Action plan for Health Provision within

Cheshire Constabulary Custody Suites

August 2011

Author: Nicola Ellis

No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
1 /


1A. / Posters, leaflets etc to be developed and given to all detainees who receive health provision within the custody suite detailing how to make a complaint, compliment or comment about the service. / HMIC / Reliance
1B. / Policies will need to be reviewed to ensure they reflect the requirements of the local Safeguarding Boards to ensure vulnerable children are identified and referred appropriately.
If the current policies do not reflect local safeguarding board arrangements, the following should be completed: / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Bi / Links to be made with the local safeguarding children board. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Bii / A revised safeguarding children policy to be developed in partnership with the local safeguarding children board. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Biii / All Custody staff should be trained in Safeguarding Vulnerable Children in line with the local Safeguarding Boards standards. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Biv / All Health staff should be trained in Safeguarding Vulnerable Children in line with the local Safeguarding Boards standards. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Bv / Implementation of the revised safeguarding children. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
1Bvi / The Safeguarding Vulnerable Children training for Custody staff will occur according/ in line with the local safeguarding boards recommendations and be recorded within the individual staff records. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Bvii / The Safeguarding Vulnerable Children training for Health staff will occur according/ in line with the local safeguarding boards recommendations and be recorded within the individual staff records. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1C. / Policies to be reviewed to ensure they reflect the requirements of the local Safeguarding to ensure vulnerable adults are identified and referred appropriately.
If the current policies do not reflect local safeguarding board arrangements, the following should be completed: / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Ci / Links will be made with the local safeguarding adults’ board. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Cii / A revised safeguarding children policy to be developed in partnership with the local safeguarding adults’ board. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Ciii / All Custody staff should be trained in Safeguarding Vulnerable adults in line with the local Safeguarding Boards standards. / HMIC expectations
NHS Com / Police
1Civ / All Health staff should be trained in Safeguarding Vulnerable adults in line with the local Safeguarding Boards standards. / HMIC
NHS Com / Reliance
1Cv / Implementation of the safeguarding adults policy. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
1Cvi / The Safeguarding Vulnerable adults training for Custody staff will occur according/ in line with the local safeguarding boards recommendations and be recorded within the individual staff records. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
1Cvii / The Safeguarding Vulnerable adults training for Health staff will occur according/ in line with the local safeguarding boards recommendations and be recorded within the individual staff records. / HMIC
NHS Com / Reliance
1D / Current contractual arrangements to be adhered to with regard to all HCP’s being based within the custody suites rather than ‘on call’ / NHS Com / Police
2 / Risk Safety & Security
2A / A policy on commencing / maintaining ACCT documentation is developed for those detainees who are being transferred to / from Prison with emotional & mental health needs. / SDHP
HMIC / Police
2B / Health staff receive training on ACCT and its use. / SDHP
HMIC / Reliance
2C / The ACCT training for health staff is recorded within their personal training records. / SDHP
HMIC / Reliance
2D / Custody staff receive training on ACCT and its use. / SDHP
HMIC / Police
2E / The ACCT training for Custody staff is recorded within their personal training records. / SDHP
HMIC / Police
2F / The implementation of the ACCT policy / SDHP
/ Police
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
2G / Adherence to the ACCT policy is audited regularly. Timetable to be developed / SDHP
HMIC / Police
2H / The quality of PER forms will be audited regularly. Timetable to be developed / SDHP
HMIC / Police
2I / Existing policy to be reviewed, with regard to ensuring all detainees subject to the use of force are seen by health staff within 2 hours regardless of whether the detainee requests it.
If the current policies do not reflect the above, the following should be completed: / HMIC / Police
2Ii / Existing policies to revised, with regard to ensuring all detainees subject to the use of force to be seen by health staff within 2 hours regardless of whether the detainees requests it. / HMIC / Police
2Iii / All Custody staff to be trained in the revised use of force policy. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
2Iiii / All Health staff to be trained in the revised use of force policy. / HMIC
NHS Com / Reliance
2Iiv / The revised use of force policy to be implemented. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
2Iv / The training on the use of force policy for Custody staff will occur frequently and be recorded within the individual staff records. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
2Ivi / The training on the use of force policy for health staff will occur frequently and be recorded within the individual staff records. / HMIC
NHS Com / Reliance
2Ivii / Protocols with regard to detainees subject to the use of force being seen by health staff within 2 hours will be regularly audited. / HMIC / Police/Reliance
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
2J / Health staff should complete sections of the Constabulary ‘Use of Force’ documentation where appropriate. / NHS Com / Police
2K / Data with regard to use of force will be collated in conjunction with health colleagues and include numbers & types of injuries sustained to afford trend analysis and inform learning. / HMIC / Police
2L / Existing policy to be reviewed, with regard to pre release assessments are done in a timely manner. They include timescales for assessments prior to release.
If the current policies do not reflect the above, the following should be completed: / HMIC / Police
2Li / Existing policies to be revised, to ensure pre release assessments are done in a timely manner. They include timescales for assessments prior to release / HMIC / Police
2Lii / All Custody staff to be trained in the revised pre release policy. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
2Liii / All Health staff to be trained in the revised pre release policy. / HMIC
NHS Com / Reliance
2Liv / Implementation of the pre-release policy will be implemented. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
2Lv / Training on the pre release policy for Custody staff will occur frequently and be recorded within the individual staff records. / HMIC
NHS Com / Police
2Lvi / The training on the pre release policy for health staff will occur frequently and be recorded within the individual staff records. / HMIC expectations
NHS Com / Reliance
2Lvii / Policies with regard to pre release assessments will be regularly audited. / HMIC / Police
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
2M / All health staff to have a copy of PACE guidance and have signed to state they have read and understood the guidance. / PACE / Reliance
2N / The contract arrangements with GMP in regard to TACT detainees will be reviewed to ensure they include health provision in line with PACE. Is this correct being here? / HMIC / Police
2O / A policy will be developed to advise custody staff with regard to A&E refusing to treat a detainee. / SDHP
NHS Com / Reliance
Local Acute Trusts NWAS
2Oi / All appropriate Custody staff should be trained in the policy with regard to A&E refusing to treat a detainee. / SDHP
NHS Com / Police
2Oii / All health staff should be trained in the policy with regard to A&E refusing to treat a detainee. / SDHP
NHS Com / Reliance
2Oiii / The training on the policy with regard to A&E refusing to treat a detainee for Custody staff is recorded within the individual staff records. / SDHP
NHS Com / Police
2Oiv / The training policy with regard to A&E refusing to treat a detainee for health staff is recorded within the individual staff records. / SDHP
NHS Com / Reliance
2Ov / Policy to be implemented to advise custody staff with regard to A&E refusing to treat a detainee. / SDHP
NHS Com / Reliance
Local Acute Trusts NWAS
2Ovi / A proforma to be developed on which to record those cases where A&E refuse treatment, reasons why and what action was taken. / NHS Com / Reliance
2Ovii / The proformas on which A&E refuse treatment is recorded will be collated in order to identify trends and challenge local A&E’s where appropriate. / NHS Com / Reliance
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
2P / The use of Suction equipment is included within the annual refresher first aid training for all custody staff. / SDHP
NHS Com / Police
3 / Clinical Standards & Record Keeping
3A / Doctors of both genders to be available should the detainee request a male or female Doctor specifically. / PACE
HMIC / Reliance
3Bi / A policy to be developed with regard to chaperones for male HCP assessing a female detainee. / PACE
HMIC / Reliance
3Bii / All Custody staff should be trained in the policy with regard to chaperones for male HCP assessing a female detainee. / PACE
HMIC / Police
3Biii / All health staff should be trained in the policy with regard to chaperones for male HCP assessing a female detainee. / PACE
HMIC / Reliance
3Biv / The training on the policy with regard to chaperones for male HCP assessing a female detainee for Custody staff is recorded within the individual staff records. / PACE
HMIC / Police
3Bv / The training policy with regard to chaperones for male HCP assessing a female detainee for health staff is recorded within the individual staff records. / PACE
HMIC / Reliance
3Bvi / A policy to be implemented to advise staff with regard to chaperones for male HCP assessing a female detainee. / PACE
HMIC / Reliance
3C / Arrest Referral/ DIP Workers to share information with Prisons when a detainee is remanded. / HMIC
SDHP / Cheshire DAAT
3S / Regular stock checks of Clinical equipment are carried out to ensure ‘out of date’ products are disposed of. / NHS Com / Reliance
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
3E / Regular stock checks are completed to ensure clinical supplies are available to staff and meet the requirements of SDHP, 2006 Appendix 14 at all times. / SDHP
NHS Com / Reliance
4 / Pharmacy
4Ai / Development of a policy for the provision of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) / HMIC / Reliance
4Aii / Health staff will be trained with regard to the NRT Policy. / HMIC / Reliance
4Aiii / Custody Staff will be trained with regard to the NRT policy. / HMIC / Reliance
4Aiv / Training on NRT Policy for health staff is recorded within their personal training records. / HMIC / Reliance
4Av / Training on NRT Policy for custody staff is recorded within their personal training records. / HMIC / Reliance
4Avi / Implementation of the NRT policy. / HMIC / Reliance
4Avii / The policy with regard to the provision of NRT will be audited regularly. / HMIC / Reliance
4B / Health staff have 24hr access to a Pharmacist for advice. / SDHP
HMIC / Reliance
4C / Where HCP’s are available, Henley Bags are not used as HCP administer all medications. / NHS Com / Reliance
4Di / A policy with regard to having a second signatory when checking Controlled Drugs is developed. / NHS Com / Reliance
4Dii / Health staff will be trained with regard to the policy on having a second signatory when checking Controlled Drugs. / NHS Com / Reliance
4Diii / Custody Staff will be trained with regard to the policy on having a second signatory when checking Controlled Drugs. / NHS Com / Reliance
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
4Div / Training for health staff with regard to the policy on having a second signatory when checking Controlled Drugs is recorded within their personal training records. / NHS Com / Reliance
4Dv / Training for custody staff with regard to the policy on having a second signatory when checking Controlled Drugs is recorded within their personal training records. / NHS Com / Reliance
4Dvi / The policy on having a second signatory when checking Controlled Drugs will be implemented. / NHS Com / Reliance
4Dvii / The policy on having a second signatory when checking Controlled Drugs will be audited regularly. / NHS Com / Reliance
6 / Resuscitation
6Ai / A policy will be developed with regard to provision of a security sealed bag containing essential medical / resuscitation equipment. / Cheshire Police / Reliance
6Aii / Health staff will be trained with regard to provision of a security sealed bag containing essential medical / resuscitation equipment. / Cheshire Police / Reliance
6Aiii / Custody Staff will be trained with regard to provision of a security sealed bag containing essential medical / resuscitation equipment. / Cheshire Police / Reliance
6Aiv / Training for health staff with regard to provision of a security sealed bag containing essential medical / resuscitation equipment is recorded within their personal training records. / Cheshire Police / Reliance
6Av / Training for custody staff with regard to provision of a security sealed bag containing essential medical / resuscitation equipment is recorded within their personal training records. / Cheshire Police / Reliance
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
6Avi / A policy will be implemented with regard to provision of a security sealed bag containing essential medical / resuscitation equipment / Cheshire Police / Reliance
7 / Infection Control
7A / The current Policies on infection control & Communicable Diseases to be reviewed to ensure they include guidance on decontamination.
If the current policies do not reflect the above, the following should be completed / SDHP
NHS Com / Police
7Ai / Existing policies will be revised to ensure they include guidance on decontamination. / SDHP
NHS Com / Police
7Aii / Health staff to be trained with regard to the revised polices including guidance on decontamination. / SDHP
NHS Com / Reliance
7Aiii / Custody Staff to be trained with regard to the revised polices including guidance on decontamination. / SDHP
NHS Com / Police
7Aiv / Training for health staff with regard to the revised polices including guidance on decontamination is recorded within their personal training records. / SDHP
NHS Com / Reliance
7Av / Training for custody staff with regard to the revised polices including guidance on decontamination is recorded within their personal training records. / SDHP
NHS Com / Police
7Avi / The revised policy will be implemented with regard to the including guidance on decontamination within infection control / communicable diseases. / SDHP
NHS Com / Police
7B / Staff & Visitors have access to Alcohol Free hand wash / rubs NOT alcohol based products. / PACE
SDHP / Police
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
7Ci / The cleaning contract / schedules to be reviewed to ensure they meet NPSA standards for infection control. All cleaning of the clinical rooms is done to the British Institute of Cleaning Science standards. This includes clinical waste disposal and sharps disposal.
If the current contract does not meet NPSA / BICS standards, the following action should be completed: / NHS Com / Police
7Cii / The cleaning contract / schedules to be revised to ensure they meet NPSA standards for infection control. All cleaning of the clinical rooms is done to the British Institute of Cleaning Science standards. This includes clinical waste disposal and sharps disposal. / NHS Com / Police
7Di / The pharmaceutical disposal contract to be reviewed to ensure it meets the required standards.
If the current contract does not meet NPSA / BICS standards, the following action should be completed: / NHS Com / Police


7Dii / The pharmaceutical disposal contract will to be revised to ensure it meets the required standards. / NHS Com / Police
7E / Pharmaceutical waste bins are available in all the clinical rooms. / NHS Com / Police
7F / Infection Control issues are discussed at Clinical Governance and / or Contact Monitoring meetings. / NHS Com / Police
7G / The cupboards utilised for storing clinical equipment have automatically locking doors which require a key to open them. / NHS Com / Police
7H / Each of the three clinical rooms has a dressing trolley. / NHS Com / Police
No. / Action / Source / Owner / Timescale / Update / RAG
7I / Suitable cleaning products are available in each clinical room with which to disinfect the dressing trolley. / NHS Com / Police
7J / Each clinical room has an examination couch that is height adjustable. / NHS Com / Police
7K / There is a drugs fridge available in each clinical rooms. / NHS Com / Police
7L / An equipment sink is available in each clinical room. This must be in place prior to equipmentwhich requires autoclaving being utilised. / NHS Com / Police
7M / The walls in the clinical rooms are coated with a product that can withstand chemical cleaning. / NHS Com / Police
7N / A simple protocol is in place which outlines the basic principles of microbiological hazards. / NHS Com / Reliance
7O / Powder free sterile examination gloves available in a variety of sizes for clinical staff. / NHS Com / Reliance
7P / All sharps boxes are labelled according to accepted sharps waste disposal policy. / NHS Com / Reliance
7Q / Clinical waste bags are labelled in all clinical rooms, as per accepted NHS clinical waste disposal policy. / NHS Com / Reliance
7R / Eye protection is available for clinical staff. / NHS Com / Reliance
7S / Sterile products are not stored on the floor. / NHS Com / Reliance
7T / All foot operated clinical waste bins are in good working order. / NHS com / Police
7U / Sharps bins are positioned on the wall, not on the floor which contravenes accepted sharps disposal guidelines. / NHS Com / Police