HSOPS Quick Reference Guide
Version Date: October 23, 2014
Version: 2.0
Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety HSOPS
New Data Collection Cycle Notification
When Armstrong opens a new cycle for data collection for HSOPS, the Network Administrators will automatically receive an email notification. Network Administrators can click the link in the email to start administering the survey. The link in the email will direct Network Administrators directly to the My Tools Page.
Portal Access
The link to the portal can be accessed anytime: https://armstrongresearch.hopkinsmedicine.org/Default.aspx.
Once you have logged in, click My Projects
Click JHAH
Tool Access
There are 2 ways to access HSOPS. Click on My Tools, or in the HSOPS section, select Data Entry and Reports.
Click the HSOPS for JHAH link for the unit you want to review:
Scroll down to the HSOPS section, click the button to Manage the survey.
Survey Administration
From this page you can Upload Responses, Send Email Invitations and Track Completions.
*For the JHAH HSOPS Survey admnistration, we will use the ‘Send Emails’ method
When Send Emails is selected, participants can be invited via email. This can be achieved by uploading a spreadsheet of email addresses, or typing the email addresses in the lower field. Please note, when uploading a spreadsheet of email addresses, be careful of formatting issues such as “spaces” or special characters. This can be an issue if you are exporting addresses from another system. If this is the case, we recommend you copy and paste the cells into a new spreadsheet. In some cases, copying and pasting into a text editor, such as NotePad may be necessary (only takes a minute). After this paste occurs in the text editor program, go ahead and copy from the text editor program back into Excel. This usually removes any hidden formatting issues. Another tip to consider; please be careful of duplicate email addresses on the spreadsheet.
Unique survey links are sent via email to each invitee.
To view an example spreadsheet, select the first hyperlink. This link displays an example spreadsheet that shows how to prepare the spreadsheet for upload.
When the first hyperlink is selected (as shown above), the following pop-up box is displayed:
If participants DO NOT have email addresses, select the second option under Send Emails.
When the second hyperlink is selected, the following page is displayed. You will need to distribute the appropriate information to the participants.
Enter the Total Participants for tracking and measuring purposes. Click the Pencil Icon to enter the value the first time, as well as edit throughout the lifetime of the survey cycle as needed. The value entered in the Total Participants field is one of the factors used in calculating the Response Rate in the reports that are generated both for your unit and peers.
For Peer Reports, the denominator in the calculation is a sum of Total Participants across all network/surveys in JHAH HSOPS. For your Unit Reports, the denominator in the calculation is the sum of Total Participants entered for your unit. The number you enter here not only affects your Response Rate, but also contributes to the overall Peer Response for the JHAH HSOPS Report. It is important that the value you enter in this field is accurate. It can be edited anytime while the survey is open. Once the survey is closed, it can’t be edited without assistance and a technical help desk inquiry.
The Total Submitted is determined by the system. As each participant completes the survey, the value is updated and visible in the interface. For Peer Reports, the numerator in the calculation is a sum of Total Submitted across all network/surveys in JHAH HSOPS. For your Unit Reports, the numerator in the calculation is the sum of Total Submitted for your unit.
Response Rates do not only affect your reports, but also Peer Reports. Please do not close the survey until all information has been verified and accurate. The key is to ensure the Total Participants value is accurate, and that you have followed up with your team to ensure the best Response Rate as possible. Thank you.
Note the Total Participants number has been updated:
Please see Participant’s view of the survey below:
As Participants complete the survey, Administrators can track the status, as updates display on the interface. The Total Submitted is determined by the system. As each participant completes the survey, the value is updated and visible in the interface.
If you decide to add more Participants later, click on Upload Responses or Send Emails, and follow appropriate steps. After additional Participants have been invited, or additional upload responses have been added, please note the status is updated - see Total Notified:
Remember to update the Total Participants, to match the Total Notified. This is key to correct reporting values and calculations. Please do not close this survey until the Total Participants is accurate and verified. Additional details regarding this topic were described previously on page 12.
To Remove Notified Participants, click on the Icon next to the Total Notified. On the Remove Notified Participants pop-up box, select the Participant you wish to remove by selecting the box next to the email address. This will update the number in the Total Notified column. Make sure the Total Participants is updated to match the Total Notified column. Only Participants who have not yet completed the survey can be removed. Participants that have completed the survey will display with no checkbox. Once they’ve completed the survey, the check-box will disappear, and they can’t be removed from the count.
When the Survey is closed, Reports will be available for download the next day, usually at the end of the next business day.
The value entered in the Total Participants field is one of the factors used in calculating the Response Rate in the reports that are generated for your unit. This value serves as the denominator in calculating your Response Rate, while the Submitted value serves as the numerator. Please keep in mind that the sum of Total Participants across all network/surveys in JHAH HSOPS serves as the denominator for Peer Reports. It is important that this value be accurate. Response Rates do not only affect your reports, but also Peer Reports. Please do not close the survey until all information has been verified and accurate. More information about this topic can be found on page 12.
When the report generates, the system will use the latest peer comparator values for the day the survey was closed. This allows all surveys closed on the same day to have the same peer comparator values.
Data is available in a variety of Aggregate Reports in PDF Format:
Data is available in a variety of Aggregate Reports in PDF Format:
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