District 5810 Roudtable Minutes

July 13, 2013

Host: The Plano Club

Call to Order - Zee Zee

  • Prayer – Ean Sullivan
  • Pledge of Allegiance – John Moser
  • Four Way Test – Krista Hartman

Welcome – District GovernorEan Sullivan

Governor Ean thanked our host club The Rotary Club of Plano. Governor Eanemphasized again his interest in collaborative leadership….but the rest of our Governor Team is missing! They are enjoying retirement or planning for P.E.T.S.

Secretary’s Report-Andrea Stroh Thompson–All roundtable minutes will be available on the District website, and published in the 5810 Monthly Newsletter. RI Semi-Annual Report and Dues are due now so please double check to make sure your club has turned theirs in before the end of July 2013.

Treasurer’s Report–Rob Banes –District Annual Dues are due. Club invoices are being sent to all the clubs and we are asking everyone to double check and make sure they are paid. The monthly District financials are available on the District website at Email is the quickest and easiest way to get reimbursed for expenses.


DG Ean Sullivan- New name badges are ready for pickup for the current year at Roundtable or when you meet with DG Ean at your club visit. Club visits have begun, he had already visited 4 clubs so far, and the rest have been scheduled. DG Ean reported that he leaves each meeting energized about what he is learning about the plans for the new Rotary year. End Polio Now is the project of First Lady Jan Sullivan who has already collected over $2,000 that will be matched 2 for 1 by the Gates Foundation.

The calendar of District Events is on the website but is a work in progress and needs everyone to add their events so that we can try to make sure we don’t’ have competing events. Contact Laurel Roberts to help.

We are taking nominations for the RI Service Above Self award. Coming soon is the call for nominations for DG for 2016-2017.

The District Directory is very close to completion. As soon as it is done, DG Ean will be putting it online and it can be printed by anyone that prefers to have a printed directory. It will also be formatted for easy viewing on an iPad or iPhone.

IPDG Sandy Forster - The District Finance Committee met and found that they have a surplus in the District Reserve Fund over and above what is allowed by the RI MOP so the finance committee is going to be looking for a worthy cause for consideration by the Club Presidents for the next 2 years. One choice is developing another Challenge Grant, the second is to divvy the money up amongst the current disasters in the area like Moore, Oklahoma, Cleburne and West, Texas, and the third challenge was Texas wide Rotary Disaster Relief with all districts that participate in Lone Star PETS. DGN Bill Dendy’s daughters’ home in Cleburne, Texas, was destroyed in the recent tornado and it has helped him to identify several areas that Rotary could assist victims of natural disasters in our area. The results of the District wide survey will be released very soon.

DGE – Bill Dendy – Lone Star PETS will be Feb 28 – Mar 3 and is mandatory for all Presidents-Elect. He is not at Roundtable today because he is at DFW at a planning session for LoneStar PETS but had a wonderful video salutation for the Roundtable.

DG Nominee – Larry Webb –Was unable to attend Roundtable today because he is at DFW at a planning session for LoneStar PETS and also welcomed everyone by video to the first Roundtable of the new Rotary year.

Leadership Development– LB Showalter

Rotary International Leadership Institute – Mary Ellis - There have been over 400 graduates since the program started. We are looking hard at the curriculum to make sure it is unique and useful. There will be an alumni reunion August 17 at First Christian Church in Plano. There will be a minimal cost to attend to cover food and beverages. The next class will be October 26-27.

Membership Development –Howard Templin will be heading up Membership Development in the new Rotary year. The Membership Seminar has been postponed, and will hopefully take place in September. There will be 3 during the year.

Group Study Exchange/Vocational Training Team–Linda Elliott reported it takes about a year and a half to get a Vocational Training Team out so if you haven’t started planning, you won’t get one out this year.

Rotary University – Kim Holland – the new website for Rotary University. The first meeting will be held September 21st on Rotary Basics and will cover the history and basics of Rotary. Club Operations is the topic for October 12, District Ops will be November 2, and the final class on December 7 for Global Operations. The classes take place at SMU campus in Dallas.

President Elect Training – GeorgeRitcheske – working on 2 dates to provide President Elect pre-PETS training.

AG Reports –

Assistant Governors are starting to visit with clubs. The Rotary Club of Dallas Uptown had a 54% increase in their membership last year and have already gotten 2 new members for the new year. Several of the AG’s attended the Installation of Officers for many of their clubs and participated in the installation of their officers.

Foundation Committee – DRFC Glen Rowe

Last year we had $363,000 in donations to the annual fund and $487,000 in total giving, most of that was to End Polio Now. This is the first year of the new grant process so we are working hard this year to compile statistics to show ways the funds were used, and successful models for grant applications.

Currently we have close to $215,000 that we can spend on Global Grants. They are very time consuming and tough to put together with the way that they were restructured a couple of years ago. If the money is not handled appropriately, then the District is responsible, therefore the application, screening and follow up are much more intensive. These funds are taking the place of Humanitarian grants, GSE and Ambassadorial Scholarships that used to be handled at the RI level, that are now up to each District to implement if they choose. Each of these require a partnership with a Rotary club in another country because you must have one local and one international club participating and do a community assessment to have buy in from the community on whatever project is proposed for a Global Grant. There is no time limit for these grants, so anytime they can be proposed, please do so, there aren’t deadlines for submission.

District Grants –DGSC John Moser - We had $75,000 available in grant money, but we had $78,000 of requests. Therefore, each club will get one grant approved and you will get 95% of what was requested. $70,000 of the grant requests were local, $5,000 were international projects.

Foundation Seminar – DRFCGlen Rowe –February 15 at the Biblical Arts Museum will be the next Foundation Seminar from 8 am – noon.

Youth Services – John Curtis

RYLA –Jim Duffy & Beth Anderson –We had another successful year with tremendous campers.

Camp Enterprise -

Interact -Tracy Gomes, Lyle and Sandy Probst, and Vicki Rowe – Their first job is to organize the Leadership Seminar. We have 50 Interact clubs in the District which is a big increase over the last year. We have 7 of those groups that aren’t certified yet.

Rotaract – Daniel Long- We have 9 clubs in the District and need to work on adding more.

Rotary Youth Exchange – Sam Zarro - We had 8 inbound and 8 outbound Youth Exchange students this year.

Community Awareness & PR –Ken Roberts – There will be a concerted effort made to reduce the number of emails that are sent out on behalf of the District. We are limiting the number of emails that go out to the general Rotary population and District Leadership to one time a month with a District Leadership. In order for this to succeed, people are going to have to read and respond to the Newsletter, otherwise, we will have to go back to sending out multiple emails to the District. District Presidents and Presidents Elect will be getting more communication because of their positions.

District eBulletin- If you have information that you would like to include in the District eBulletin that goes to all Club and District Members, please contact Kent Stone at or Lori Roberts at

Leadership eBulletin- If you have information that you would like to include in the Leadership eBulletin that will go to all Club Presidents and Presidents Elect, Executive Directors, AG’s, DG Leadership, please contact Tom Brooks at or Lori Roberts at

District Website - If you would like to include information on the District Website, please contact Kent Stone at

Facebook – Will be updated continually and will contain all District events and pictures. We are up to 1679 likes on our Facebook page! or you can send information to Lori Crider at

District Events & Resources

Blood Drive – DG Ean forDaniel Long– There is a Battle of the Badges Blood Drive going on right now in Plano with 3 locations today to give blood.

Operation Veterans Support – Barry Jordan – Many Veterans have to fill out 400-500 forms to get their benefits and Rotary can fill in some of the gaps for them until they get all of their benefits. Please make an effort to work with Veterans and consider supporting a Veterans project.

Wheelchairs – Tom Harmon – received a very special recognition from Governor Sandy in recognition of his many years of service to District 5810.

Tuberculosis – David Crist– Worldwide TB is increasing. India is running out vaccine because there are worldwide shortages. 1.4 million people died of TB last year, this is a decrease, but still a tremendous loss.

New Business and Announcements:

Grand Prairie–Is hosting a Golf Tournament on September 13, for $125, they are also selling ball drop tickets for $5 each or $20 for 5 for fabulous prizes.

North Texas Pioneers – Have a new meeting place, they have moved from Bavarian Grill to Allen Wickers on Central Expressway.

New Frisco Club – Having their first meeting this Tuesday night, July 16, 6:00 pm at Spring Creek BBQ on Preston Road in Frisco. This new club will be a family friendly club that are considering things like babysitting available at their meeting or events and meetings that are family friendly.

The next Roundtable Meeting is August 10, 2013. Meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrea Stroh Thompson

District Secretary