Minutes of Bronte Beach Precinct meeting held 8th December 2010 at the Lugar Brae Hall, Leichhardt St., Bronte.

Julia Dangar from Bondi Precinct spoke to the meeting and requested that our Precinct supports her petition to stop the rezoning of the tennis courts at 105 Wellington St, Bondi. Waverley Council doesn’t support the rezoning, it was refused at the 16/11/10 meeting.. There was discussion on ownership of the land. Search says Maccabi owns it but 10 members of F.R.E.E may have bought it from a developer. A previous DA was refused. A lot of tennis players are upset. There is a website called “Rescue Bondi”.


Bronte Beach Precinct supports Waverley council’s decision to endorse the Director of Planning’s recommendations to refuse the rezoning of 105 Wellington St.(tennis courts) for the reasons set out in planning report:

1.The tennis courts from an integral part of the local open space network

2.Loss of this recreational facility would leave an unacceptable gap in recreational facilities

3.Provides a much needed recreational opportunity in accordance with Council’s strategic planning

4.Development of the scale proposed would impact on the amenity of the local community –traffic, noise and hours of operation.

Ray Wheeler moved the motion and Nigel seconded it. Motion passed unanimously.

Latest DA’s.

50-54 Macpherson St. This DA was passed by Council on Tuesday 9th Dec meeting. The verandah is being reinstated. It was a controversial development. The provision of rainwater tanks was questioned. Peter Brennan will look into it and advise the Precinct.

407 Bronte Rd. “Rocky Mount” Inappropriate development and the BBP has objected as have neighbours. Applicant wants privacy. Renovation will hide much of the house from the front. Prior to the current wooden fence above sandstone wall there was nothing but a sandstone wall. Applicant has applied for 3m wall height. Will encourage fortress wall in front of heritage house. Geotech confirms extremely hard sandstone. It is seen as quarrying. .7m below hitting the sandstone. The garage will be on a corner. The rear 2 storey extension will be seen from the street as it extends wider than the house. The heritage report is a mere 13 lines.

MOTION –passed electronically by those who attended the meeting that night.

Bronte Beach Precinct is opposed to the DA for 407 Bronte Rd and requests

that council refuse this application as :

The heritage report is insufficient

The excavated garage under the house is too large and could affect the

house's underpinnings

The sandstone wall is too high and too dominant and will conflict with the

heritage of the house

The rear building will be able to be seen from the street and will also

conflict with the character of the house

Proposer Erica rink,seconder Nigel Harvey .Passed .

399 Bronte Rd - 4.5 m high garage. Loss of garden in front of house. Streetscape issues. There is a garage there now tucked under the house.

Motions were passed on 399 and 407 Bronte Rd Concern was expressed over the extent of the excavation required and the impact this excavation might have on the road, surrounding properties and water flow.


That Bronte Beach Precinct requests that Waverley Council undertakes a thorough engineering and environmental assessment of the upper level of Bronte Rd. before the DAs at 399 and 407 Bronte Rd.are assessed.

J. Ebner proposed and David Owens seconded

Peter Brennan, Director of Planning & Environmental Services at Waverley Council gave a presentation on the new LEP (Local Environment Plan).

Council considered the LEP at meeting on 7th December. The current 1996 LEP has 32 amendments and a 33rd will be gazetted early next year. There was a joint LEP between Waverley and Woollahra covering commercial area of Bondi Junction (BJ) 2003 State govt amended boundaries and Waverley has most of the commercial area. Bondi Junction LEP gazetted 7/5/2010. There are currently 10,000 jobs in BJ.

Mar-April 2011 Draft Waverley LEP will be on exhibition and submissions sought. Will be in standard LEP template. Draft doesn’t contain any big changes however, it does change the zoning on the western side of Leichhardt St. south of McPherson St. to multi-unit development. Mr.Brennan made the point that he believed that it would never result in flats being constructed here however,a similar situation resulted in multi untit development at Wills Ave.next door.Intention to translate existing controls to new format and renew current controls – zonings, height FSR etc. Zones reduced 18 to 10.

Bondi Junction LEP subsumed into Waverley LEP. Will be on display and available at Customer Service, Library, Precinct road shows and on line.

Heritage 180 extra items and 11 conservation areas for inclusion in the schedule. For more heritage listings can nominate now but will not make this document. Would be considered next amendment. Examples of conservation areas – private land, could be groups of streets, built environment, Evans St., some are green spaces, WaverleyCemetery and WaverleyPark.

A resident asked about an old barn at St Catherine’s School. Peter asked to be sent an email with its location.

Waverley population has been static for the last 2 census.

Hardstands, garage issues. Unfairness in planning decisions. System loaded in favour of applicants, objectors feel neglected. There is inherent bias in the system.

The owner at 530 Bronte Road asked questions about a development approved next door at 526. Peter Brennan said he would plan a visit. The resident at 530 will contact Peter’s office.

Sand stone walls in area. Gardyne St, can breach wall as approved but cost is prohibitive. Council will still move to protect the wall if future DA’s apply for to be breached.

Expected timeframe for LEP - March 2012 expected gazettal date.

Accept Minutes from last meeting – Proposed J. Ebner, seconded J. Hinton. Passed unanimously.

General business

Varna Park Concerns were raised regarding lighting. Current lights hidden by greenery. Council said the choice was to trim trees, remove trees or install timers. Probably best to write a letter suggesting sensors on the lights and or visits by police. Needs action.

Next meeting March 2nd for “Meet the candidates” for 26th March election.

Virginia thanked for all her work.

Meeting closed 9:30pm.