The books given in the reference list are available in this student library. There are around 10 books of each title that are possible to be borrowed by the students.

Ann Brånth (secretary) is responsible for the key, please contact the present responsible person. Between 9 to 10 and 11 to 12 Monday - Thursday

Rules to borrow a book:

  • The key-responsible take name and home phone number from the student borrowing a book. He/she also writes down the book title and book number
  • The student who borrowed the book should return it within 4 working days. This so that no one sits on a book several weeks and the library is empty. To return a book, again contact the key-responsible so that he/she notes this on the list
  • It is only allowed for a student to borrow one title at time, so one title must be returned before borrowing the next.
  • It is not allowed to copy whole chapters from any book. According to international copyright laws only isolated pages, figures, etc are allowed to be copied and only for own private use.
  • Please do not to lend the book to another person in the class without contacting the key-responsible, so that he/she can note this on the loan-list.
  • If a book disappears, it should be compensated for by the person signed on the list presently having the book (Each book has a number).

Available Titles

Boyle, G. (Editor) 1998 (9 ex)

“Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future”

ISBN: 0-19-856451

(390 SEK; Anita Elksne, Dep. Energy Technology)

Cohen, H.; Rogers, GFC and Saravanamuttoo HIH 2001 (9 ex)

“Gas Turbine Theory, 5th edition”

ISBN 0130158477-X

(815 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn.)

Energimyndigheten; 2001 (5 ex)

“Klimatpolitik i EU”

ISBN: 9189184009

Elliott, T.C.; Chen, K and Swanekamp, R. 1997 (9 ex)

“Standard Handbook of Power Plant Engineering, 2nd ed.”

ISBN 0070194351

(about 1500 SEK, Akademibokhandeln)

Hill, P. and Peterson, R. 1992.

"Mechanics and Thermodynamics or Propulsion".

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., USA.

ISBN 0-201-14659-2.

(Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn.)

Kehlhofer, R. 1999 (9 ex)

“Combined-Cycle Gas and Steam Turbine Power Plants”

ISBN 0878147365

(about 1600 SEK, Akademibokhandeln)

Moran M.J. and Shapiro H.N. 1998 (9 ex)

“Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 3d edition”

ISBN 0-47197960

(550 SEK; Kårbokhandeln/ Student bookshop)

Dixon S.L. (10 ex)

“Fluid Mechanics. Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 4th edition”

ISBN 0-7506-7059-2

(470 SEK;Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn or Kårbokhandeln/Student bookshop)

Fransson, Torsten H (9 ex)

“Measuring Techniques in Thermal Engineering: An Introduction in the Form of Lecture Notes”

(150 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn.)

Gido Jack, Clements James P. (4 ex)

“Successful Project Management”

(480 SEK; Kårbokhandeln/Student bookshop)

Kazachkov, Ivan and Kalion, Vitaly (10ex)
”Numerical Continuum Mechanics”

(180 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn.)

Hölcke, Jan (9 ex)

Kompendium I Hydrauliska Strömningsmaskiner

Fransson, Torsten H. (3 ex)

Unsteady Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines

(900 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn.)

Kanury, Murty A. (3 ex)

Combustion Phenomena (ISBN 0-677-02690-0)

(Kårbokhandeln/Student bookshop)

Binder with Lecture notes (1 ex)

Heat and Power Technology, for the Master of Science Program

(200 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn., from 5/9)


CompEdu, Heat and Power Technology

(200 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn., from 5/9)

Lecture notes

Sustainable Power Generation, Nuclear Power

(200 SEK; Ann Brånth, Div. Heat and Power Techn., from 9/9)