Mr. Baird Name: ______

Period: ______

Date: ______/ ______/ ______

Spiral Notebook Rubric

PLEASE NOTE: The spiral notebook is graded on completeness, neatness, and accuracy. These are general point values for items to be placed in your notebook.

v  15 to 25 points for a period’s complete lecture notes, and for drafts of major assignments

v  10 to 15 points for completed poster drafts, and for completely filled-out study guides and graphic organizers

v  5 to 10 points for class handouts: articles, rubrics, outlines, etc.

v  Points are taken OFF for a missing TITLE, PAGE NUMBER or DATE on any page!

v  Points are taken OFF for items that are not securely taped or glued in!

v  I reserve the right to slightly amend or change the above point values for any individual assignment based on time and effort required for the assignment.

v  Points may be added for personalizing your notebook creatively.

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Outstanding / Exceeds Standard / Meets Standard / Emerging Standard / Minimal


PLEASE NOTE: Since point values vary for different items, this row can only be an approximation. / Notebook is complete. No missing items!
Date, Title and Page Number are on every page! / Notebook is very complete, missing only 1 or 2 items
Date, Title and Page Number are on almost every page, missing only 1 or 2 items / Notebook is mostly complete, 3 or 4 items may be missing
Date, Title and Page Number is on almost every page; 3 to 4 items may be missing / Notebook is missing 5 or 6 items
Date, Title and Page Number are missing from 5 to 6 pages / Notebook is missing more than 7 items
Date, Title and Page Number are missing from 7 or more pages


/ All items are taped or glued in neatly and evenly
Date, Title and Page Numbers are very legible and consistently clear
Notes, drawings and other entries are very legible and consistently clear / Almost all items are taped or glued in neatly
Date, Title and Page Numbers are all legible
Notes, drawings and other entries are all legible / Most items are taped or glued in neatly.
Date, Title and Page Numbers are usually legible
Notes, drawings and other entries are usually legible / Items are taped or glued in unevenly
Date, Title and Page Numbers may be difficult to read
Notes, drawings and other entries may be smudged or unclear / Items are insecurely, haphazardly or not attached
Date, Title and Page Numbers are illegible
Notes, drawings and other entries are illegible

C:\My Documents\English 1\Spiral Notebook Rubric.doc