X = subject + correctly conjugated verb

X/ = subject + correctly conjugated verb + infinitive

X/= subject + correctly conjugated reflexive verb and pronoun

X/ = subject + correctly conjugated compound verb tense (auxiliary + participle)

/= 3-word phrase (usually a prepositional phrase)

/= consecutive use of same subject + verb (Ex.: I live in a house. I live in Michigan.)

/ = extra point for use of challenging new vocabulary (teacher’s discretion)

/ = extra point for a particularly insightful remark (teacher’s discretion)

/ - = symbols replacing the “X” if an error appears in the first four situations above

- = symbol replacing the “/” if an error exists in an situations 5 – 7 above


X = 2 pts/ = 1 pt.- = 1 pt.


To receive a score of 100% for written expression, a student must write at a rate of 5 points per minute. His written expression grade, therefore, corresponds to his actual score divided by the number of points expected for the length of his written assignment (10 minutes = 50 pts., 20 minutes = 100 pts., 30 minutes = 150 pts., 40 minutes = 200 pts., etc.). The teacher may choose to lower the total points expected of the students if the content of their talk is particularly challenging and thus employs either relatively uncommon vocabulary or more complex sentence structures.

That grade is then reduced on the basis of the quantity of errors (“-“ symbols) in the writing. For example, for a composition of 49 points or less, the student loses 2 points for each error of sentence structure, spelling or word selection. Errors of accent mark or gender are considered a half (1/2) error. Below you see a chart indicating the points lost per grammatical or spelling mistake:

25 to 49 points = -2 per error

50 to 99 points = -1 1/2 per error

100 to 149 points = -1 per error

150 to 200 points = -1/2 per error

Finally, the teacher takes into consideration any guidance he gave prior to the talk about specific elements it must include. The absence of any such elements from the talk would be deducted by the amount to be determined by the instructor, which would be contingent upon the quantity of such elements he had stipulated as being necessary to include.


Ex: Yo espero vuelvo a casa después del escuela, pero debo quedarse para un partido.

Symbols: X - - X / - /

The sentence above would be worth 9 points, but contains 3 errors.

In the course of a 10-minute written assignment, a student obtained 45 points and made 8 errors, however covered all of the elements previously determined by his teacher. As 50 points corresponded to the total required for a score of 100%, his fluency score = 45/50 = 90%. That score would be reduced by 16 points – two for every mistake in his writing– giving him a final score of 74%.