National ChairInformation Package

International Association of Special Education (IASE)

Please ensure the following information is provided to National Chair nominators and nominees prior to making a nomination.

About the IASE

Founded in 1985, the International Association of Special Education (IASE) is an organization of professionals who are dedicated to improving the quality of life and service delivery for all individuals identified as having special needs. Members includeteachers, teachertrainers, professors, speech clinicians, psychologists, health care providers, social workers, counselors, family members and those associated with related disciplines.

Mission of the IASE

The mission of IASE is:

  • to promote professional exchange among special educators all over the world.
  • to develop special education as a discipline and profession.
  • to encourage international cooperation and collaborative international research.
  • to promote continuing education of its members by organizing conferences in different countries around the world.
  • to foster international communication in special education through the Journal of the International Association of Special Education.

IASE Board of Directors

The IASE Board of Directors is composed of the following officers: president, president-elect, immediate-past president, secretary, treasurer and three members-at-large. The officers serve a two-year term.This Board of Directors began their terms on January 1, 2012.


Dr. Paula Leitz
8220 67th St. Ct. NW

Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Phone: 253.857.6573

President Elect

Dr. Iris Drower
Division of Educational Leadership & Innovation
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Arizona State University at the Main Campus
Tempe Arizona 85281
Phone: 602 384-06051


Dr. Virginia MacEntee

250K Wilber
SUNY Oswego
Oswego, NY 13127
Phone: 315.312.2661


Dr. James Chapple
1230 Cherokee Path
Vermillion, OH 44089-3328
phone: 440.225.1547

Past President

Dr. William Towne
Literacy, Counseling & Learner Development Dept.

School of Education
Salem State University
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, MA 01970-5353


Malgorzata (Gosia) Sekulowicz

Institute of Special Education
University of Lower Silesia
ul.Strzegomska 55
53-611 Wrocław
phone +48 501 336 002
fax +48 71 356 1519

Dr. Richard Freeze
Faculty of Education
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB 12213




2889 Highbury

Vancouver, B.C., Canada

IASE Membership

Individual members and organizations belonging to the IASE receive the following benefits:

  • Journal of the International Association of Special Education (JIASE)
  • Annuntiatus, the quarterly newsletter of the International Association of Special Education.
  • Reduced registration fees to attend the IASE biennial conference.
  • Professional development opportunities.
  • Participation in the Volunteer Service Projects.

To become a member for only $50 or $20, please visit the IASE website at this IASE membership form.

IASE Volunteer Activities

Volunteer Service Projects

In 2005, the IASE Board approved a proposal to establish the IASE Volunteer Service Committee. In August of 2006, the IASE Board approved the Vision and Mission statements for the project. IASE members may now apply to become volunteers.


Because there is a shortage of expertise in special education in many developing countries, and the International Association of Special Education has members with vast special educational experience, our vision is to facilitate the identification of special educational needs in developing countries and connect a volunteer resource person with that site. Our goal is to improve the lives of children with special needs by sharing professional expertise and experience, caring, and developing goodwill between all cultures.


The Volunteer ServiceProject of the International Association of Special Education will provide assistance in the area of special education to agencies/schools/ organizations by sharing professional expertise with teachers in developing countries. The volunteers who provide this nondenominational altruistic service are IASE members.

IASE Publications and Conferences

Journal of the International Association of Special Education (JIASE)

The Journal of the International Association of Special Education (JIASE) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research and PRAXIS articles pertaining to the education of exceptional children from around the world. The PRAXIS section of the journal is intended for the dissemination of practical strategies that readers can immediately implement in their classrooms/schools. These methods/strategies may be new and unique ideas or they can be effective methods/strategies that some teachers have been using and believe that by their publication many more teachers could effectively implement them in their classrooms.

JIASE, is published annually in the spring.The ISSN # is 1555-6913. JIASE is listed with EBSCO, SWETS and Wilson indexes. If you are not an IASE member, you may purchase a journal for a fee of $25 US.If you are an IASE member, you may purchase an extra Journal for $15 US. The editorial team is currently working on the 2012 edition of the JIASE with manuscripts at different stages of processing.

Contact Dr. Morgan Chitiyo, journal editor, for more information.

Dr. Morgan Chitiyo,

Duquesne University

600 Forbes Avenue

103C Canevin Hall

Pittsburgh, PA 15282

Phone: 412 396 4036



The Annuntiatus, the IASE newsletter, is published four times a year - spring, summer, fall, and winter. The newsletter usually includes a lead article about the upcoming biennial conference, a report from the President, notes from the field, highlights from Volunteer Service Project sites, a financial summary and more.

Contact Dr. RenataTicha, newsletter editor, for more information.

RenataTicha, Ph.D.
104 Pattee Hall
University of Minnesota
150 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Nominating a National Chair

The role of a National Chair (NC) is to communicate nationally about the goals, activities, publications, conferences, projects, volunteer opportunities, journal, newsletter, and website of IASE.Additionally, National Chairs communicate with the IASE Board to provide information about national inclusive and special education events such as conferences, workshops, research projects, volunteer projects, and other sharing opportunities in their countries.National Chairs assist in extending invitations to become active members of IASE to people who may be interested in our mission and aims. They act as IASE liaison with neighboring nations, regional partners, or other nations with historical or cultural relationships to their own.

To nominate a National Chair you must be a paid member of IASE.To become a member, see our Membership page.

Please complete and submit the National Chair Nomination Form (available at together with your curriculum vitae or resume.