Parish Minute Book 1981 – beginning of 2004

Key decisions – this summary does not note every meeting just key decisions from several meetings during the period.

23 November 1981
Allotments / Conveyed from Broadland District Council.
Agreed to
  • Let on an annual basis
  • Rent for the following year to be decided at each November meeting
  • Rent for 1982 fixed at £5 per allotment (six allotments in all)
  • Tenants to be responsible for keeping their allotments in good order including path attached thereto
  • Providing allotments have been kept in good order existing tenants will normally be given the option of renewing their tenancy at January each year
  • Tenants may rent only on allotment at a time if there are prospective tenants with their names on a ‘waiting list’
  • The Clerk is to keep a waiting list

22 November 1982
Highways / The Divisional Surveyor decided that he would make an improvement to the cross roads in the long term when finances were available.
16 May 1983
Parish development / The District Counci pointed out that their hands were tied and no further development outside the village centre apart from the vicinity of Church Farm could be allowed.
12 November 1984
Churchyard Maintenance contribution / Agreement to increase the Parish Council’s contribution to the PCC to £100 annually
11 February 1985
Playing field / Agreed payment of increased rent to £5 per annum. Agreed that one acre of the playing field (adjoining the cultivated field to the south of the area) to be surrendered back to the owner to enhance her field and to save the parish the expense of grass cutting and mole eradication. The area remaining of approximately 2 acres being sufficient to form a football pitch or a cricket pitch if needs arose.
13 May 1985
Footpath signposts / Clerk had erected five posts
War Memorial posts / Replaced
Playing field / Pitch now assessed as 2.31 acres for grass cutting (actual total area 2.49 assessed by Lady Prince Smith’s agent).
9 September 1985
Footpath signposts / Two on either side of the road from the church to Top Farm had been removed. One spare replacement available
Right of way request to allotments / The District Council would not grant a right of way from Post Office Lane to the allotments
19 May 1986
War memorial / Noted that the grass around the memorial belongs to the owner of Church Farm
22 December 1986
Airfield / Application by Bernard Matthews Ltd for a feed stuffs mill to be erected. Parish Council agreed to object on the following grounds: volume of traffic and noise generated by vehicles and noise generated from the mill itself. (13.7.87 – application refused)
Footpath / Agreed that a public right of way on foot running from the water tower along the northern boundary of Black Breck plantation to the pair of semi detached houses on the road between Pump Farm and RinglandChurch had been established over the last 20 years.
13 July 1987
War Memorial / Parish Council looking after the structure and surrounding posts and chains.
8 February 1988
Village Seat / Agreed to place the repaired seat by the new Church noticeboard near the northern entrance to the church, by agreement with the ParochialChurch council.
Road naming / Proposed names for 15 roads were agreed: Church Street, Collin Green Lane, Hockering Road, Honingham Road, Easthaugh Road (subsequently called Lyng Road 16.5.88) , Morton Lane, Norwich Road, Post Office Lane, Rectory Road, Ringland Lane, Field Road, Weston Hall Road, Woodforde Close, Woodcock Loke (subsequently called Woodcock Lane), Middle Road (subsequently called Hungate Common).
Gravel extraction at Lyng Eastaugh / Excavation of a further 10 year supply of gravel would continue, using present roads but with improvements on the highway provided by the extractors.
16 May 1988
Restricted Road width / Misuse through the village continues with the Police trying to keep an eye on the situation.
12 February 1990
Restricted Road width / Misuse continuing.
21 May 1990
DinosaurPark / Concerns re access to new park: Poor sign posting, exit on Morton Lane.
9 July 1990
Road signs / Orders for ‘Weston Longville – please drive carefully’ signs could now be placed after Ministry approval had been received.
12 November 1990
Footpath / Difference of opinion as to whether footpath no.2 runs from Field Road to Morton Lane or whether it stops at the edge of the properties of Mr Coles and Mrs Attewell. Neither party would accept that the route ran down the private road. The County Council records showed that the path did run between the properties. The County Council had been asked to define where it ran and how it had been created.
11 February 1991
Footpath / The path from Morton Lane to Field Road running past Mr Coles’ and Mrs Attewells is definitely a registered footpath as confirmed by the County Council.
13 May 1991
Restricted Road width / All over-width vehicles should be reported to the Police who could then take action. Police would require the registration number, the operating firm’s name and the time observed.
24 June 1991
Village Hall Roof / Allowing for grants from the District and the Village Halls Association a shortfall in funding the replacement roof was noted. It was agreed that the hall should be retained with the Parish Councils help. If requests for donations from other organisations were insufficient the Clerk would precept for additional funds.
11 November 1991
Precept / Increased to £1,000. However subsequently revised to £1,500 following an extraordinary meeting after the Parish Council learned that parishes would be responsible for election costs and the normal parish running expenses.
18 May 1992 AGM
Bus shelter / Agreed not to pursue
446 Bomb Squadron (USAF) / Invited parishioners to their dedication serve at the new memorial in June.
18 May 1992
Unnamed road / The road from the woodyard to the two cottages was agreed as Ringland Road
13 July 1992
Road signs / Nearly all were removed. The Police and Highways were informed.
Restricted Road width / Drivers were still ignoring the restriction.
14 February 1994
Old Weston Longville / Marjory Futter’s proposal of a booklet was supported
14 November 1994
Footpath / Mr Mytton said that Dark Lane was wrongly designated as a footpath when it was bridleway.
15 May 1995
Hire of playing field / Resolved not to set a tariff for the hire of the field as its prime purpose was to provide a recreational space. Exceptions would be considered.
13 November 1995
Speed Limit / Approved a speed restriction of 30 mph through the village
11 November 1996
Cemetery / Request from the PCC that the Parish Council purchase land for new cemetery. Estimated area required 1 acre
Traffic calming / A public meeting was against the County Council’s proposal for a physical width restriction but in favour of investigating traffic calming.
10th February 1997
Goal posts and basket ball ring / Approval for purchase
12 May 1997
Insurance / Liability in the event of the council providing playing field equipment - Zurich confirmed coverage in the event of any accidents but the Parish Council would have to pay an additional premium to cover for theft or damage of the equipment. This was still subject to an excess payable which was greater than the cost of the equipment so the additional cover was not taken out.
6 July 1998
Road names / Broadland District Council have agreed that Morton Lane will start at the Marl Hill crossroad and will continue to the Hockering Road.
9 November 1998
Traffic questionnaire / 21 out of 25 surveys completed. 100% concerned about traffic. No consensus regarding traffic calming. 72% think there should be a physical width restriction (either by the village hall, or Honingham side of Rectory Road, or village side of Rectory Road, or Weston Green).
10 May 1999
Basket ball net / Completed
14 February 2000
Basket ball net / Concern expressed over cost of post and hoop and the number of quotes – PC noted that the transaction was carried out in accordance with the financial regulations. High cost was explained by materials of construction.
12 February 2001
Wood Lane / Proposals considered for making it one way
12November 2001
Village Hall and increase of precept / Following resignations hall returned to parish council. Agreed to raise the precept by £2,000 for the 2002-3 year to cover any shortfall in funds. If the money was not needed for day to day running it should be saved to ensure essential fabric work could be carried out in future. Noted that hall operates as a charity and as such the trustees will have to be changed at the end of the financial year in 2002. Agreed to hold a meeting to see if there was sufficient local interest to form a new committee.
Millennium Avenue / High mortality rate with some of the trees already planted. Countryside stewardship scheme allows for the provision of a 6m headland with trees in it and this has been applied for – accepted and noted in minutes 11.2.02
11 February 2002
Village Hall / PC agreed to take over the management
Quality Councils / Push from Central Government but: all seats should be filled by election, not less than 6 meetings per year, Clerk training, quarterly newsletter. The PC felt that the benefits for a small council did not outweigh the amount of work required and therefore status would not be applied for.
13 May 2002
Code of Conduct / Mandatory provisions of the Model Code of Conduct contained in the Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001 were adopted.
Village Hall / Sufficient volunteers have come forward to form a new committee. Agreed to return the hall to independence with separate bank account for the PC such that money can be set aside to fund the hall as required.
11 November 2002
Freedom of Information / Current act requires PC to adopt a model code to make available copies of minutes, registers of interests and code of conduct, etc. Where applicable these are already available and so no change required.
Water to allotments / Decision not to pursue as there would be difficulty in ensuring equitable splitting of the costs
Traffic speed / PC to write to NCC again regarding traffic calming
10 February 2003
HGV routing / Concerns expressed to NCC re lack of consultation on adopted proposal.
12 May 2003
Highways / Ongoing problems with roads and traffic noted – County Council priorities noted. Consensus of the PC was that whilst little could be done about the volume of traffic coming through the village, the PC should concentrate on curtailing speed. Agreed to request another traffic survey.
Allotments / Agreed to retain as rent free for the time being.
Donations / Noted restrictions on how much the PC could spend on ‘non parish’ donations. At that time s137 payments could reach £5 per elector (258) so therefore £1290.
14 July 2003
Highways / Response from NCC received. Concerns split into two parts: 1. related to use of the improved route – no decisions as to signage or other restrictions decided and no timescale for consultation, 2. related to speed – referred to another department
10 November 2003
Highways / Request for footpath from the Lyng Easthaugh junction with Hall Road to the A1067 to allow access to Lenwade. Highways stated that the route is part of the 2 way HGV section and therefore there is insufficient width to provide an adequate footpath to conform to current standards.
9 February 2004
Highways / Noted that people could ask Lady Anne for permission to use the road through the Orton Estate to the A1067 but this should be done on an individual basis. General site meeting re traffic matters showed that there had been no personal injury accidents in the last 3 years in Woodforde Close or Church Street. With regard to speed the survey showed that the village did not fall into the high scoring category. NCC did agree that the verge erosion adjacent to the pub and village hall was a cause for concern and arranged for reflective posts to be put in place. With regard to the crossroads at Weston Green there have again been insufficient PIAs to warrant either change in the layout or speed limit although signage would be improved.