Course Syllabus: HMS 250 Human Services Seminar (8/11 rev)

HMS 250 Human Services Seminar(3 Credits)Prerequisites: HMS 102 or instructor’s approval

Students will explore emerging issues and current trends in human service work as related to the student’s goals, interests, and abilities. Students will complete a research project in a specific human services profession. This course is required for students seeking an AAS degree in Human Services but it is open to any student who is, or desires to be, involved in human services work. Students will create a career plan and build a resume based on identifying goals, objectives, skills, training, employment experiences, and current job opportunities.


Mary Ray, PhD

Human Services Program Coordinator/Instructor

Great Basin College

Elko Campus

1500 College Parkway

Elko, NV 89801

Office: Health Sciences, Room 116

Phone: 775-753-2005

Administrative Support: Dianna Byers 775-753-2301

Fax: 775-753-2151

Office Hours

By appointment. Contact the instructor through the course email or by phone. Leave phone messages at any time, and every effort is made to return calls on the next business day.

Required Textbooks and Materials

The Assertiveness Workbook by Randy Paterson, New Harbinger, ISBN# 1-57224-209-4, 2000 and Human Behavior in a Just World by Rosemary Link and ChathapuramRamanathan, ISBN: 978-1-4422-0291-7 or electronic: 978-1-4422-0292-4.

Human Behavior in a Just World by Rosemary J. Link and Chathapuram S. Ramanathan, Rowman and Littlefield ISBN: 978-1-4422-0291.

Regular, reliable computer access to internet and MS Word and rewritable CD

Course Description

This course contains a variety of didactic, reflective, interactive approaches to the delivery of human services. The physical, psychological and social aspects of human functioning will be addressed. Students will be expected to demonstrate a depth of knowledge about current human services applications, educational opportunities, and career options.

Course Goals

The course goals will be met by the following objectives:

I.To recognize effective human service interventions in the context of organizational paradigms

II.To develop communications and leadership skills for community building

III.To create a functional career development plan

Learner Outcomes and Measurements

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1)Identify services for clients which reflect an understanding of diverse, individual issues and those common to the human condition, and which reflect the standards of practice and the ethical code of the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS).

Measurement: Journals and discussions.

2) Develop a career plan and employment materials based on an understanding of client services, requirements for social services employment, and insights which reflect personal and professional goals, objectives, strengths and limitations.

Measurement: Career plan, interview, portfolio.

3)Demonstrate accurate, clear and precise, assertive verbal and written communications skills, conduct evidence-based research, document findings, and utilize web-based and common office computer technologies.

Measurement: Journals, community project, portfolio.

Methods of Instruction

This course contains assignments and interactions with the instructor, community agency personnel, and other students, and will include the following learning methods:

  • Audio/visual materials
  • Social services agency site visits/community education events
  • Written assignments
  • Threaded and small group discussions
  • Course evaluations

Explanation of Grading Policy

The following grade point scale will be used:

A ≥ 93 B- 80-82 D+ 67-69

A- 90-92 C+ 77-79 D 63-66

B+ 87-89 C 73-76 D- 60-62

B 83-86 C- 70-72 F <60

A 10% deduction will be made for unexcused, late work, in increasing amounts thereafter based on time lapsed from due dates. Late points continue to accrue and are permanent. This does not apply after the student and instructor agree that an incomplete will be issued. Independent study students will also adhere to agreed-upon due dates. Suspected violations of GBC academic honesty policy will be reported. Incompletes will only be granted per GBC policy (see current GBC catalog). Because clear and accurate written communication skills are required for human services work, points are deducted for writing and style errors.

Important Note: In order for late work to be assessed for a grade, students must notify the instructor by email when discussion posts or assignments are submitted late. Independent study students must notify the instructor by email whenever an assignment or discussion is posted/submitted and ready to be graded.

Attendance Policy

Per GBC catalog, “You must participate in classes regularly if you intend to obtain the full benefits of instruction. Unexcused hours of absence in excess of the number of course credit hours are excessive…” for live classes. Students having difficulty attending/participating due to illness, disability, or personal emergency must notify the instructor to make arrangements for making missed assignments prior to the due date/time to avoid point deductions. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process of making up assignments, and/or obtaining missed instructional content.

Important Note:

Due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter, students are expected to present thoughtful reviews of the material, and to offer scholarly commentary. Students are to maintain the confidentiality of others, including classmates, and guest speakers, as appropriate. During this course, students are expected to demonstrate respectful, ethical behaviors, as outlined in the GBC Catalog and the NOHS Code of Ethics, when participating in activities with peers, instructors and/or speakers in class meetings, interactive video sessions, and/or in online discussions.

Course Outline/Assignments

Week 1

Topic: Welcome to class!

Learning Goals: Review course content and course expectations, complete introductions, and identify due dates to plan for assignments. Begin exploring professional goals and community needs as related to human services. Define the community building process, and relate community needs to the concepts identified in Maslow’s Hierarchy of human needs.


___Introduce yourself to the class in the “introduction” section of the discussion

___Print out a copy of the syllabus, and read the entire syllabus

___Make a calendar for yourself that includes due dates for all activities and assignments (see course announcements)

___Discussion #1: Review the basic concepts of the human service profession (if you do not have the HMS 101 textbook, review the National Organization for Human services—NOHS—website. Review the current edition of the Human Services Program Handbook, which is posted on the GBC Human Services website). Identify and describe 5 of your professional career goals and discuss how they relate to your education/career in human services. Use complete sentences and college level writing and provide supporting information from published resource material and citations in all discussion posts. Use the NOHS website as a reference frequently.

___Review Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and discuss/apply concepts from the Maslow’s Hierarchy in each week in journal work (see journal assignment description, below).

___Locate and print a copy of a your resume (or make a list of employment/volunteer experiences and education that you have completed)

___Discuss your plans for designing and completing a community project for this course by calling or emailing the instructor

___Journal #1: Part A: What is community building? Locate/identify a local community building project near you. Research local newspapers and non-profit organizations for this information: Describe the goals and objectives of this project. Explain how these relate to human service and to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (see assignment description, below, for details about completing Part A of all journal assignments). Part B: Complete Chapter 1 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

Week 2

Topic: Defining Human Services as a profession

Learning Goals: Recognize human services as a discrete profession. Identify concepts from the Human Service Code of Ethics (COE) and the standards of practice (SOP) as they relate to professional development. Align personal employment goals and objectives by considering current and future human service job opportunities. Identify/analyze state-sponsored human services programs.


___Discussion #2: Describe five attitudes and/or behaviors of human services professionals based on the Human Service SOP/COE in ten complete sentences or more. Include a discussion about the requirements for national certification based information from the NOHS website of at least five complete sentences.

___Complete Journal #2: Part A: Locate/identify a state-wide community building project which provides human services. Describe the goals and objectives of this project per the assignment description for Community Building Assignments (below). Part B: Complete Chapter 2 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

___Compile your work and education experiences and/or “old” resumes. Review at least three resume format options on the internet. Choose one option and create/revise/update your own resume. Submit a draft to the instructor for review.

Week 3

Topics: General career planning and goal setting

Learning Goals: Define and compose career goals which reflect professional skills and objectives related to human/social services. Identify community development programs that provide or promote human services which originate at the national level in the United States.


___Discussion #3: Locate and describe a human service job that interest to you. Attach the job description to the discussion. Write two career goals to match the requirements for the job you have selected in two complete sentences or more. Describe how you plan to demonstrate that you can achieve these goals to this prospective employer by writing three professional objectives in ten complete sentences or more.

___Complete Journal #3: Part A: Locate/identify a national community building project which provides human services. Describe the goals and objectives of this project per the assignment description for Community Building Assignments (below). Relate your findings to concepts from the readings in Chapter 1 of Human Behavior in a Just World. Cite examples with page numbers from the readings. Include information about ways in which Maslow’s theories are reflected in the activities, goals and objectives of this organization. Part B: Complete Chapter 3 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

Week 4

Topic: Employment-based career preparation

Learning Goals: Explore needs of human services employers, including client populations served and employment skills needed to serve clients effectively. Identify and describe community development programs which provide or promote human services in Mexico.


___Discussion #4: Write a sample cover letter for a human service job which outlines your qualifications and interest in a job and attach it (or paste it) into the discussion area. Identify five ways in which this letter matches/reflects the requirements from a job description in Discussion #3. Use correct grammar, punctuation and business style.

___Complete Journal #4: Part A: Locate/identify an community building project in Mexico which provides human services. Use the internet, newspapers and non-profit organizations as leads. Describe the goals and objectives of this project per the assignment description for the Community Building assignments. Relate your findings to the readings in Chapter 2 of Human Behavior in a Just World and cite examples with page numbers from the readings and to Maslow. Part B: Complete Chapter 4 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

Week 5

Topic: Refining and focusing career development plans

Learning Goals: Explore educational and career development opportunities and pathways in human services. Identify and describe community development programs which provide or promote human services in Canada.


___Discussion #5: Describe at least 5 ways in which human service professionals can meet professional development/educational goals and objectives in ten complete sentences or more.

___Complete Journal #5: Part A: Locate/identify a local community building project in Canada which provides human services. Use the internet, newspapers and non-profit organizations as leads. Describe the goals and objectives of this project per the assignment description for the Community Building assignments. Relate your findings to the readings in Chapter 3 of Human Behavior in a Just World and to Maslow. Part B: Complete Chapter 5 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

___Career Plan due (see due date in course announcements)

Week 6

Topic: Principles of job interviewing

Learning Goals: Analyze and identify general goals and objectives for human services job interviews. Identify and describe community development programs which provide or promote human services clients in a European country.


___Discussion #6: Identify and discuss five important points about the job interview process from the perspectives of the interviewer as well as those of the job seeker. Include a additional discussion of at least five complete sentences about the importance of the role of assertive behavior in obtaining and maintaining employment.

___Complete Journal #6: Part A: Journal #1: Part A: Locate/identify a local community building project in a country in Europe which provides human services. Use the internet, newspapers and non-profit organizations as leads. Describe the goals and objectives of this project per the assignment description for the Community Building assignments. Relate your findings to the readings in Chapter 4 of Human Behavior in a Just World and cite examples with page numbers from the readings. Cite concepts from Maslow as well. Part B: Complete Chapter 6 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

Week 7

Topic: Practicing job interviews

Learning Goals: Define and practice skills for participating in job interviews. Identify and describe community development programs which provide or promote human services within a country in Asia.


___Discussion #7: Practice introducing yourself for a job interview in a mirror. Practice ending a job interview, and asking to be considered for a job. Describe your experience with the mirror session in five sentences or more. Write ten complete sentences describing the reasons why you believe that an employer should hire you, above other qualified candidates for this job.

___Complete Journal #7: Part A: Locate/identify a community building project in Asia which provides human services. Use the internet, newspapers and non-profit organizations as leads. Describe the goals and objectives of this project per the assignment description for the Community Building assignments. Relate your findings to the readings in Chapter 5 of Human Behavior in a Just World and cite examples with page numbers from the readings. Cite concepts from Maslow as well. Part B: Complete Chapter 7 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

Week 8

Topic: Assertiveness training and interviewing practice

Learning Goals: Apply principles of assertiveness in the process of obtaining and implementing job interviews. Identify and describe community development programs which provide or promote human services within a country in Africa.


___Discussion #8 Practice a mock job interview with another person. Describe what you have learned from this experience in at least 10 complete sentences. Also write a summary of 10 complete sentences or more containing a reflection of your awareness of your body language, and the body language of your “interviewer.” How did body language affect the “interview”?

___Complete Journal #8: Part A: Locate/identify a community building project related to human service that operates in Africa which provides human services. Use the internet, newspapers and non-profit organizations as leads. Describe the goals and objectives of this project per the assignment description for the Community Building assignments. Relate your findings to the readings in Chapter 6 of Human Behavior in a Just World and cite examples with page numbers from the readings. Cite concepts from Maslow as well. Part B: Complete Chapter 8 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

Week 9

Topic: Assessing interpersonal assertiveness

Learning Goals: Recognize, evaluate and develop assertiveness skills. Identify and describe community development programs which provide or promote human services within a country in the middle east or in India or Pakistan.


___Discussion #9: Give one example each of passive, aggressive, and passive-aggressive behaviors you have noted in the past week in five sentences or more each. Write five additional sentences or more about your reactions to non-assertive behaviors which you have observed in yourself this week.

__Journal #9: Part A: Locate/identify a community building project related to human services in the Middle East/India. Use the internet, newspapers and non-profit organizations as leads. Chapter 6 of Human Behavior in a Just World Describe the goals and objectives of this project per the assignment description for the Community Building assignments and cite examples with page numbers from the readings. Cite concepts from Maslow as well. Part B: Complete Chapter 9 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

Week 10

Topic: Leadership skill development

Learning Goals: Practice assertive leadership skills. Identify and describe community development programs which provide or promote human services in countries in the Pacific rim/islands.


___Discussion #10: Give two examples of assertive leadership from the Community Building book in at least ten complete sentences each (total of 20 sentences are required).

___Complete Journal #10: Part A: Locate/identify a community building project in the Pacific Islands (excluding Hawaii) which provide human services. Use the internet, newspapers and non-profit organizations as leads. Describe the goals and objectives of this project per the assignment description for Chapter 7 of Human Behavior in a Just World and cite examples with page numbers from the readings. Cite concepts from Maslow as well. Part B: Complete Chapter 10 in the Assertiveness training workbook.

Week 11

Topic: Ethics and professional boundaries

Learning Goals: Identify ways to express appreciation in appropriate ways in the workplace and with clients. Identify and describe community development programs which provide or promote human services within a country in Central America.


___Discussion #11: Describe three situations regarding gift-giving and receiving in the workplace in five lines or more each for a situation about gifts from clients, one about supervisor gift-giving, one about supervisor gift-receiving, and one about peer-to-peer giving in human service agency contexts. Base your discussions on the Human Services COE and other related evidence-based research material. Write five sentences about alternative ways to express appreciation (vs. gifting).