September / ·  Data Warehouse open for submission
·  Load Staff Snapshot for new teachers and get PINs letters for ePMF
·  Load and verify previous years’ Staff Evaluation records (20% local, 20% growth (SLO or State provided), 60% observation, Overall Composite)
·  New teacher PIN’s
October / ·  BEDS Day is the first Wednesday in October
·  Run food management reports for FRPL eligible on BEDS Day
·  Certification of Staff Evaluation Rating Data for APPR
·  Roll out of ePMF for teacher BEDS
November / ·  Enter August Regents scores into Assessment fact (don’t forget about out of district)
·  Submission of August Diplomas and Graduates
·  Submission of Staff Student Course for IDW Teacher Interface
December / ·  Verification of BEDS Day Enrollment Reports (SIRS 312, 313, 314,)
·  Verification of Free and Reduced Lunch counts (SIRS 323)
·  Verify Pre-k and UPK Child Counts (SIRS 316)
·  Verification of ePMF teacher BEDs data
January / ·  Verification of BEDS Day Special Ed Snapshot - VR’s 1-6 and 8
·  HS Regents Exam Administration (may need to submit a file)
·  Make sure all ELL demographic and enrollment data is submitted
·  Identify LEP students eligible for ELA Exemption (code 0242)
·  Make sure all NYSAA demographic and enrollment data is submitted
February / ·  Begin data verification process:
o  SIRS-315: TSDL verifying Assessment Records (for grades 3-8 ELA and Math, and Regents courses) and Roster Records (June 30)
o  SIRS-103: NYSESLAT in Lieu of ELA for Recently Arrived LEP’s
o  SIRS-101: HS AVR – make sure Accountability Performance Cohort is correct
o  SIRS 202: Total Cohort – make sure all current 12th graders are listed
March / ·  Courses ending in a State Assessment are coded correctly
·  Ensure Staff/Student/Course data is updated for TAA roster verifications
·  Confirmation of BEDS Day Enrollment changes from the January Snapshot
·  Enter January Regents scores into Assessment fact
March / ·  Courses ending in a State Assessment are coded correctly and have an Assessment record and a Roster record
·  Ensure Staff/Student/Course data is updated for TAA roster verifications
·  Confirmation of BEDS Day Enrollment changes from the January Snapshot
·  Enter January Regents scores into Assessment fact
April / ·  NYS Report Cards released
·  Immigrant Counts – (web collection - not SIRS)
·  Backmapping Codes entered (if applicable)
·  Teacher verification of TAA Rosters and corrections
May / ·  LEP Counts for Title III Allocations
·  3 year BEDS Enrollment Summary IRS Portal Report
·  Highly Qualified / Not Highly Qualified corrections to ePMF
·  Check Tested/Not Tested Reports for students not appearing as Tested
June / ·  Final Submission of Teach Student Data Linkage (TSDL)
·  Electronic Certification
·  8th grade CC Algebra Regents exported out of ASOFT, into SMS, imported into Level 0
July / ·  Load June Regents and RCT’s
·  Multiple Pathways and CTE
·  New Staff Snapshot fields
·  Staff Tenure
·  Staff Assignment (pink employees)

Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology

Student Support Services – State Reporting

One Merrick Ave · Westbury, New York 11590

(516) 608-6673 · Fax: (516) 608-6616