Student Services Area Reps Meeting
December 16, 2014 * 10-11 AM * RHN 258
Attendees: Bates, R.; Belair, D.; Beyrer, K.; Christian, J.; Cobian, R.; Cornelius, V.; Ely, A.;; Garza, D.; Goff, K.; Gilley, S.; Goldberg, S.; Heisleman, R.; Henderson, V.; Hernandez, C.; Hodge, T.; Janssen, K.; LaChica, J.; Lake, J.; McDaniel, K.; McNelly B.; Moore, V. Rodriguez, I.; Sanders, A.; Tracey, G.; Wydick, D.;
Guests: Belmares, S.; Souza, M. /
Topic / Discussion / Outcome /
1.  Classified participation in participatory governance – M. Souza / ·  Monica Souza and Sandra Belmares spoke on the rights of classified staff to participate in shared governance and on committees. Templates were shared that could be used to schedule and track classified attendance at committee meetings or conferences, etc.
2.  Fall Accomplishments - Area Reps / Moved to end of agenda / ·  SSSP/Matric Standing Committee is the only one that deals with Student Services issues; Reps were encouraged to participate on this committee.
·  76% of the first-time-college students have participated in the three steps of student success.
·  Transfer Center is offering three scholarship workshops in the Spring
·  On April 21st there will be a medical conference held in the Student Center.
·  FAFSA forms are due March 2nd. Students may apply for scholarships in January.
·  Student Leadership and Development reported that there are 47 chartered clubs and 55 advisors this year.
3.  Satisfactory Progress, Students on Probation – K. Goff / Kim Goff gave an update on the process:
·  Probation 1 – hold on record, must attend workshop
·  Prob. 2 – will lose priority registration
·  If on Dismissal, students cannot attend classes for a semester.
·  A hold means that the student must call the school to have the hold removed. Readmission Workshop dates are available on the web or SCC Ambassadors can sign them up or they can go to window #5 at A&R.
·  Joaquin Galvez is modifying the readmission workshop. Financial aid and counseling components are being added.
·  Each campus will probably have a different process on how they follow up with students.
·  Students can appeal dismissal if there are extenuating circumstances.
4.  Announcements:
a.  Quarterly Achievements due 1/15/2014 / ·  Reminder that Quarterly Achievements are due Jan 15.
5.  Other / ·  Introduction of new staff member Blair McNelly, SPA in EOPS.
·  Sherri Goldberg reviewed the draft report of Student Services SLO Committee. Members are Diane Belair, Kim Beyrer, Sherri Goldberg, Deb Luff, Derrick Wydick and Maria Regalado. A website will be created so that information can be shared across student services.
·  A pilot will run next semester. Report attached.
·  Reps were encouraged to review the self-study before convocation. There will be an accreditation self-study open house approach to review the Self-Study in City Café after convocation.

Future meeting dates: February 17, 2015 Canceled on1/17/2015

March 17, 2015

April 21, 2015