The Rotary Roundup May11, 2006

The Rotary Club of Central Johnston County

PO Box 1843, Smithfield, NC 27577 Club 25223 District 7710

Chartered March 29, 1988 Membership 48

Meets 12 noon each Thursday in Suite 1404 of the Johnston Medical Mall

2005-2006 Club Officers

Mark Hall - President Wingate Lassiter – Pres. Elect Chris Key-VP Elect Donna Shumate-Past Pres. Waiel Mohammad – Secretary Jeff Britt – Treasurer

Vicki White – Club Service Martin Tetreault – Community Service Neal Davis – Vocational Service Steve Gillikin – International Service

Chris Key – Sergeant–at-Arms Jim White – Foundation Chair Mark Ryan – Program Chair Garry Gavitt - Golf Classic Chair Vicki White-Editor

* * * * * * * * * *

Events & Reminders

Board Meeting May 11 at 11:00

Come join us to see what goes on

and earn a makeup if you need it.

Celebrations for week of May 11 to May 17


Neal Davis on Tuesday, May 16

Wedding Anniversaries

None this week

CJC Rotary Anniversaries

None this week

Today’s Program For May 11

May 11 Donna Creech Emergency Management

Future Weekly Programs

See Mark Ryan to sign up.

May 18 Pete Connet TBA

May 25 Neal Davis TBA

June 1 Mark Ryan Hospice

Home Delivered Meals Schedule

Meet at the center a little before 11:00 on Fridays.

Be sure to contact each other a day before as a reminder.

May 12 Chuck Brewer Jeff Britt

May 19 Landis Bullock Linwood Byrd

May 26 Rick Childrey Dawn Clark

June 2 Pete Connet Donna Creech

Vocational Moments Schedule

Share just 2-3 minutes about your vocation/classification. If you cannot be present, please arrange to switch with someone.

May 11 Betty Jones Retail-Customer Service

May 18 Everitt Jones CFO & Computer Mgr.

May 25 Chris Key Investment Advisor

June 1 Mack Langdon Retail Service-Pest Control

June 8 Wingate Lassiter Local Gov’t – Heritage Center

Highlights of the May 4, 2006 Meeting

Pres. Elect Wingate opened the meeting. Woody led us in a prayer and Steve G. led the pledge.


Rotarian Ben Niblock from the Monday evening, Smithfield Club came for a makeup. Jim and Vicki brought Becky Marzboni wife of Dr. Marzboni and the office administrator of his OB-GYN practice.

Make Ups

Those attending the District Conference have 2 makeups if needed according to the RI Procedure Manual. Those who worked at the Golf Classic last Friday have one makeup. The Board will review Garry’s recommendation that CJC team players also be credited for a makeup because of their support for the fundraiser.

Vocational Minute

Chris J. is the Executive Director of the Smithfield Down Town Development Corporation. In 1986 the downtown had an occupancy rate of 45%. Presently it is 95%. His organization is non-profit and focuses on organization, economic development, design & fiscal development, and promotion. He took this opportunity to thank the many business members in CJC for their generous support of the Ham & Yam Festival on May 6 & 7.

Historical Moments

In light of the Annual Ham & Yam May 6 & 7, Wingate gave us some background on the festival that started in 1985. “Farmers Day” was celebrated in the early 70s. Shortly after Smithfield celebrated its bicentennial in 1977 a competition with Smithfield, Virginia, for the “Best Country Ham” was started. After our Smithfield hams continued to win, our northern competitors backed out of the event. Over the past 21 years we have had 10 perfect weather days. Only 4 were all or mostly rained out.


Willie alerted us to check out the current Rotarian magazine. It contains an interesting article about Rotary sponsored Golf Tournaments which have earned clubs as much as $18,000. Sound familiar?

Garry reported that we had 26 teams at our tournament last weekend but were a little short of the anticipated 30 teams. Four more teams of paying (not free sponsor teams) would have helped supplement the $14,000 received from sponsors. There was a brief discussion about possible alternatives to a Golf Tournament as the major fundraiser for the club, or a change to the fall to possibly reduce competition.

Neal reported on the District Conference. JCC received the award for the most members in attendance. We had eight members and 6 spouses. We were also presented with two Second Place Annual Giving banners. CJC gave the next to the highest amount to the Annual Program Funds. We also ranked second in the District in per capita giving last year. Our club’s “Rotarian of the Year” was announced and we will recognize the recipient next week.

David A. and Linwood expressed their appreciation to Garry for his hard work on the Golf Tournament. David A. also recognized Neal’s success in obtaining Tee Sign sponsors.

Closing of Meeting

The CART bucket was passed around. The meeting closed with the “Four Way Test” led by Willie.

Annual Program Funds Giving Reminder

Today, May 11th is the due date for members of “Groups of Four” who have not already turned in their check for “The Rotary Foundation.” Members are also asked to decide whom they wish to name as a Paul Harris Fellow. To be certain materials are here by the night of our annual banquet, RI must receive our information before the end of May!

Attendance for May 7, 2006

22 were Missing in Action with 5 make ups so far

Landis Bullock (mkGT) Linwood Byrd (mkDC)

Joy Callahan (LOA) Dawn Clark (mkHogTrot)

Ed Croom Teresa Daughtry

Eddie Foy 6 Michael Garner

Willis Godwin (gtp?) Mark Hall (mkGT)

Chris Key (gtp?) Kim McCullers (Med Exc.) Waiel Mohamad Tony Parker 4

Pete Pate (gtp?) Carlton Pernell

Cal Robol Mark Ryan

Eric Sellers Donna Shumate (mkGT)

Nancy Thomas Barbara Williford

Please see Vicki if you have a question about this information!

Current Club Membership is 48

David Arnn* Chuck Brewer Jeff Britt Landis Bullock* Linwood Byrd* Joy Callahan (LoA) Rick Childrey Dawn Clark Pete Connet Donna Creech Ed Croom Richard Daughtry Teresa Daughtry Neal Davis Claud Dunn* John Dunn Eddie Foy Michael Garner

Garry Gavitt Steve Gillikin Ted Godwin

Willis Godwin Warren Grimes* Mark Hall Chris Johnson Betty Jones Everitt Jones Chris Key Mack Langdon Wingate Lassiter* Kim McCullers Waiel Mohamed David Neville Tony Parker Pete Pate Carlton Pernell** Cal Robol Mark Ryan Eric Sellers Donna Shumate Willie Smith* Martin Tetreault Nancy Thomas Jim White* Vicki White Woody Wilkinson Barbara Williford Ronnie Wrenn

Tim Bartram (Honorary Membership)

*Denotes Charter Member of Central Johnston County

** Denotes Charter Member with interrupted service

From the Pen of Willie Smith - Magazine Chair

As many of you heard at our meeting last week, the May 2006 issue of The Rotarian contains a four-page article on golf tournament fundraising. After reading through the text, I believe our club could have written it! What great timing on the heels of another successful event for CJC!

Reading through the rest of the magazine, I learned that The Rotary Foundation expects the number of Paul Harris Fellows to reach one million by the end of June. Perhaps someone from our club will be the one-millionth!

There is a picture of RI President Stenhammaar driving a dog sled on p. 56. I always enjoy reading his monthly columns about Rotary. This month he focuses on cooperation and uses the Polio eradication program as an example of how a service organization can cooperate with governments, communities, banks, and foundations to reach an important goal. He says that Rotary has two great assets: the 1.2 million Rotarians, and our trademark, the Rotary gear wheel emblem. I had never really thought about how important the integrity that is represented in that wheel is to people around the world. Rotary really is a wonderful organization!

Another interesting article to check in this edition begins on page 41. “Virtually Rotary” asks the question “Are e-clubs the real thing?” Has any member of Central Johnston County used this? If you have, a report on this should make for an interesting club program.