of Office

Board Secretary Denise Best administered the Oath of Office to Board Member Mitch Stream.

Consent Agenda

1. Approval of the Minutes

2. Approval of the Bills

3. Approval of the Financial Report

4. Fundraisers

5. Open Enrollment Applications

6. Personnel Issues



Motion by Stream, seconded by Tilley to approve the consent as presented to the Board. All voted aye, motion carried. There were no fundraisers, open enrollment applications or personnel issues to approve.

Oral Reports

1. Recognition of Visitors

The Board welcomed Tevor Bundt, Autumn Gannon, Marissa Hoyle, Chase Juergensen, Kristen LeFebvre and Aubri Roper.

2. Principal – Mrs. Smith

·  Graduation

3. Superintendent – Mr. Lensch

·  School Board Appreciation

·  Transportation

·  ELC Change over update

Discussion Items

1. Summer Projects

Mr. Lensch discussed with the Board the summer project and bids received for the projects.

2. Desk Audit Results

Mr. Lensch discussed with the Board the Desk Audit results from the Department of Education. Mr. Lensch also informed the Board that the Desk Audit is complete.

Action Items

1. 2017-18 Lunch Prices

Motion by Happe, seconded by Stream to increase student lunch prices to $2.80 and student breakfast to $1.75 for the 2017-18 school year. All other prices will remain the same for the 2017-18 school year.

2. Administrative Salary

Motion by Tilley, seconded by Stream to increase the Principal salary by 2.42%, which would be an increase of $2067 for the 2017-18 school year.

3. Teacher Sharing

Motion by Stream, seconded by Happe to approve the sharing agreement with Greene County CSD for 17.50% time for the math Teacher pending mutual agreement on schedule as presented to the Board. All voted aye, motion carried.

4. 2nd Reading of 600 series Board Policies

Motion by Happe, seconded by Stream to approve the 2nd reading of the 600 series Board Policies as presented to the Board. All voted aye, motion carried.

5. 1st Reading of 700, 800 and 900 series Board Policies

Motion by Happe, seconded by Stream to approve the 1st reading the 700, 800 and 900 series Board Policies as presented to the Board. All voted aye, motion carried.


Motion by Happe, seconded by Tilley to adjourn the regular meeting of the Paton-Churdan School Board. All voted aye, motion carried.

The Board adjourned at 7:12 PM.

There being no further business the next regular meeting of the Paton-Churdan School Board will be June 12th at 6:00 PM at the Churdan School Library.