Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
July 2010 People First System Release
What can I do to minimize any concerns that I may have before the July 2010 Release?
Educate yourself. Read these FAQs and all information your agency communicates with you. Attend your agency training when it becomes available.
What is new and improved on the Login page?
The updated Login page has a new design, colors and People First logo. The Communication Message Area section is still located at the top of the screen, providing important information for users. We redesigned the Job Seekers section to allow job seekers to browse for jobs, create an account, or login.
Will I use my current UserID and password to log in to the upgraded system?
Yes, you will log in using your current UserID and password. When the system prompts you to change your password for the first time after the upgrade, you need to use the new format.
What are the changes to the password format?
The new password must be 8-30 characters long, begin with a letter, contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, and one number. You are restricted from re-using your last 10 passwords. The changes take effect the first time you change your password after we implement the July 2010 release. For most employees this will occur when your password expires for the first time after the July release.
What will I find in the “Helpful Website” section of the Login Page?
The Helpful Website section contains links to Deferred Compensation, Your Earning Statement, and MyBenefits and other useful sites.
Is the new version compatible with Internet Explorer 8 and some of the other popular browsers that employees use at home, like Firefox?
Yes. Once the upgrade is completed, the People First System supports the two most recent production releases/versions of Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer web browsers. You can use other browsers, but People First will not provide technical support.
Is there an automatic system logoff?
After 30 minutes of inactivity, the system automatically logs off users.
Home Page:
How has the Home Page changed?
Like the Login page, the updated Home page has a new design, colors and People First logo, and contains many quick links to navigate more easily in the People First System.
Will the new Home Page function differently?
The upgrade also changes the Home Page functionality. All pages include a new header with links for printing, viewing alerts, accessing the timesheet, and they include information on contacting the Service Center.
On the new Home page, your UserID, name and position title display on the right hand side of the screen in the user information box.
The My Alerts/Activities section includes My Tasks Due and My Alerts.
What are other changes to the Home Page?
The My Tasks Due section displays pending tasks that require your action.
The My Alerts section displays employee-related activities you need to address.
The Announcements section displays important messages for system users.
The My Quick Links section is still located on the Home Page, and is updated to contain the most commonly used screens (examples; Time Sheet, Current Benefits, etc.).
The Helpful Websites section is also located at the bottom of the page.
How has the Timesheet changed?
Like the Login and Home pages, the timesheet has a new look and includes the People First logo. The new timesheet layout is designed to make it easier to complete. With the new layout, the complete Timesheet will display on one screen:
· Biweekly timesheet – the two weeks (14-day period) display on one screen
· Monthly timesheet – the complete month (first to last day of month) displays on one screen
· Monthly OPS timesheet – the month starting on the 15th ending on the 14th of the month displays on one screen
· 28 Day timesheet – the 28-day period displays on one screen
After the July 2010 release, can I enter, submit and approve a Timesheet from a pay period prior to the upgrade?
Yes; however, your Timesheet will display in the new format. Submission rules are the same after implementation of the July 2010 System release, even for the Timesheet periods.
Will my current Timesheet template carry over into the new system?
Yes, the template you created will carry over to the new system.
If I enter more than 24 hours in a day on the Timesheet, will I get an error/warning message?
Yes, because employees can enter only 24 hours maximum in a day (unless both on-call and callback are present); you receive an error message if you enter more than that.
How will the system upgrade treat rejected time on the Timesheet?
There will be no change; the system continues to show rejected time in red.
Will I be able to log in to complete my Timesheet for the period that the system is down?
Yes; however, you will only be able to do that once the system comes back online. Keep track of your hours manually, on a calendar or piece of paper, during the downtime.
System Downtime:
Will the People First system be available during the upgrade process?
From July 9-July 19, 2010, the People First system will be unavailable, to move data files from the current system to the upgraded system.
Will I have access to the People First System during the downtime?
While the People First System is down, you will not be able to access it.
How can I plan ahead?
If you anticipate taking leave during the system downtime, enter your leave time now and get approval. Prepare to manually track your time and attendance during the downtime period so you can enter this information when the system comes back up.