WO Mailroom, R5 Unit Mailrooms, PSW Station Director, Area Director, 2
IITF Director, Deputy Chief and WO Chief Staff Directors, Job Corps Center Director
File Code: / 1310 / Date: / December 15, 2011Route To:
Subject: / 2012 Forest Service Sustainable Operations Summit
To: / WO Mailroom, R5 Unit Mailrooms, PSW Station Director, Area Director, IITF Director, Deputy Chief and WO Chief Staff Directors, Job Corps Center Director
The 2012 Forest Service Sustainable Operations Summit – Journey of Green Discovery – is just around the corner! The Summit is now officially scheduledfrom February 14 – 16, 2012 (with travel days on February 13th and 17th). The Summit site – Region 5’s Wildland Fire Training and Conference Center (WFTC) in Sacramento, California – will remain the same as that stated in previous correspondence.
Attending Virtually? Please designate a Unit-level Virtual Summit Lead. To encourage Units to maximize “group” participation virtually in the Summit, the Planning Team created a friendly competition. Leads will engage their Unit in a contest with other Units across the countrytoorganizeemployees into clusters, so that they participate in the same room(s). After the Summit, Leads will provide a list of those who virtually attended the Summit “together” (See Enclosure 1).(Yes, we will count those in multiple rooms attending plenary and/or concurrent breakout sessions). Two (2) exciting “green” prizes will be awarded for the: 1) Unit with the largest percentage of remote participants gathered in a single location and 2) Unit with the largest percentage of total participants engaging remotely.
Attending in Sacramento? The opportunity to convene in-person is also important. We ask that you designate one Sustainable Operations Representative from each Region/Station/Area to join us at the WFTC for the onsite meeting and networking. Given travel budget reductions, we understand that some representatives may need to participate virtually, but we strongly encourage an in-person presence, if possible. Please complete the attached Representative Contact Form (Enclosure 2), designating your representative, by January 17, 2012. Note: Previously designated representatives are listed in Enclosure 2. If your name is already listed, please confirm your participation by emailing Lara Polansky ().
Register early, blog with fellow Sustainable Operations champions, and make this Summit work for you. Online registration for all participants (in-person and virtual) will be announced by mid-January 2012. Virtual Summit access is FREE and available on a first come/first served basis. During the Summit, we encourage employees to participate as a group to promote local cross-pollination and maximize available slots.
Full Summit details, including a draft agenda, hotel information, and online registration (mid-Jan. 2012) are available on the 2012 Summit website:
For general Summit questions, please contact the 2012 Summit Co-Chairs: Renee Jewell at (707) 562-8820 or Lara Polansky at (707) 562-8937. For Virtual Services questions, please contact 2012 Summit Virtual Services Lead, Jim McGinnis, at (541) 552-1591.
/s/ Jayne Handley (for)RANDY MOORE
Regional Forester
Enclosures (2): Virtual Participant List & Representative Contact Form
cc: Lara Polansky
Renee Jewell
James P McGinnis
Maritza Huerta
Anna J Jones Crabtree
Laurie A Tippin
Scott R Tangenberg
Thomas A Contreras
Jacqueline A Emanuel
Katie D Newcomb
Ronald Ketter
Susan M Litteral
Pat Winter
Stephanie Pickern