Fund My Cause: Homeschool Cost?


“Fund My Cause” is an amazing new crowd-funding platform,

which allows you to position yourself in a community of

like-minded members to receive member-to-member

donations that you use for whatever cause you choose.

Whether you live in the USA, Australia, Canada, Europe,

Asia, or anywhere else in the world, “Fund My Cause” allow

you to invite other people or groups to join and support your

cause and to raise donations for their own cause as well.

Donations through the “Fund My Cause”crowd-funding

platform are with Bitcoin. This allows members of

“Fund My Cause” who do not have the ability to invest

thousands in the Bitcoin all at once to enjoy a unique

opportunity of raising funds in this new digital currency

that is growingincreasingly high in value over a short period.

If there was a way for you to turn a one-time investment of

$60.00 into $60,000.00 a month, are you interested? The

greatest benefit you get is enhancing your financial security

and the personal satisfaction of helping someone.

Although “Fund My Cause” supports my ultimate goal, of

funding my daughters children’s education I need to fund my

financial security simultaneously.

…“Oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored.

In the event of a decompression, anoxygen maskwill

automatically appear in front of you. To start the flow of

oxygen, pull the mask towards you. Place it firmly over your

nose and mouth, secure the elastic band behind your head,

and breathe normally. Although the bag does not inflate,

oxygen is flowing to the mask. If you are traveling with a

childorsomeonewho requires assistance,secure your

mask on first,and then assist the other person.Keep

your maskon until a uniformed crew member advises you

to remove it.”…

I am grateful for your understanding, charity, and support,

hoping we can together endeavor on a goal of helping others.

During the course of our lives, our paths have intersected.

It was a pleasurable and valuable experiential learning, one of

which I’d love to repeat.

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An overview of my “Find My Cause” follows.

Homeschooling Costs
Homeschooling requires conducting lessons, selecting and

following a curriculum, planning the lessons, researching

homeschool community groups I have interest in joining to

ensure I meet the rules and regulations of my state.

Summing it all up, homeschooling is a passion and is a part of

my lifestyle. This means reducing the hours for daily endeavors

or quitting them altogether. Economists identify this as

“opportunity cost”

The opportunity cost of giving up working for homeschool is the

amount of money that I can earn when I work.

It is reasonable to say, working shorter hours or not at all,

results in a significant reduction in household income; therefore,

stress levels can increase because of a major lifestyle change.

This means giving up going out to restaurants often, movies,

etc.; along with absorbing the new lifestyle required for

The actual costs for homeschool is not a factor in the overall

homeschooling cost equation because the opportunity cost of

lost income represents 99.9% of the entire cost of

homeschooling. The cost for curriculum and supplies represents

the remainder.
What Are the Dollar Costs of Homeschool?

Specific dollar amounts spent on homeschool curriculum vary.

Some homeschooling costs can be from as low as $200 to

$1,500 per child each year, with costs rising as the child gets

into higher grades. Having control over the curriculum helps

to reduce costs.

For example, we can choose to go on a field trip that increases

homeschooling costs to $2,000 for that year or a ‘field trip’ via

the Internet, paying only the monthly charges for the Internet

A national study done in 1996 gave data that are more

accurate on homeschooling curricula costs of $550 per child per

year. With inflation, I estimate that present day costs of a

homeschool curriculum are now approximately $760 per child

per year.

Utilizing the Internet reduces costs significantly; however,

school-by-satellite, video courses, correspondence schools, or

all-inclusive curriculum packages adds to the costs. These can

run anywhere from $400 to over $1,500 per student; however,

this is still less than the cost of private school!

Homeschooling is expensive because it takes a lot of your time

to develop your child’s education.

Financially, the costs of the homeschool curriculum and

supplies are expensive; however, the time spent teaching our

children allows less time available to make a living, which can

cause financial pressures on our household. Homeschooling

costs more than public school and less than private school.

Here are some of the expenses in creating a homeschooling

education budget?


This is the broadest category and is our largest expense.

$400.00 - $1,500.00 per child per year.

Testing or Evaluation Fees

Standardized tests cost about $25-$45 per student; if we hire

someone else to administer the test, we have to pay an

additional $25-50 per student. A private evaluation can cost

from $50 into the hundreds, depending on the hired evaluator.

We can also choose to have our children tested in the local

public school system if the school is testing at our children’s

grade level the results go to the school.

$50.00 - $500.00 per child per year.

Professional Memberships

A member of a Local support group costs $0 to $30 per year,

depending on the group.
Home Educators Association, $35 per year, other states may

vary. HomeSchool Legal Defense Association $120 per year

or $100 if we are a member of a discount group, such as a

state or local support group.

$30.00 - $165.00 per child per year.

Home Library

Resource books for Mom, Dad, and Grandparents. Consider it

in-service training, $20-100 Homeschool magazine subscription

for Mom, Dad, and Grandparents: $15-18/year
Children's resource books/magazines $10-20.

$20.00 - $150.00 per child per year.


Full 3-day registration for parents, two elementary children,

and one teen: $100. Estimated price, admission fees vary by

state. On-site accommodations-2 nights $250 Food, parking,


$100.00 - $500.00 per year.

Extracurricular Lessons

Music lessons cost approximately $40 per hour. Two hours

per session = $80.00, three times weekly = $240.00. School

Year = four quarters, each of which is usually12 weekslong.

$240 x 48 weeks =$11,520.00.

Homeschool band is $385 per year, plus instrument, for a

total of about$585.

Ballet or gymnastics classes are about $40 per month for

nine months, for a total of$360.

Individual or family membership in a gym or the local YMCA

vary. $19.00 per month for 12 months =$228.00per year.

Local sports association fees vary, from $8 for homeschool

softball league to several hundred dollars for varsity sports.

Player Fees. Average cost to play on GirlsFastpitchSoftball

Team can vary depending on the team. Player fees are also

per season.

$100.00 - $12,701.00 per year.

Softball Team Fees


Team Entry Fees range from$400-$500dollars depending

on the level of play. Usually, player fees cover these fees.

Average Summer Tournament Schedules consist of about 12


Player Fees

Average cost to play on Girls Fastpitch Softball Team can

range from $3,000to$4,000depending on the team.

Player fees are also per season. This amount is for one

summer season.

Tournament Associated Traveling Costs

Gas Costs: for driving to and from tournaments is$100-$300.

Depends on location and distance.

Food Costs for Tournaments:$100- $150Depending on the

number of family members attending games.

Flying to Tournaments accrues additionaldepending on flight

and location. Approximately $500.00 or more.

Hotel & Lodging:$80-$120.00and up, per night.

$100.00 - $ 5,570.00 per child per year.

Equipment & Apparel Costs:

Average Cost of a Softball bat:$250.00

Average Cost of a Softball Glove:$100-$250.00
Average Cost of Cleats:$90.00

Average Cost of Softball Pants:$45.00
Compression Shirts:$30.00

Compression Pants: $35.00

Choosingto bea Catcher the costs increases to$200.00.

$200.00 - $770.00 per child per year.

Additional Softball Lessons & Fees:

Catching$30-$50.00per hour

Hitting:$30-$60.00per hour

Fielding & Position Specific:$30-$50.00per hour

Costs Calculated on High End, and excludes flying,


$100.00 - $ 6,770.00 per child per year.

Oil painting = $25.00 per two-hour class from a local artist.

$50 per week for 48 weeks =$2,400.00

$100.00 - $2,400.00 per child per year.

A weekly drawing class for $45 per month = $45.00 x 48


$100.00 - $2,160.00 per child per year.

Learning co-op fee is $15 per family per month for supplies

= $15.00 x 48 =$720.00per year.

$100.00 - $720.00 per child per year.

School Supplies and Other Items
This figure depends on whether brand-name binders or budget

spirals are bought, how many children are outfitted with

supplies, etc. Needs and desires vary; desks, sofa, computer,

file cabinet, bookcase or storage unit, paper, hole punch, stapler,

tape, pens and pencils, markers, dry erase markers and board,

lesson planning book, file folders, pencil boxes, notebooks,

erasers, globe, paints, calculator, scissors, glue, science

equipment, etc. Many of these items will be one-time purchases,

while others need restocking each year.

List & Prices: School Supplies and Other Items
This figure depends on whether brand-name binders or budget

spirals are bought, how many children are outfitted with

supplies, etc. Needs and desires vary;
Staples prices.

White Board / $149.99
Bookcase / $96.99
Calculator / $119.99
Computer / $599.99
Class Record Roll Book / $4.00
Desks / $199.99
Dry erase markers / $13.29
Erasers / $7.99
File cabinet / $199.99
File Hanging folders / $17.00
File Folder Inserts / $23.99
File Folder Labels / $25.49
Globe / $50.00
Glue / $20.00
Hole punch / $25.00
Lesson planning book / $38.00
Markers / $10.00
Notebooks / $7.00
Paints / $35.19
Paper / $15.00
Pencil boxes / $25.00
Pencils / $6.00
Pens / $12.00
Science equipment / $44.79
Scissors / $9.29
Sofa / $249.00
Stapler / $9.00
Storage unit / $149.00
Storage Boxes / $12.00
Tape / $30.00

Miscellaneous Expenses
Admission fees bowling,Admission fees skating, Field trips,Gas

money,Outside of classes,Phone calls,School photos,Yearbook,

bowling, outside classes and anything else that is not listed.
$100.00 - $1,000.00 per child per year.

Approximate costs to homeschool three children.
Curriculum / $1,500.00
Annual testing / $500.00
Professional memberships / $165.00
Home library / $150.00
Annual convention (parents) / $500.00
Extracurricular Lessons / $11,520.00
Homeschool Band / $585.00
Ballet or Gymnastics / $360.00
Gym or Local YMCA / $228.00
Association Fees / $8.00
Softball Tournament / $500.00
Softball Player fees / $4,000.00
Tournament Travel Costs / $300.00
Food Costs for Tournament / $150.00
Flying to Tournaments / $500.00
Hotel & Lodging / $120.00
Softball Bat / $250.00
Softball Glove / $250.00
Cleats / $90.00
Softball Pants / $45.00
Sliders / $25.00
Socks / $15.00
Compression Shirts / $30.00
Compression Pants / $35.00
Catcher costs / $200.00
Softball Lesson & fees
Catching $30-$50.00 hr
Hitting $30-$60.00 hr
Position Fielding $30-$50.00 hr
Calculated Costs / $6,770.00
Oil Painting / $2,400.00
Weekly Drawing Class / $2,160.00
Learning Coop Fees / $720.00
School supplies / $2,204.97
Miscellaneous Expenses / $1,000.00
Annual Cost for 1 child for
1 year.= / $37,280.97
Homeschooling cost for 13 years for 1 child
from age 5 to age 18
$37,280.97 x 13 = / $484,652.61
Homeschooling cost for 13 years for 3 children
from age 5 to age 18
$484,652.61 x 13 = / $6,300,483.93
Cost of College
Annual Tuition / $30,396.00
Orientation Fee / $350.00
Student Annual Health Insurance / $1,476.00
Reservation Fee @ Acceptance / $300.00
Room Campus residence / $13,032.00
Meals / $4,404.00
MBA Program / $1,971.00
Dissertation Fee / $1,572.00
Online fee / $112.00
Books And Supplies / $1,500.00
Transportation Expenses / $1,000.00
Personal Expenses / $1,000.00
Total / $57,113.00
College & Homeschooling
Homeschooling for 3 Grandchildren / $39,545.00
Total / $118,635.00
Homeschooling age 5 to 18 = 13yrs / $118,635.00
Total / $1,542,255.00
AnnualCollege Costs for 1 Student / $57,113.00
College For 1 Student for 4 years / $57,113.00
Total / $228,452.00
College For 5 Students for 4 years / $228,452.00
Total / $1,142,260.00
Colllege & Homeschooling Combined
Homeschooling for 3 Students 13 yrs / $1,542,255.00
College for 5 Students 4yrs / $1,142,260.00
Combined Totals / $2,684,515.00

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Family Home

The home below is where we spend family reunions,

Vacations and accrue experiential learning in gardening,

farming and Do-It-Yourself construction andmaintenance.
Type and Cost of Home
Hybrid Log Ranch 4834 Sq ft. first floor. Subterranean level

3560sq. ft. custom Log and Timber Frame Hybrid home,

designed and built by Wisconsin Log Homes.

The cost to completion is $1.5 Million. Approximately.



First Floor

Lower Level.

Mind and BodyBicycleAcademy

As the name “Mind and Body” implies synergy, I intend

toteach Teenagers how to harnesses the power of the

mindand physical attributes of their bodies through

exercise, tocreatethe synergism which fuels success,

culminatingintothe “Mind and Body Teenage Bicycle

Academy. Through“Fund My Cause” I start this dream of

mine and initiate itspurpose into perpetuity.

Allow me to digress briefly as I highlight the intricacies of

this unique combination.

The Mindcollectively refers to the aspects of intellect and

consciousness manifested as combinations of thought,

Perception, memory, emotion will and imagination. The

mind is the stream of consciousness. It includes all of the

brain's conscious processes.

This denotation sometimes includes, in certain contexts,

the working of the human unconscious or the conscious

ofanimals. The "Mind" often refers especially to the

thought processes of reason.

Thehuman bodyis the entire physical structure of a

human organism. The human body consists of a head,

neck,torso, two arms, and two legs. The body's organ

systemsincludethe circulatory system, immune system,

respiratorysystem, digestive system, excretory system,

urinary system,musculoskeletal system, nervous system,

endocrine systemand the male and female reproductive


The human body consists of tissues and cells.

Thecombinationof individual atoms, molecules,

polypeptidescells in thehuman bodyis a source of


Thebicycle,cycle, orbikeis a pedal-driven, human

poweredvehicle with two wheels attached to a frame,

behind the other.

Thoughtandthinkingare mental forms and processes,

respectively, "Thought" is both. Thinking allows beings to

model the world and to deal with it effectively according to

their objectives, plans, ends and desires. Words referring

to similar concepts and processes include cognition,

sentience, consciousness,ideaand imagination. Thinking

involves the cerebral manipulation of information, as when

we form concepts, engage in problem-solving, reason and

make decisions. Thinking is a higher cognitive function

the analysis of thinking processes is part of cognitive


Intelligence, also calledintellect, is an umbrella term

used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses

many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to

plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend

ideas, to use language, and to learn. There are several

ways to define intelligence. In some cases, intelligence

may include traits such as creativity, personality,

character, knowledge or wisdom. However, some

psychologists prefer not to include these traits in the

definition of intelligence.

Imaginationis the ability to form mental images, or the

ability to spontaneously images within one's own mind.

It helps provide meaning to experience and understanding

to knowledge; it is a fundamental facility through which

people make sense of the world,and it also plays a key

role in the learning process.

A basic training for imagination is the listening to

storytelling narrative, in which the exactness of the chosen

wordsisthe fundamental factor to 'evoke worlds'.

Imagination can also be expressed through stories such as

fairy tales or fantasies. Most famous inventions or

entertainment products are created from the inspiration of

one's imagination.

Consciousnessdefies definition. It may involve thoughts,

sensations, perceptions, moods, emotions, dreams, and an

awareness of self, although not necessarily any particular

one or a combination of these.Consciousness is a point of


In psychology and the cognitive sciences,perceptionis

the process of attaining awareness or understanding of

sensory information. It is a task far more complex than

was imagined in the 1950s and 1960s, when it was

proclaimed that building perceiving machines would take

about a decade; however, today it is a reality.

Perceptionoriginates from the Latinperception,

meaning "receiving, collecting, an action of taking

possession, apprehension with the mind or senses.

A perception is also a form of self-expression

In psychology,memoryis an organism's ability to store,

retain and subsequently retrieve information.

An emotion is a mental and physiological state associated

with a wide variety of feelings,thoughtsand behaviors.

t is a prime determinant of the sense of subjective

well-being and plays a central role in many human


The question offree willis whether, and in what sense,

rational agents exercise control over their actions and

decisions. A rational agent is an agent who takes actions

based on information from and knowledge about the

agent's environment.

Various observers throughout history have argued that

there are influences on consciousness from other parts of

the mind. These observers differ in the use of related

terms, includingunconsciousnessas a personal habit;

being unaware and intuition.

Terms related to semi-consciousness include awakening,

implicit memory, the subconsciousness, subliminal

messages,tranceand hypnosis. Whilst sleep,

sleep-walking,deliriumand coma may signal the presence

of unconscious processes, these processes are not the

unconscious mind. Science is also in its infancy in exploring

the limits of consciousness.

Reasonis a way of thinking characterized by logic. It is

the ability to think, understand and draw conclusions.

Reason contrasts with emotionalism, which is thinking

driven by desire, passion, passion or prejudice. Reason

attempts to discover what is true and what is best.

Reason often follows a chain of cause and effectand the

word ‘reason’ can be a synonym for "cause".

The concept of reason is closely related to the concept of

language, as reflected in the meanings of the Greek word

‘logos’, the root of logic, which translated into Latin

became ‘ratio’ and then in French ‘raison’, from which the