Please note the purpose of the minutes are to record the most salient points of the meeting, not the entirety of conversations.
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
Tuesday 14th March 2017 in the Village Hall, Horrabridge at 7.30pm
Chairman – Cllr Beard
Vice Chair – Cllr Roche
Cllrs – Moorhead, Hemsil, Minns & Lear
Clerk - Andrea Taylor / In Attendance:
12 members of the public
Cllr Cloke, Sanders / Apologies:
Cllr Godkin & Ransley
1 / WELCOME: - The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. / ACTION
3 / Democratic / Public Question Time: (max 20 minutes)
3a / Website not up-to-date. Clerk explained that there had been ongoing issues but had been in communication with BestHost and the issues were close to being resolved. Alan Yeo said that he had been told it had been hacked, this clerk had no knowledge of this. Mr Yeo went on to say that the website was up and running. Clerk responded that maybe BestHost had resolved the issue. Cllr Hemsil proposed that he maintain and manage the website, Cllr Moorhead seconded all in favour.
4 / Declaration of Interest:
Cllr Lear declared an interest in item 10c, as the builder is an indirect family member.
Cllr Roche point of order - Cllr Beard and Hemsil should declare an interest in item 10a as they are both on the committee of HRFT. Cllr Beard representing the council and Cllr Hemsil as a member of the public.
5 / Minutes:
Cllr Roche said that item 12c of February’s minutes had not been voted on. The naming of the new development next to the village hall was only a suggestion, it’s down to the developer to submit a name, which then goes through the process of being checked by WDBC and the Post Office. HPC was only asked out of courtesy. No vote required.
Cllr Moorhead proposed and Cllr Roche seconded. A vote was carried and the minutes were declared a true and accurate representation of the previous month meeting.
6 / Progress Reports:
6a / Hedge at Manor Estate/A386 – has been cut back. Cllr Moorhead continued home owner responsibility. The virtual footpath needs clearing between Horrabridge and Magpie, so much rubbish and debris the virtual pathway no longer exists. Cllr Beard to email Highways. Cllr Sanders – as from the 1st April Devon Highways ceases to have a contract, taken over by Swedish firm Skanska. / Cllr Beard
6b / Chapter 8 online training – Clerk has not heard when this will be up and running. Clerk spoke to Cllr Ransley prior to the meeting who will follow-up this matter. / Cllr Ransley
7 / Proposed date for APM:
7a / Tuesday 9th May at 7pm in the village hall to be followed by the monthly meeting at 7.30pm. All Councillors in favour.
8 / Borough and County Councillor’s reports
8a / Cllr Cloke, Local Plan between West Devon, South Hams and Plymouth open for public comments in May. Comments to be made to the local inspectorate online, every comment will be read. ‘Every comment counts’. One main concern is the A386 (the northern corridor in to Plymouth) Proposed development of 2,000 houses at Woolwell. Massive difference to traffic. Proposal that the road from the George Hotel to Tesco roundabout is to be dual. A survey to be undertaken across Roborough Common. The airport site has been embargoed for another five years, which will give respite to the traffic situation. Travel to work or school will be severely disrupted.
Cllr Sanders – work to Derriford roundabout to the flyover at Crownhill will give a slip road going off towards Forder Valley which is going to be upgraded. The section from Woolwell down to Derriford roundabout that will be dual, that is set in the program.
After 8 years Cllr Sanders has managed to get Devon to seriously look at a cycle track along the A386 across Roborough. The tree felling along this route has nothing to do with the cycle track.
National Park – undergoing staffing structure.
Very sad bereavement of Cllr Mike Benson for Bere Alston, there will be a bye election the same day as the Devon elections.
9 / Police attendance/monthly report
9a / Apologies from PCSO Rob Walsh, email read out by Cllr Beard. Negative spike with ten crimes recorded, although only three affect the community. These revolve around a young person who has been causing issues in the community. This person has been arrested for offences committed and is being dealt with accordingly. The person will be working with the Young Offenders Team and Multiagency support. In comparison to this time last year only four crimes reported and none directly affecting the community.
10 / Planning
10a / Phone Mast proposed for Fillace Park – Cllrs Beard and Hemsil had declared an interest at the start of the meeting. Andy Stewart, chairman of HRFT asked to give an update. Shared Access wanted to put the mast in the corner of the car park, DNPA rejected this application. A second site was proposed to the east of the field, it was agreed that this might work. A week ago Shared Access decided they would not proceed with the new site but would appeal to DNPA. Cllr Roche urged all councillors to look at the site before April. Cllr Minns asked Mr Stewart did he ask for the reasons why Shared Access did not want to proceed with the second site, Mr Stewart said no.
10b / Proposed removal of five trees from riverbank at the rear of Chapel Lane. (Vincent House). HPC have not been informed about this from DNPA which is the usual channel. Applicant approached Cllr Hemsil directly. Cllr Roche explained not able to make a decision without going through the required procedures. Cllr Roche to contact Brian Beasly at DNPA to find out why HPC has not been informed. / Cllr Roche
10c / 24 Station Road – Cllr Lear had declared an interest at the start of the meeting. The upstairs room layout has been changed which mean it now overlooks builds at the back. HPC opposed the amendments to DNPA. Cllr Roche spoke to Jo Burgess at DNPA and was informed that it would probably go to a full committee meeting to be held on 7th April. Cllr Cloke said he would be able to attend. DNPA website not updated with HPC comments. Cllr Clokes concern was that work is still being done to the rear of the property and whilst this is being done the developer has more of an argument why not to change it back to what it should be. Cllr Roche to contact Jo Burgess and relay that information. Cllr Sander’s was of the understanding that the principle objector was reasonably happy with what has been agreed subsequently. / Cllr Cloke
Cllr Roche
10d / TPO, The Old Station – 7 trees behind No. 11 and 12, all have TPO. Copice five sycamores, cut back an oak and hawthorn. HPC support this.
Item not on the agenda – Spinner’s – wanted to fell two trees one being an oak, very spindly, trees around it taking all its water. She now has planning permission to do that.
11 / Finance
11a / To consider payment to be made as on list attached (cheque signing)
British Gas / 554.77 / Winter Gas bill
DB Heating / 118.32 / Gas boiler service
Cllr Moorhead / 47.74 / Reimbursement various
Grant Thornton / 390.00 / Annual return
DALC / 448.04 / Annual membership
RoSPA / 84.00 / Play area inspection
11b / Approval of precept 2017/18, Cllr Godkin (Chair of Finance) absent from the meeting. Precept increased by 8% on last years figures. Total figure will be £35,897.00 this figure includes the council tax support grant. Cllr Roche proposed, Cllr Hemsil seconded all in favour. Cllr Hemsil pointed out that this should have been discussed at the January meeting. Clerk, it was discussed in part 2 of the January meeting.(retrospective – Clerk apologies precept increased by 9% not 8%).
12 / Open Spaces
12a / Play area (Weir Park) report – safety inspection report, all councillors to read and will discuss the out at the April meeting. It does mean that HPC will have to spend money on it with possibly one piece being removed. / Clerk
12b / Allotments – Cllrs Moorhead and Minns have inspected the site and work needs to be done. This is no reflection of present or past allotment holders. Quite a few changes, a meeting to be held 2nd May 2017, 7.30pm in the village hall. Expect one person from every plot to attend. Cllr Moorhead proposed that all rubbish, plastic, wood etc be put on one empty plot. By the top hedge very overgrown, needs tidying up. Need to check on sheds and if permitted. Is a communial compost bin required? Also establish boundaries. Other contracts state you look after your plot and two of the paths surrounding it. So some self-help required. Access needs to be looked at so plots by the gate are not disturbed. HPC to pay to take some rubbish away, with a controlled burn for other waste. Clerk to send letter out inviting them to attend the meeting, opportunity for allotment holders to bring ideas to the meeting. Invoice to run from April. Cllr Moorhead to update at the May meeting. / Clerk
13 / Councillors reports and items for future agenda
13a / Cllr Hemsil – Posting of agenda as per standing orders, three working days prior to the meeting.
BT bills Clerk requested Cllr Hemsil to cancel paperless billing, Cllr Hemsil requested paperwork.
Gas and electricity bill increase possibly due to a tariff increase. Electricity bill could be due to the extra lights over Christmas. Gas bill previously was an estimate. Clerk to investigate a better deal. / Clerk
15b / Cllr Moorhead – purchase of push along mower decision to be made today. Clerk advised that the council shouldn’t make that decision according to the ‘standing orders’. Should not bring something to a meeting and expect to vote and purchase an item, it should be something that we think about and reconsider and vote on at a later date. Cllr Hemsil said that three quotes if the price is over £400. Cost of a new mower is £430 + VAT. Cllr Beard has two quotes as the third has not come back to him. Cllr Roche, it needs to be three quotes for the same model. Cllr Beard, they are for alternative models. Cllr Hemsil, nothing in use at the moment so classed as an emergency. If we can’t cut the grass we are failing our duties.
Flood resilience – meeting held 23 February with the EA, plans to mark out drains. Training to take place 19th and 26th September. People must do things for themselves. HPC provide sandbags. Invite residents to the training so they are more able to help themselves. We need to be proactive not reactive.
15c / Cllr Lear – Potholes. Cllr Beard no money left in Highways budget this year.
15d / Cllr Roche – southern Link meeting on 16th March, if there are any issues that need to be raised please let him know by Thursday.
HATOC meeting also on Thursday, Cllr Sanders to discuss yellow lines. HPC had a meeting in January. Cllr Sanders read out a list of recommendations; Manor Estate as advertised, Bedford Place and Jordan Lane should not be implemented at this time, Whitchurch Road over the bridge and turn left everyone supports, not sure about the other side of the road. Cllr Roche no one ever parks there only visitors who don’t know the village. Cllr Sanders happy to take to HATOC what HPC wants. Cllr Roche, nothing on website about the bit that sticks out by the London Inn also the bit opposite Station Road on the bend. Cllr Sanders to find out what has happened. Cllr Roche to resend email to Cllr Sanders. / Cllr Sanders
Cllr Roche
16 / Democratic / Public Question Time: (max 10 minutes)
16a / Naming new development at Walkham Meadows? HPC assumed it was going to be an extension of Walkham Meadows with a continuation of numbers.
16b / Dog mess, Fillace Park green bad area. Cllr Moorhead, awaiting for a bracket to be delivered and a dog waste bin will be installed on the post where the convex mirror is. Resident, dog bin not necessary we need someone there to catch them. Cllr Beard urged people to go to the WDBC website and report to the Locality Officer. Waste of time paying out for bins no one ever gets a fine the same with the yellow lines. Cllr Hemsil suggested that the locality officer is asked to attend. Cllr Beard, they need to build a bigger picture, evidence on the website.
16c / Precept, increase of 8% previous increases have been in the region of 2%. DCC are not doing as much as they use to so this is to help cover the cost of HPC workload, also increase in staff wages.
16 / Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 11th April 2017 at 7.30pm in the village hall.


HRFT Horrabridge Recreation Field Trust

HPC Horrabridge Parish Council

HRSA Horrabridge Rangers Sports Association

WDBC West Devon Borough Council

DCC Devon County Council

DNPA Dartmoor National Park Authority

SWW South West Water

EA Environment Agency

LACC Local Authority Control Company

TPO Tree Preservation Order

HATOC Highways and Traffic Orders Committee