Sweetwater County Joint Travel and Tourism Board

February 10, 2016

WWCC, Room 205

Green River, WY 82901

A.  Call to Order

1.  Bridget Renteria called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.

B.  Roll Call

1.  Members Present: Janet Hartford, Debbie Alvarez, Erika Koshar, Kelcie Hammond, Bridget Renteria, Falon Morgan, Greg Bailey and Amber Coble.

2.  Members Absent: Liisa Anselmi-Dalton, Craig Nelson and Allan Wilson.

3.  Visitors, guests and staff: Jenissa Meredith, Johno Green, Carol Volsey, Lisa Herrera and Lena Warren.

C.  Approval of Agenda

1.  Janet moved to approve the agenda as presented; Debbie seconded (motion passes 8-0).

D.  Correspondence

1.  N/A

E.  Quarterly Reports:

1.  Green River Chamber of Commerce:

i.  Lisa Herrera from the Green River Chamber of Commerce handed out packets to the board and went over the events that have been taking place.

ii. Lisa showed the board the 2014 Snap Shot that has all of the statistics on membership increase, gift certificates sold, website traffic increase, river festival overview, ticket sales for events, lunch and learn increased attendance, grant and sponsorship funds raised and a picture of the board of directors.

iii.  Lisa gave the board a spread sheet of all ticket sales for 2015.

iv.  Lisa gave the board a spread sheet of the Visitor Register that they have been compiling.

v.  Lisa handed out a rough numbers estimate of the amount of Burbot caught during the Burbot Classic.

vi.  Lisa showed the board the post cards that they are selling. They are having great success with these postcards. People really seem to enjoy getting local photography.

2.  Sweetwater Events Complex:

i.  Lena Warren from the Sweetwater Events Complex handed out packets to the board and went over what has been taking place at the events complex.

ii. Lena let the board know that the events complex has signed the contract with the National High School Finals Rodeo for 2018 and 2019.

iii.  The events complex is actively looking for other events to bring to the county and gave the board a list of possible future events.

iv.  Lena informed the board on the current projects and upgrades taking place. Lena thanked Greg Bailey and McDonalds for the donations of the freezer and refrigerator for the indoor arena.

v.  Lena confirmed the dates for Wyoming’s Big Show.

F.  Approval of Minutes

1.  Greg moved to approve the January 13, 2016 minutes as presented; Erika seconded (motion passes 8-0).

G.  Secretary-Signing of Minutes

1.  Kelcie signed the January 13, 2016 minutes.

H.  Payment of Bills

1.  Janet moved to approve checks #3010 through #3030, and electronic payment of $3,475.12 to EFTPS for federal taxes and payroll liabilities, in the total amount of $80,638.45; voiding check #2652 for grant #13-12-09 (2014 Drop In Hockey Tournament) that was misplaced and reissued with check #3025 and voiding check #3013 that was made out the Signature Advertising in error and replaced with check #3030 to Miles Media Group. Greg seconded (motion passes 8-0).

I.  Chairperson’s Report

1.  None

J.  Vice Chairperson’s Report

1.  None

K.  Treasurer’s Report

1.  Bridget made a deposit of $99,275.23 on January 9th, 2016 into the money market account.

L.  Director’s Report

1.  Committees, Commitments & Attended Meetings

i.  Jenissa reported on the meetings she attended this last month which included, SWC Directors meeting, WTIC Board Meeting, Lodging Tax Board Executive meetings, Lodging Association meeting, RS and GR Beautification meetings, SWC Event Recruitment Committee meeting and the Flaming Gorge Promotions Committee Meeting.

2.  Marketing Campaign

i.  Media Plan 2015-16

a)  Jenissa showed the board a picture of the new banner that is at the airport.

ii. Website

a)  Jenissa let the board know that the website is active and is having phenomenal analytics.

iii.  Photography/Videography

a)  Jenissa showed the board the still pictures that we have received from the video shoot.

iv.  PR

a)  The travel writer’s reception is in Salt Lake City on April 4-5.

b)  The plan for the press trip is July 31 – August 4th, we will be inviting 4 writers.

v.  February E-newsletter

a)  The E-newsletter focused on the “Best Scenic Drives in Sweetwater County.”

3.  Miscellaneous Projects

i.  Wyoming Governors Conference on Tourism

a)  Jenissa, Johno and 5 board members will be attending the conference from February 21-23.

ii. WTIC Webinar

a)  Jenissa and Liisa were on the WTIC Webinar that took place on 1/21/16 focusing on Lodging Tax Board Education. Jenissa thought it went very well.

iii.  Flaming Gorge Promotions Committee

a)  Jenissa reported they are deepening the partnership, revamping the Flaming Gorge Magazine and adding new content that she would like Ore Communications to write.

iv.  Flaming Gorge Gateway Sign Grant

a)  Working on Phase II of the grant. We are still waiting on WYDOT to give is the location.

v.  Information Trailer

a)  The information trailer is ready to go forward. Jenissa just needs to meet with Dave Hanks and set up time for order, delivery, etc.

vi.  SWC Lodging Association

a)  The next meeting will be 2/11/16 at My Place

a.  Jenissa will be presenting the Annual Report and Conversion Study.

b)  The last meeting was at the Hampton on 1/14/15

a.  The Rock Springs and Green River Parks and Recreation presented.

vii.  Event Recruitment

a)  The committee is meeting monthly and has bid on State HS Speech and Debate and Soccer.

a.  Jenissa informed the board we did receive the bid for State High School Speech and Debate for 2017-18. We did not receive the Soccer. Jackson received the bid. We will be able to bid on it again for 2020-21.

b)  Board Member Lunches/Orientation

a.  Jenissa is scheduling a lunch meeting with Allan Wilson next.

viii.  Marketing Assistant – Johno Green

a.  City Beautification

i.  Johno let the board know that Hampton and Newman are the first Rock Springs recipients for the Pride of Place.

ii. The lodging study results are waiting on the hotels information.

ix.  Measurables

a)  Jenissa handed out the charts for the Lodging Tax and Occupancy rates. The lodging tax collection is down for the month of January and the Occupancy rates for January are not out yet.

x.  Purchases

a)  Jenissa purchases for the month are $675 for the Annual Report printing and $300 for the Airport Banner.

xi.  Janet made a motion to approve the director’s report. Amber seconded. Motion passed (8-0).

M.  Old Business

i.  None

N.  New Business

1.  Budget Amendment

i.  Bridget Renteria read the resolution into the February minutes.

a)  “Where As, the budget for the Sweetwater County Joint Travel & Tourism Board for the for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 has been approve, it is now necessary to amend the budget to appropriate the final 2014/2015 unexpended carryover”; The new budget will increase $2,500 from $1,182,261.26 to $1,184,761.26.

b)  Greg made a motion to approve the budget amendment as stated, Janet seconded. Motion passed (8-0).

2.  Convention Bags

i.  Jenissa asked the board to approve the purchase of 5,000 yellow convention bags in the amount of $2,718.22. Erika made a motion to approve the purchase of 5,000 yellow convention bags in the amount of $2,718.22. Greg seconded (motion passed 8-0).

3.  Flaming Gorge Guide Content Writer

i.  Jenissa would like to have Ore Communications write the content for the Flaming Gorge Guide that will cost $2,300. Janet made a motion to approve the expenditure of $2,300 for Ore Communications to write the content for the Flaming Gorge Magazine. Greg seconded (motion passed 8-0).

4.  Depository of Public Funds

i.  Fallon made a motion to accept Commerce Bank as the Official Depository of Public Funds. Erika seconded (motion passed 8-0).

5.  Annual Report

i.  Jenissa showed the board the 2015 Annual report and went over it page by page.

O.  Adjournment

1.  Greg made a motion to adjourn at 6:15pm. Erika seconded (motion passes 8-0)


Secretary’s signature Date

Minutes submitted by Carol Volsey