Suggested CLLD Timeline of Key Actions for Y2 Teachers
Autumn 1
In partnership with the Y1 practitioner;
•Use phonic progress to update pupil tracker information with end of year outcomes
•Discuss actual progress of groups and individuals with Y1 practitioner
•Share analysis of teacher assessments, children’s work and identify key aspects of CLL that need to be addressed for specific groups
•Discuss possible use of wave 2 and wave 3 interventions for the next academic year
•Review phonic progress and note the percentage of children working securely at Phase 5 or above
•Update the phonic tracker
•Continue daily discrete phonic sessions if appropriate
•Consolidate weaker areas of Phase 5
•Discuss actions and support for those children not making expected progress e.g. provide additional sessions for individuals, groups
•Review the reading and writing NC levels of all the children and note any inconsistencies in relation to the phonic phases
•Plan action – Guided reading and writing sessions
•Set curricular targets for reading and writing
•Plus the use of ongoing actions (see ongoing actions section)
Autumn 2
•Review targets and update phonicprogress tracker
•Review groupings for discrete phonics sessions/ investigations
•Review reading and writing levels.
•Review guided reading groups
•Ensure that children already working/secure at Phase 5 or 6 are provided with sufficiently challenging books for guided reading sessions.
•Possibly draw upon activities from the ‘Y2 and Y3 planning exemplification and spelling programme’
•Analyse samples of children’s writing and assess current level with previous Y1 teacher
•Plan Shared and Guided Writing sessions to address specific areas of need
•Plus the use of ongoing actions
Spring 1
•Review targets and update phonicprogress tracker
•Review groupings for discrete phonics session for below average ability or planning for whole class spelling investigation.
•Review reading and writing levels.
•Review Guided Reading groups.
•Ensure other relevant interventions are in place and children are receiving appropriate support
•Plus the use of ongoing actions
Spring 2
•Review targets and update phonicprogress tracker
•Review groupings for discrete phonics session for below average abilityor planning for whole class spelling investigation.
•Review reading and writing levels.
•Review Guided Reading groups
•Analyse samples of children’s writing and assess current NC level
•Plan Shared and Guided Writing sessions to address specific areas of need identified from analysis of children’s writing
•Ensure that children on other interventions are making expected progress
•Plus the use of ongoing actions
Summer 1
•Review targets and update phonic progress tracker
•Review groupings for discrete phonics session for below average abilityor planning for whole class spelling investigation.
•Review reading and writing levels.
•Review Guided Reading groups.
•Monitor progress of children on other interventions and take action where necessary
•Plus the use of ongoing actions
Summer 2
•Review targets and update phonicprogress tracker
•Carry out full assessment of all children to determine their phonic knowledge and skills and their reading and writing levels. N.B. children working around age-related expectations should be working securely at Phonic Phase 6
•Discuss children’s progress across the Year 2 strand objectives in the Primary Framework
In partnership with the Year 3 teacher
•Use phonic progress data to update phonic tracker with end of year information. This is essential for those children working below phase 6 who will need to continue the pace and progress in Y3
•Those children secure in phase 6 no longer need to be placed on the tracker.
•Discuss actual progress of groups and individuals
•Share analysis of teacher assessments of children’s reading and writing levels and identify key aspects that need to be addressed
•Discuss appropriate interventions for those children not making expected progress (Wave 2 and 3)
•Plus the use of ongoing actions
Ongoing Actions
•Ensure children are receiving a discrete daily phonics session if they are working within phase 6 and below ( not secure)
•When most of the class (about 2/3) are securely working within Phase 6 (Phonic tracker will show this) they no longer require a daily teaching sequence.
•They should receive at least one lesson per week devoted to spelling investigation (pref on a Monday). Objectives from Renewed Framework (strand 6)
•Session needs to be devoted to investigative, hands-on enquiries into spelling rules and patterns
•Ensure the school provides children with ample opportunities to apply their phonic knowledge and skills in purposeful reading and writing activities in a range of contexts across the curriculum
•Use ongoing observations in the discrete daily sessions and investigations to assess and record children’s progress in relation to:
- Grapheme-phoneme correspondences
- Ability to blend phonemes to read words
- Ability to segment phonemes to spell words
- Ability to read and spell tricky high frequency words
•Use ongoing observations to note how well children apply their phonic knowledge and skills in other contexts