Dhillon, N.P.S


N.P.S. Dhillon,Vegetable Breeder-Cucurbits and Deputy Global Theme Leader - Breeding

AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, East and Southeast Asia, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen, Nakhon Pathom 73140, Thailand

T: +66-(0) 34-353-135 Ext 15, F: +66-(0) 34-353-537, M: +66- (0) 830414943 Email:

BORN: India, October 06, 1956



MARITAL STATUS: Married with two children

LANGUAGES: English (Fluent),Punjabi (mother tongue), Hindi (Excellent), Urdu (speak and understand), French (Very limited)

Ph.D. Specialization inPlant breeding

Thesis title: Genetic analysis of some economic characters in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India

Profile: A dynamic and enthusiastic team leader who focussed on crop diversity collection, evaluation, analysis (morphological, agronomic & molecular), maintenance, storage and its use in breeding while working in developing countries and international institutes in South and Southeast Asia, Europe and N. America and Africa. Has a doctorate specialization in plant breeding and genetics and devoted 26 years in exploiting plant genetic diversity for food and nutritional security. Currently exploiting world collection of bitter gourds and pumpkins while setting up trials in South and Southeast Asia and Africa, for developing genetically improved germplasm catering to the needs of poor farmers and consumers in Asia and Africa. Has great interest in conservation of genetic resources for future use, training and mentoring younger people and provide strategic leadership to R & D partners with an aim to bring impact at several levels. Experienced in proposal and report writing. Has a history of publishing in peer-reviewed international journals, dealing with plant genetic resources and plant breeding. Possess passion for working in culturally diversified teams.

Geographic experience: Asia: India, Bangladesh, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Europe: UK, Spain, and France, N. America: USA. Africa: Tanzania

Work Experience

From: 02-2010

To: till date

Position: Vegetable Breeder - Cucurbits

Organization: AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan

Key responsibilities:

1. Establish a modest regional genebank in East and Southeast Asia research station of the Center in Thailand for medium and long term storage of cucurbit species, legumes and indigenous vegetable species.

2. Characterize, evaluate, multiply and document AVRDC held world collection of bitter gourd and pumpkin

3. Exploit global cucurbit collections for developing genetically superior broad based lines.

4. Develop genetic stocks of cucurbits possessing specific traits like disease resistance, heat tolerance and enhanced nutrition.

5. Facilitate exchange of germplasm and technology between AVRDC and among the relevant countries.

6. Collaborate in multidisciplinary teams including end users (farmers, trader, and commercial users) to add value to the crop to enhance livelihood opportunities and nutrition.

7. Set up multi-location trials of advanced breeding lines in Asia and Africa. Actively work with plant breeders from SE Asia for variety development using ASEAN-AVRDC Regional Network for Vegetable Research and Development (AARNET)

8. Mentor trainees/interns visiting to work in cucurbit breeding program of the Center.

9. Publish in peer-reviewed journals.

10. Prepare project proposals and pursue with donors for funding.

11. Manage personnel, financial and infrastructure resources efficiently.

12. Maintain and nurture cordial relationships with host institutions and partner organizations.

From: 04-1985

To: 01-2010

Position: Professor

Organization: Punjab Agricultural University, India

Key responsibilities:

1. Create a cucurbit genebank in the university through collection of local landraces, wild relatives and other trait specific accessions from overseas genebanks.

2. Characterize, evaluate, document and use the cucurbit genetic resources for developing genetically improved cultivars and diversity analysis.

3. Collaborate with national and international institutes to strengthen the breeding program and facilitate germplasm exchange.

4. Arrange extramural funding.

5. Teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in plant breeding, biodiversity and conservation, vegetable systematics.

6. Mentor MS/Ph.D students.

7. Publish in peer-reviewed journals.

From: 02-2008

To: 01-2009

Position: Visiting Professor

Organization: Centre de Recerca in Agrigenomica (CSIC-IRTA-UAB), Spain; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France

Key responsibilities:

1. Molecular characterization of melon germplasm collected from the primary center of diversity (India) and diversity analysis.

2. Screening of the Indian melon germplasm collection for resistance to Aphis gossypii, four races of powdery mildew, two races of Fusarium wilt and seven viruses and drought tolerance.

3. Lead a group of international researchers for writing a invited review article for Plant Breeding Reviews (2012), Volume 35: 85-150 (Melon Landraces of India: Contributions and Importance).

From: 10-1997

To: 10-1999

Position: Visiting Research Fellow

Organization: Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Tskuba, Japan

Key responsibilities:

1. Molecular characterization of sweet potato germplasm collected from Asia, South America and Pacific and diversity and phylogenetic analysis.

2. Publish the findings in peer-reviewed international journals.

From: 09-1991

To: 08-1992

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow

Organization: Plant Breeding International (PBI) Cambridge, UK

Key responsibilities:

1. Pathotype survey of pea seed-borne mosaic virus in U.K.

2. RFLP and isozyme mapping of pea seed-borne mosaic virus resistance gene identified in pea landraces of Indian origin, faba bean virus resistance studies.

3. Publish results in peer-reviewed journals

From: 09-1982

To: 01-1983

Position: Research Assistant

Organization: University of California, Davis, USA

Key responsibility: Celery germplasm evaluation


Category / Total
Book chapters / 2
Refereed journal publications / 25
Published abstracts / 12

RESEARCH IMPACT: Quantitative analysis of the quality of journals in which my papers appeared

Journal / Number of my papers / Impact Factor
Theoretical Applied Genetics / 1 / 3.785
Euphytica / 1 / 1.597
Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution / 3 / 1.538
Plant Breeding / 4 / 1.391
HortScience / 1 / 0.902
Seed Science & Technology / 2 / 0.660
International J Pest Management / 1 / 0.541
SABRAO J / 2 / 0.370
Advances in Horticultural Science / 2 / 0.215
Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization & Utilization / 2 / NA


1979-1983:Ph.D. Vegetable Crops (Breeding & Genetics), Punjab Agricultural University, India

1976-1978: M.Sc. Botany (Cytogenetics, Genetics, Taxonomy), Panjabi University, India

1972-76: B.Sc. Biology, Guru Nanak Dev University, India


Courses taught:

(i) Vegetable breeding & seed production

(ii)Systematics of vegetable crops

(iii) Biodiversity & conservation of vegetable crops


Provided consultancy to vegetable growers, kitchen gardeners, and school children, for successful cultivation of safe, nutritious and health promoting vegetables. This involved lectures in seminars, personal discussions and on-farm demonstrations.

GRADUATE STUDENT MENTORING: Chair of 6 M.S. and 1 Ph.D students. Member of 4 M.S. and 1Ph.D students’ committee.


1. Officer-in charge, Research & Training station, AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand

2. Member, Theme Breeding and Theme Germplasm, AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center

3. Graduate Advisory Committee, Punjab Agricultural University, India, 2000-2009

4. Seminar Committee, Punjab Agricultural University, India, 2004-2009

5. Teaching Committee, Punjab Agricultural University, India, 2003-2009

6. External examiner for MS thesis evaluation, 2003-2009

7. Undergraduate Class in-charge, Punjab Agricultural University, India, 2004-2007


1. Putting Participatory Values into Practice – Workshop on Group facilitation skills for Participatory Decision-Making (Dr. Sam Kaner, Community At Work, USA), August 2011, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka

2. Developing Winning Research Proposals, October 2004, National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad, India

3. Indo-Israel project on intensive cultivation of vegetable crops under different growing conditions, January 2002, New Delhi, India,

4. Organic farming for sustainable agriculture, October 2004, Kerala Agricultural University, India,


1. Dhillon, N. P. S. 1998. Cutting – edge farm technology. The Tribune, September 16,


2. Dhillon, N. P. S. 1996. Patents on life: the truth. The Tribune, January 4, 1996

3. Dhillon, N. P. S. 1993. The Dunkel Draft. The Tribune, March 29, 1993


Subject/title / Magazine/Newsletter
Breeding better bitter gourd / FRESH, 27 February 2013 (AVRDC Newsletter)
Cucurbits on tour in Vietnam, Lao PDR and Cambodia / FRESH, 27 February 2013 (AVRDC Newsletter)
Cucurbit viruses no match for AVRDC breeders / FRESH , 14 May 2013 (AVRDC Newsletter)
Sweet end to a bitter week in the field / FRESH, 15 August 2013 (AVRDC Newsletter)
Melon means money to a Thai farmer / FEEDBACK from the field, issue 19, September 2013 (AVRDC quarterly bulletin)


1.Bitter gourd: Germplasm evaluation and breeding technology. Seed Cluster Conference, organised by National Science & Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand Science Park, Bangkok, 4 February 2013

2.Cucurbit breeding. Asian Plant Breeding Academy (run by UC Davis), Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng saen, 25 July 2013

3.Principles of vegetable breeding and seed production, 31 International Vegetable Training Course, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen, 2 October 2012

4.Alleviating poverty and malnutrition in developing countries: Opportunities through cucurbit breeding. AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan (8 October 2009).

5.Useful melon landraces of India. COMAV, Valencia, Spain (9 January, 2009)

6.Indian melon diversity and its global relevance. INRA Avignon, France (6 December, 2008)

7.Diversity among melon landraces of India. IRTA, Cabrils, Spain (22 February 2008)

8.Diversity among landraces of Indian snapmelon: Implications for conservation and breeding. AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan (6 April 2006)

9.Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in sweetpotato. Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Okinawa Subtropical Station, Ishigaki, Japan.(25 September 1999)

10.Pea seed borne mosaic virus: Pathotype survey in UK and gene mapping of resistance gene. Plant Breeding International (PBI) Cambridge, England. (2 October 1992)

11.Cucumber mosaic virus tolerance in cucumber. Plant Pathology and Mycology Club, University of Cambridge, England. (5 January 1992)

12.Summer squash genetics and breeding. University of California, Davis, USA. (8 November 1982)


●Research proposal “A better bitter gourd: Exploiting bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) to increase incomes, manage type 2 diabetes, and promote health in developing countries” funded by GTZ-BMG (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany) (€ 1.2 million)(Dhillon is Co-PI)

●Research proposal “Analysis of stability of various male sterile genes in melon in sub-tropical field conditions” funded by University Grants Commission, India (Rs. 86000)

●Research proposal “ Widening the Spanish melon gene pool using Indian melon germplasm” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science & Education (€ 29400)

●Research proposal “Diversity analysis of sweetpotato, using molecular markers” funded by Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan (US $ 72000)

●Research proposal “Molecular tagging of Pea Seed-borne Mosaic Virus resistance gene in pea” funded by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK (£ 13400)

Research proposal “Vegetable cucurbits for nutrition-sensitive home and school gardens in Southeast Asia” under review by BMZ/GIZ Germany.


(Plant genetic resources diversity analysis/plant breeding)

Book Chapter

  1. Dhillon NPS, Monforte AJ, Pitrat M, Pandey S, Singh PK, Reitsma KR, Garcia-Mas J, Sharma A and McCreight JD. 2012. Melon Landraces of India: Contributions and Importance. Plant Breeding Reviews 35: 85-150.
  1. Dhillon NPS. 2008. Snapmelon. Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops, Ed Peter KV (NIPA, New Delhi), Chapter 10.



(Peer reviewed international journals)

  1. McCreight JD, Staub JE, Wehner TC andDhillon NPS. 2013. Gone global: Familiar and exotic cucurbits have Asian origin. HortScience49: 1078-1089.
  1. Roy A, Bal SS, Fergany M, Kaur S, Singh H, Malik AA, Singh J, Monforte AJ andDhillon NPS. 2012. Wild melon diversity in India (Punjab State). Genet Resour Crop Evol59: 755-767.
  1. Fergany M, Kaur B, Monforte AJ, Pitrat M, Rys C, Lecoq, H, Dhillon NPS and Dhaliwal SS.2011. Variation in melon (Cucumis melo) landraces adapted to the humid tropics of southern India. Genet Resour Crop Evol 58: 225-243.
  1. Pandey S, Dhillon NPS, Sureja AK, Singh D and Malik AA. 2010. Hybridization for increased yield and nutritional content of snake melon (Cucumis melo L. Var. flexuosus). Plant Genetic Resources:Characterization and utilization. 8: 127-131.
  1. Dhillon NPS, Singh J, Fergany M, Monforte AJ and Sureja AK. 2009. Phenotypic and molecular diversity among landraces of snapmelon (Cucumis melo var. momordica) adapted to the hot and humid tropics of eastern India. Plant Genetic Resources:Characterization and utilization 7: 291-300.
  1. Dhillon NPS, Ranjana R, Singh K, Eduardo I, Monforte AJ, Pitrat M, Dhillon N K and Singh PP. 2007. Diversity among landraces of Indian snapmelon (Cucumis melo var. momordica). Genet Resour Crop Evol 54: 1267-1283.
  1. Dhillon NPS.2004. Variation and genetics of tolerance to cull fruit formation in slicing cucumber. Plant Breeding123: 386-388.
  1. Dhillon NPSand Ishiki K. 2001. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of sweetpotato revealed by DNA scanning. J. Genet. & Breed. 55: 363-366.
  1. Dhillon NPSand Ishiki K. 1999 Genomic variation and genetic relationships in Ipomoea spp. Plant Breeding 117: 161-165.
  1. Dhillon NPS, Singh PP and Ishiki K. 1999. Evaluation of landraces of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) for resistance to downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis). Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 119: 59-61.
  1. Dhillon NPSand Ishiki, K. 1998. Yield stability of gynoecious F1 hybrids of cucumber in subtropical field conditions. Adv. Hort. Sci. 12: 183-185.
  1. Boulton RE, DhillonNPS, Vassie V and Jellis GJ. 1996.Occurrence of natural infection of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) with pea seed-borne mosaic potyvirus in the UK. Plant Varieties & Seeds (Plant Genetic Resources:Characterization and utilization) 9: 37-41.
  1. Fagbola O, Boulton RE, Jellis GJ andDhillonNPS.1996.The reaction of some varieties of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to pea seed-borne mosaic potyvirus. Plant Varieties & Seeds (Plant Genetic Resources:Characterization and utilization) 9: 43-51.
  1. Dhillon NPS, Jellis GJ, Boulton RE, Jackson EA, Jack PL and Lacey CND. 1995. Isozyme and RFLP mapping of sbm-4, a gene in pea (Pisum sativum L.) conferring resistance to P-4 pathotype of pea seed-borne mosaic virus. Adv. Hort. Sci. 9: 159-161.
  1. Dhillon NPS. 1995. Seed priming of male sterile muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) population for low temperature germination. Seed Sci. & Technol. 23: 881-884.
  1. Dhillon NPS. 1994. F1 hybrid seed production in muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.): Management of the male sterile population. Seed Sci. & Technol. 22: 601-605.
  1. Dhillon NPS. 1993. The lack of relationship between bitterness and resistance of cucurbits to red pumpkin beetle (Aulacophora foveicollis). Plant Breeding 110: 73-76.
  1. Dhillon NPS. 1992. New sources of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) tolerant land races of cucumber identified at the center of origin (India). Plant Breeding 109: 172-174.
  1. Dhillon NPS. 1992. Non-linkage of bitterness and resistance to red spider mite in cucumber. Cucurbits Genet. Cooperative Rept. (USA) 15: 31-32.
  1. Dhillon NPSandWehner TC. 1991. Host-plant resistance to insects in cucurbits - Germplasm resources, genetics and breeding. Tropical Pest Management (International J Pest Management) 37: 421-428.
  1. Dhillon NPSand Sharma BR. 1989. Relationship between field and cage assessment for resistance to red pumpkin beetle in summer squash. Euphytica 40: 63-65.
  1. Dhillon NPSand Sharma BR. 1987. Genetics of resistance to red pumpkin beetle (Aulacophora foveicollis) in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Theor Appl Genet 73: 711-715.
  1. Dhillon NPSand Sharma BR. 1987. Heterosis and combining ability studies in summer squash. SABRAO Journal 19: 87-92.
  1. Dhillon NPSandSharma BR. 1986. Genetics of resistance to powdery mildew, red pumpkin beetle and cucumber mosaic virus in summer squash. SABRAO Journal 18: 97-104.
  1. Dhillon NPS.1986.Growth of army worm (Spodoptera littoralis Boisd.) on three selections of Lycopersicon and on various concentrations of α -tomatine in artificial diets. Crop Res. (Hort. Res.) 26: 79-82.

Publication No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20 are the outcome of my inter-country collaboration


1. Dhillon NPS and Phethin S. 2012. Variation for bitterness and other fruit traits in

bittergourd (Momordica charantia L.) collections. 10th EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Antalya, Turkey, 15-18 October, 2012

2.Dhillon NPS, Phethin S. and Chung-cheng L. 2012. Cucurbit breeding at AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center. Regional Symposium on High Value Vegetables in Southeast Asia: Production, Supply and Demand [SEAVEG 2012], Chiang Mai, Thailand, 24-26 January 2012.

3.Dhillon NPS, Ray A, Bal SS and Kaur S. 2008. Resistance to root knot nematode in melons is available in the primary gene pool of Indian origin. BSPP Presidential meeting, Queen Marry, University of London, UK, 16-17 December, 2008

4.Dhillon NPS and Kumar J. 2008. Assessment of stability of expression of various male-sterile genes in melon in sub-tropical field conditions. Cucurbitaceae 2008. 9th EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, INRA, Avignon, France, 21-24 May , 2008.

5.Dhillon NPS, Ranjana, Singh K, Eduardo I, Monforte AJ, Dhillon NK and Singh PP. 2006. Morphological and molecular characterization of landraces

of Indian snapmelon. 1st International Conference on Indigenous Vegetables and Lgumes, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India, 12-15 December, 2006.

6.Dhillon NPSand Ishiki K. 1999. Genetic variation and relationships in Ipomoea spp. as characterized by PCR-based molecular markers. 96th Congress of the Japanese Society of Breeding, Okoyama, Japan, 27-29 September, 1999.

7.Dhillon NPS, Singh PP and Ishiki K. 1999. Screening of cucumber germplasm for downy mildew resistance. 95th Congress of the Japanese Society of Breeding, Utsunomiya, Japan, 3-5 April, 1999.

8.Dhillon NPS and Ishiki K. 1998. Genomic variation and genetic relationships in Ipomoea spp. based on RAPD analysis. 94th Congress of the Japanese Society of Breeding, Morioka, Japan, 28-29, 1998.

9.Dhillon NPS and Ishiki K. 1998. Early prediction of genetic potential of yield on the basis of root traits in gynoecious F1 hybrids of cucumber. 93rd Congress of the Japanese Society of Breeding, Yokohama, Japan, April 2-3 September, 1998.

10.Boulton RE, Dhillon NPS, Fagbola O and Jellis GJ. 1993. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus in faba bean (Vicia faba L.). 6th International Congress of plant Pathology, Montreal, Canada, July 1993, pp 306.

11.Dhillon NPS. 1991. Performance of introduced cucumber cultivars under different subtropical field conditions. Golden jubilee symposium on Genetic research and education: Current trends and the next fifty years. 12-15 February, 1991, New Delhi, pp 615

12.Dhillon NPS. 1990. Mechanism of resistance to red pumpkin beetle (Aulacophora foveicollis) in cucurbits – Assessment of the bitter gene (Bi). 23rd International Horticultural Congress, Firenze, Italy, August 1990, Abst. 1194.

13.Dhillon NPS, Sharma BR, Virk DS and Chahal GS. 1983. Genetics of some economic characters in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). 15th International Congress of Genetics, New Delhi, India, January 1983, Abst. 348.