Registration form

Participant’s Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

Mailing Address: ______Age:______Grade:______


Home Phone: ______Approximate Weight: ______

Father’s Name: ______Work/Cell Phone: ______

Mother’s Name: ______Work/Cell Phone: ______

Emergency Contact: ______Work/Cell Phone: ______

Primary Physician: ______Work/Cell Phone: ______

Insurance Carrier: ______Policy Number: ______

Previous Experience: ______E-Mail:______

Fee Paid______Shirt Size (circle one): YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL

Essex Youth Wrestling:

My Child, ______, has had a physical exam within the last two years and is physically fit to participate in the Essex Youth Wrestling Program. I authorize the program director, or his assistants to act for me according to their best judgment in the event of any emergency and I cannot be contacted. Furthermore I understand that participation in the sport of wrestling inherently carries risks of physical injury. I furthermore agree to absolve Essex Youth Wrestling, EssexHigh School, staff and volunteers of any and all liability from an injury incurred while participating in the Essex Youth Wrestling Program.


Signature of Parent or Guardian Date


Dear Warrior Family,

Welcome to another great season of hard work and fun. If this is your wrestlers first year, welcome aboard! As you may or may not know, the Essex Youth Wrestling Team is a private, non-profit team that needs to raise approximately $12,000 per season to cover all expenses. This cost includes, but is not limited to, tournament entry fees, uniforms, team apparel/gear, hosting tournaments, insurance, etc.

To cover these expenses we have several fundraising opportunities throughout the season. We have been fortunate for the past several years to have a team of parents jump right in and get the job done! If you are new to us, we welcome you to get involved. We are asking that each family help with at least one fundraising event. Most end up helping with several, which is awesome! The following is a list of some events planned for this season:

1. Hoagie's Fundraiser. They will generously donate 10% of all sales on Monday, December 9, 2013. Dine-in or take-out. So tell all your friends and family. We will be asking some wrestlers to take shifts cleaning tables from 5:00 to 8:00. It's fun for the customers to "see" who their money is going to.

2. Calcutta. Date to be determined soon. Help is needed to solicit prizes, set up, tear down, prep appetizers and work during the event.

3. Annual raffle. Help is greatly appreciated in soliciting for prizes.

4. State Championship Tournament. Kitchen help (set up, working and/or cooking, clean up), gym help (setting up mats, tables, table help during matches, clean up, etc.), working the snow cone machine. Lots to do and we for sure need everyone's help for that event!

5. We will possibly be hosting a second tournament. All the same help will be needed for that one too.

6. First Annual Warrior Golf Tournament to be held at The Links at Lang, Saturday, August 9, 2014. Volunteers are needed to solicit sponsors and prizes, work the contests, BBQ, etc.

7. 4th Annual Warrior Summer Wrestling Camp in 2014. Help needed to set up, tear down, donate food, cook and/or sell lunches.

8. In lieu of a bottle drive, Essex Discount Beverage has generously offered for us to put a sign up at the bottle redemption center for the duration of the wrestling season. Volunteers are needed to make an outstanding sign since we are competing with other organizations! Customers who donate choose where their bottle money goes!

I will be sending out emails/sign-ups well ahead of each event. It's a long season and everyone pitching in makes a world of difference. Anyone interested in getting more involved in the fundraising process please contact me at 922-2170 or . Looking forward to another great season!!


Paula Lamell