Spring 2010 13:30-16:15 MWF

Instructor: Timothy Buie

office: 117-D Brooks Hall

phone: 515-8332


Course Description

Design students, in association with Computer Science (CSC 482) students, will learn the fundamental principles and processes of game design and development by working in multi-disciplinary game development teams to build a semester-long game project. Topics include fundamental game design concepts, 2D and 3D content design, the roles of artists and designers in game development, and the integration of art in the game production pipeline. Emphasis will be placed on a team based approach to learning with communication, cooperation, and integration as critical tenets of the course. Basic drawing skills and knowledge of Photoshop or similar 2D graphics software are required, and students are also requested to have a personal computer capable of running 2D and 3D graphics production software concurrently.

Attendance and Timeliness:

• Attendance is mandatory, and each student is expected to be in class for the full duration.

• Three unexcused absences: a drop of one letter grade

• Four unexcused absences: a drop of two letter grades

• Five unexcused absences: fail

• The roll will be taken at the beginning of class. Please notify the professor if you arrive late. If you arrive 15 minutes

late or later, it will count as a tardy for the day. If you leave class early without permission, it will count as a

tardy for the day. Three unexcused tardies will count as an unexcused absence.

• Written documentation, e.g. a receipt, is needed for an absence to be excused. If it is health related, I do not need to know

what, just that you went.

• Requests for anticipated excused absences must be submitted, with appropriate documentation, as soon as you are

aware of them and before the absence.

• Requests for excused emergency absences must be made and appropriately certified as soon as possible and no later

than one week after the return to classes. Out of courtesy, a phone call or email explaining your absence, would be

greatly appreciated.

• If you miss class, it will be your responsibility to find out what you missed from one of your classmates. Any projects

not available for critique will be considered late. Late projects should be completed outside of class, and handed in as

soon as possible.

• Late assignments will be penalized one letter grade for each class beyond the final due date.

• NCSU Attendance Policies:

Grading and Evaluation: Grade Scale

• attendance A+ 4.00 D+ 1.33

• participation in the studio A 4.00 D 1.00

• commitment to excellence A- 3.67 D- 0.67

• generation of varied and alternative design solutions B+ 3.33 F/NC 0.00

• completion of assignments B 3.00

• improvement, development, and refinement B- 2.67

• sensitivity to design problems C+ 2.33

• giving and responding to critiques C 2.00

• 2D and 3D communication C- 1.67

• quality and documentation of work

• design vocabulary and terminology

• cultural and environmental awareness and responsibility

• self awareness and self motivation

• humor, play, and fun

• avoidance of preconceptions

• working beyond interests and exploring past the obvious

• working with uncertainty

• working individually and as part of a team


A= Exceptional and inspired work (far beyond the basic requirements), excellence in concept, process and design.

B= Very good work, well above average

C= Average work, meets minimum requirements

D= Poor quality, deficient in craft, concept and design

Cell Phones

Cell phones, pagers, PDA’s, etc. must be turned off during class.

• One infraction: warning

• Two infractions: a drop of one letter grade

• Three infractions: fail

Studio Space

Students are expected to maintain the studio space and surrounding area in a clean and orderly manner. Items brought to studio are subject to refusal by the college, department, or professor.


It is the responsibility of the student to schedule conferences outside of class time.


You must provide digital documentation of your work at the end of the semester. Digital content must be on PC-formatted CD or DVD in a slimline case. Use a naming convention of id400firstname_lastname_projectname.

Health and Safety

As part of your educational experience at the College of Design, you will be expected to participate in classes, field trips, and workshops in locations both on and off the campus. You will be expected to fulfill your class assignments using equipment, tools and machinery. It is expected that you will use proper care and caution and will assume responsibility for your health and safety.

Honor Code

All students who enroll at NC State are required to adhere to the guidelines for academic integrity as outlined in the NCSU Code of Student Conduct. For more information contact the Office of Student Conduct at 515-2963 or access the Code at the following World Wide Web site:

Students with Disabilities

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For more information on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation (

Important due dates (note that some due dates apply only to CSC student activity):

·  Project 1 (game treatment): Week 1

·  CSC/ID Class Organizational Meeting, evening of TBD

·  Game Treatments, TBD

·  Project Pitch Materials due, TBD

·  Pitch night, evening of TBD

·  Milestone #1, TBD

·  Milestone #1 reviews, in class, TBD

·  First playable, TBD

·  First playable reviews, in class TBD

·  Final presentation slides due in class TBD

·  Gold master preview, in class TBD

·  Gold master due, TBD

·  Showcase, evening of TBD

Initial Team Forming Assignments (more will follow)

Initial Team Meeting Report, Due: TBD, before 11:45PM, Format: One .doc per team emailed to

Meet with all team members to discuss game constraints and concepts, and to establish team member roles and responsibilities.

You must have some kind of agreement between Design Lead and Programming Lead on game design. ID students need to have one member who, in addition to traditional art responsibilities, is responsible for ensuring that art assets are delivered to CSC members on time and in the correct format for integration into the UMods.

Game Treatment, Due: TBD, 1:30PM, Format: One .doc per team emailed to

A one paragraph overview of game concept. How is it unique? What is the goal of the game? Why is it compelling? What does the player experience? More details may follow.

Team Logo Design

Format: .psd, 300ppi., RGB, 100% print size, use layer shapes if importing from Illustrator.

Due: TBD, 1:30PM




Game Design

QA76.76.C672 C385 Castillo, Novak game level design

QA76.76.C672 A332 Rollings & Adams fundamentals of Game Design

QA76.76.C672 R64 Rollings & Adams Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design

GV1469.2 .C72 Crawford The art of computer game design

GV1469.34 .S52 B64 Bogost persuasive games: the expressive power of video games

QA76.76.C672 C73 Crawford chris crawford on game design

QA76.76.C672 B87 Busby Mastering Unreal Technology: The Art of Level Design

QA76.76 .C672 S25 Salen & Zimmerman Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals

QA76.76 .C672 I59 Irish The Game Producer's Handbook

QA76.76.C672 M454 Meigs Ultimate Game Design: building game worlds

QA76.76 .C672 F54 Feil & Scattergood Beginning Game Level Design

QA76.76 .C672 I58 Rabin Introduction to Game Development

QA76.76 .C672 G35 Laramee Game Design Perspectives

QA76.76 .C672 B38 Bates Game Design, Second Edition

QA76.76.C672 F85 Fullerton, Swain, & Hoffman game design workshop

QA76.76.C672 S54 Lee Character Development and Storytelling for Games

QA.76.76.C672 F62 Fox Game Interface Design

QA76.76.C672 F72 Freeman Creating Emotion in Games

Concept Art

PN1995.9 .A74 L4 Le, et. al. Robertson (ed.) The skillful huntsman

T385 .C6625 Hull, Jones, Bouvier, Antonov concept art

N8217 .F28 C48 Chiang mechanika

N7433.85 .S63 S77 Sparth structura: the art of sparth

NC960 .C9 R63 Robertson, et. al. in the future…

T385 .L334 (DVD) Levy from speed painting to matte painting

GV1469.25 .G45 H39 (DVD) Hawkins Gears of war creature design

NC845 .M335 McCaig shadowline: the art of iain mccain

GV1469.25.H35 H35 Valve Half-Life 2: raising the bar

QA76.76.C672 T75 Trautmann The Art of Halo: creating a virtual world

TR897.7 . C66 (DVD) Zhu Concept design with Feng Zhu (DVD Vol. 1-4)

NC740 .M438 (DVD) Mead The techniques of Syd Mead (DVD Vol. 1 & 2)

T385 .T433 (DVD) Robertson The techniques of Scott robertson (DVD Vol. 1-4)

N8217 .F28 R652 Robertson liftoff

N8217 .F28 R652 Robertson start your engines

TL237 .R63 Robertson how to draw cars the hot wheels way

T385 .I58 (DVD ROM) Church introduction to corel painter: concept art workflow

3D Content




TR897.7 (DVD ROM SETS) various cg academy collection

TR897.7 .O67 (DVD ROM) Babington old damaged pillar

TR897.7 .N498 (DVD ROM) Babington next-gen texturing techniques

TR897.7 .U67 (DVD ROM) Babington unreal materials

TR897.7 .U675 (DVD ROM) Erck unreal vfx, material transitions

TR897.7 .M825 (DVD ROM) Robson mudbox: a practical guide

TR897.7 .M83 (DVD ROM) Robson mudbox: advanced concepts

TR897.7 .M835 (DVD ROM) Georgio introduction to mudbox

TR897.7 .B4445 Bell 3ds max 6 killer tips

GV1469.25 .U57 U67 (Disc 2) Epic Games unreal tournament III (unreal editor tutorials)

N7433.8 .C423 Daniel Wade, Paul Hellard (ed.) character modeling 2

TR897.7.C56 Clinton game character modeling and animation with 3ds max

QA76.76.XXXXXXXX Busby Mastering Unreal Technology, volume i: Unreal Engine 3

QA76.76.C672 B87 Busby Mastering Unreal Technology: The Art of Level Design

TR897.7.S74 Steed Modeling a Character in 3DS Max (2nd edition)

TR897.7 .S72 Steed Animating Real-Time Game Characters


Game Studies

GV1469.3 .V57 Wolf & Perron The Video Game Theory Reader

GV1469.15.H36 Raessens & Goldstein The Handbook of Computer Game Studies

GV1230 .B38 Bateman & Boon 21st Century Game Design

GV1469.17.S63 K67 Koster A Theory of Fun for Game Design

P94.5 .C55 J66 Jones killing monsters

GV1469.3 .P66 Poole Trigger Happy: Videogames and the Entertainment Revolution

GV1469.17 .S63 F57 Wardrip-Fruin First Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game

GV1469.3 .B43 Beck & Wade Got Game: How the Gamer Generation Is Reshaping Business Forever

HM621 .J64 2005 Johnson everything bad is good for you

GV1469.34.S52 De Peuter digital play: The Interaction of Technology, Culture, And Marketing


TR897.5.W55 Williams The Animator’s Survival Kit

NC1764 . C37 Caputo Visual storytelling: the art and technique

T385 .S52 NO.137 ACM SIGGRAPH, c1999 The story of computer graphics (vhs)

PN1995.7.B43 Beauchamp Designing Sound for Animation

QA76.76.D47 G35 v.7 Game Developer magazine (cd-rom)

QA76.76 .C672 L55 Linde Game Art: Creation, Direction, and Careers