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Integrated Practice Concentration

Advanced Practicum Learning Contract


Date of: First site visitSecond site visitFinal site visit

Student Name: Practicum Agency:

Field Instructor: Instructor Email:

Task Supervisor: Supervisor Email:

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) has established professional competencies that span the classroom and the field. During practicum, students must develop learning activitiesto demonstrate how they will achieve proficiency in each competency. Learning activities must be individualized using practice behaviors as abilities to strive toward.

Social Work Competencies

The goal is for students to achieve proficiency in each competency and to find ways to integrate classroom knowledge with practice experiences focusing on the identified practice behaviors for each competency. With their field instructor and specific to their practicum agency, students develop learning activities that allow them to develop and demonstrate the outlined practice behaviors associated each competency.

Learning Contract Instructions

  1. Students should type their first and last name in the header at the upper right hand corner.
  2. Competencies are set in bold type and a range of practice behaviors are listed under each competency. Do not rewrite the competencies or the practice behaviors included.
  3. Begin by brainstorming a list of activities and projects that the student and agency would like to engage in during the placement. Then examine where each would fit in demonstrating the required practice behaviors. Remember, this learning contract should reflect the educational desires of each student combined with the needs/interests of the agency. Every student’s contract will be different.
  4. Add at least one activity to meet each required practice behavior. This is the minimum expectation. Remember, the goal is to become competent in practicing specified professional behaviors; that may require more than one learning activity. However, one activity may meet more than one practice behavior (see example on page 3).
  5. Throughout practicum, students are encouraged to add new activities. The learning contract is a “living document” that should be kept up-to-date and, ultimately, provides a record of what students did during their practicum.

Monitoring Activities and Rating Behaviors/Competencies:

Students: prior to the second and final site visits, determine whether each activity is unmet, met or in progress and meet with your field instructors to discuss your progress.

Field Instructors/Supervisors: prior to the second and final site visits, determine the student’s level of competence and meet with students to discuss your ratings. Your evaluation of “competence” should be based on reasonable expectations for a beginning master-level social worker entering the field. For the second site visit, students may not have had the opportunity to demonstrate a practice behavior. If this occurs, then do not rate the practice behavior.

End of Term Evaluation Process

  1. Using the following scale, field instructors will rate the student’s practice proficiency, assigning a score for each of the ten competency areas and all associated practice behaviors. An evaluation score of 2 or 1 requires an explanation.
  • Superior / Advanced Competence = 5: Consistently demonstrates the ability to function independently with very high levels of awareness, knowledge and/or skill; overall work quality/task completion is exceptional, suggesting mastery of the practice behavior.
  • Above Average Competence =4: Typically demonstrates moderate-to-high levels of awareness, knowledge and/or skill; overall work quality/task completion exceeds basic practice standards and the level of competence is above average, suggesting additional guidance in key areas would promote mastery.
  • Basic Competence = 3: Normally demonstrates acceptable levels of awareness, knowledge and/or skill; overall work quality/task completion meets basic practice standards, but the level of competence is somewhat rudimentary, suggesting additional training and guidance may be beneficial but that the student is ready to enter the field.
  • Below Average Competence = 2: Commonly demonstrates levels of awareness, knowledge and/or skill that are below basic practice standards; overall work quality/task completion is below acceptable standards and the degree of competence is lacking, suggesting the need for additional training and consideration of corrective action.
  • Poor / Unacceptable Competence = 1: Demonstrates unacceptable levels of awareness, knowledge and/or skill; overall work quality/task completion is exceedingly poor and the degree of competence is very seriously lacking, requiring corrective action.
  • (For use only during Fall Term) No Opportunity = NA: Levels of awareness, knowledge and skill could not be rated due to the lack of practice opportunities; the narrative should explain the lack of opportunities and plan for addressing in the Spring.
  1. Student and field instructor will review the learning activities, and discuss the student’s progress toward and preparation for professional practice upon receipt of his/her degree.
  1. Student and field instructor will complete the Term Grade, Hours and Evaluation page. Signatures provide an official record of the practicum days logged and the evaluation scores.
  1. Student and field instructor must each complete a narrative regarding the student’s performance and growth through the term, either using the form provided or providing a separate attachment - noted on the evaluation page. Please be sure to describe the competencies and practice behaviors in which the student is particularly strong and those areas that need improvement.

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This is for instructional purposes only. Do not copy this for your own learning contract.

These examples are not comprehensive, but offer an illustration of how one activity can effectively demonstrate multiple practice behaviors.

Activity: Funding development and grantwriting

Applicable practice behaviors:

  • 1a, 9a, 10a – Engage with organizational funders and individual donors during the Annual Fundraising Event in order to build rapport and identify opportunities where our services match their funding priorities
  • 3a, 6b, 7b, 10e – Research theories/strategies for non-profit fundraising through multiple sources(grants, individual donor campaigns, etc.) in order to develop a diversified fundraising plan
  • 6b – Research funding opportunities locally and state-wide, including identifying local/state RFPs and searching the Iowa Foundations database
  • 3b, 9a – Seek out a new funding source and submit a grant proposal
  • 1b, 6a – Evaluate my fundraising skills with supervisor’s feedback through my practice evaluation

Activity: Create and deliver public presentations

Applicable practice behaviors:

  • 4a, 4b, 4c, 6b, 8a, 9a, 10e – Gather local data, statewide trends, and best practice/policy information on disproportionate minority contact
  • 1a, 1b, 3a-3c, 5a, 5b, 8b, 8c, 10e – Deliver 3 community presentations on the need address disproportionate minority contact in Iowa focusing on successful strategies and/or policies utilized in other states
  • 1c, 3a-3c, 5a, 5b, 8b, 8c, 9b, 10b, 10e, 10f, 10h – Present research findings and evidence-based solutions to the Coalition for Racial Justice

Activity: Participate in inter-organizational meetings

Applicable practice behaviors:

  • 2a, 2b – Identify ethical issues which arise through participation in the Johnson County Homelessness Prevention Taskforce, review NASW Code of Ethics, debrief with field instructor and develop strategies for resolution where action is needed
  • 8a, 8b, 8c – As an engaged member of the Taskforce, discuss the role of ideology and the economy in affecting homelessness and related prevention services and collaboratively design strategies to influence the local implementation of the federal funded State Homeless Assistance Grant and Emergency Food and Shelter Grant
  • 1a, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b 10c, 10d – Co-lead the workgroup analyzing local needs and community trends in homelessness

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Student / Competency: 2.1.1
Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.1aDescribe, adhere to, and model when feasible,professional social work roles and boundaries
2.1.1bDemonstrate a commitment to continuous professional improvement using evidence-based practices, supervision and consultation
2.1.1c.Advocate for client systems to reduce culturally influenced barriers to services presented by practitioners, organizations and larger systems
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.1a, b, c,]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

Student / Competency: 2.1.2
Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.2aIdentify ethical issues and use theNASW Code of Ethics to guide professional practice
2.1.2bPresent ethical issues to colleagues for problem resolution
2.1.2cApply ethical decision making models in research and evaluation of practice or programs
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.2a, b, c]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

Student / Competency: 2.1.3
Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.3aDesign/select, and implement when feasible, strategies for assessment and intervention utilizing evidence-based and best practice methods
2.1.3bProduce professional quality documents and presentations such as journal articles, grant applications or legislative briefs
2.1.3cDesign/select strategies to inform policy-related decisions
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.3a, b, c]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

Student / Competency: 2.1.4
Engage diversity and difference in practice / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.4aContinuously assess the role of culture in practice interventions, systems and policies and their impact on diverse populations in multiple settings
2.1.4bBased on assessment, identify strategies to better meet the needs of diverse populations and to challenge oppression
2.1.4cSeek feedback and reflect on one’s personal biases and modify one’s behavior to ensure culturally responsive practice
2.1.4dCritically evaluate information about diverse groups and continuously apply it to practice
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.4a, b, c, d]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

Student / Competency: 2.1.5
Advance human rights and social and economic justice / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.5aDemonstrate the skills needed to make social institutions and policies more responsive to marginalized and oppressed groups
2.1.5bUse organizational and/or social change theory and strategies to promote social justice practices and policies
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.5a, b]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

Student / Competency: 2.1.6
Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.6aUse quantitative and/or qualitative research methods to evaluate one’s professional development and/or practice effectiveness
2.1.6bIdentify research strategies to fill gaps in research and/or practice knowledge
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.6a, b]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

Student / Competency: 2.1.7
Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.7aCritically evaluate and appropriately apply practice theories and frameworks at multiple system levels recognizing underlying assumptions, values, strengths and weaknesses
2.1.7bUtilize practice theories to guide engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.7a, b]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

Student / Competency: 2.1.8
Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being
and to deliver effective social work services / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.8aDemonstrate understanding of the role of ideology and the economy in shaping social programs and policies that affect vulnerable individuals and families
2.1.8bDesign strategies to influence the development and/or implementation of agency or public policy (e.g. local/state/national)
2.1.8cDemonstrate an understanding of how policies impact clients, programs and larger systems
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.8a, b, c]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

Student / Competency: 2.1.9
Respond to contexts that shape practice / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.9aDemonstrate ability to respond to emerging needs and trends within communities/organizations
2.1.9bIdentify, and when feasible, apply strategies to improve organizations/inter-organizational coalitions
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.9a, b]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

Student / Competency: 2.1.10
Engage, assess, intervene and evaluate
with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities / Instructor(s)
Term / Unmet / In Progress / Met / Fall / Spring
Practice Behaviors – must include all
2.1.10aDevelop culturally responsive and effective working relationships with people at multiple system levels
2.1.10bDemonstrate multidisciplinary collaboration
2.1.10c Conduct a needs assessment and identify challenges, strengths and resources to inform interventions
2.1.10d Evaluate, and modify as needed, assessment tools and methods to fit organizational or community contexts
2.1.10e Design, and as feasible, implement evidence-based and/or practice informed interventions
2.1.10f Establish measureable goals and outcomes with clients and/or larger systems to facilitate goal achievement
2.1.10g Monitor progress towards goals and evaluate practice outcomes
2.1.10h Disseminate evaluation results to stakeholders to inform best practices and/or policy development
Learning Activities:
[label which practice behavior this supports 2.1.10a-h]

If a score of 2 or below is given, an explanation is required:

End of term optional student/field instructor comments:

**5 = Superior/Advanced, 4 = Above Average, 3 = Basic, 2 = Below Average, 1 = Poor/Unacceptable, NA = No Opportunity(Fall only)

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Fall Term Grade, Hours & Evaluation

Recommended Grade (mark one): SatisfactoryUnsatisfactory

Number of Registered Credits: Total Hours of Fieldwork Logged:

Advanced Practicum: 5 cr minimum (1 credit = 70hours) Submission of timesheet is not required

In evaluating the student’s abilities and performance in practicum, please address the following questions, either in the space provided or submit an evaluation on agency letterhead in the form a letter commenting on each of the areas listed.

  1. What were some of the most substantive activities and assignments that the student completed while in practicum with you?
  2. What are some of the strengths and particular abilities that the student demonstrated during placement that you believe will assist them in being an effective social worker?
  3. What suggestions do you have that would assist the student in their further professional development?

Field Instructor Comments:

Student Comments:

Print Student NameSignatureDate

Print Field Instructor & CredentialsSignatureDate

Print Task Supervisor (if applicable) & CredentialsSignatureDate

Print Practicum Coordinator & CredentialsSignatureDate

Spring Term Evaluation & Validation

Recommended Grade (mark one): SatisfactoryUnsatisfactory

Number of Registered Credits: Total Hours of Fieldwork Logged:

Advanced Practicum: 5 cr minimum (1 credit = 70hours) Submission of timesheet is not required

In evaluating the student’s abilities and performance in practicum, please address the following questions, either in the space provided or submit an evaluation on agency letterhead in the form a letter commenting on each of the areas listed.

  1. What were some of the most substantive activities and assignments that the student completed while in practicum with you?
  2. What are some of the strengths and particular abilities that the student demonstrated during placement that you believe will assist them in being an effective social worker?
  3. What suggestions do you have that would assist the student in their further professional development?

Field Instructor Comments:

Student Comments:

Print Student NameSignatureDate

Print Field Instructor & CredentialsSignatureDate

Print Task Supervisor (if applicable) & CredentialsSignatureDate

Print Practicum Coordinator & CredentialsSignatureDate