AHP Project – June Campaign 2005 - T. Brosen (GPR)
Shopping day
Drove to Toolik (Morgan, Troy, Jay, Mike, Julia)
Prepared gear, moved in.
Assembled GPR for testing. Counsel error #1 occurred. Went through the trouble shooting list and found the measured current between the battery and counsel to be 0.3 amps and needs to be around 1.2 amps. The cause of the error was most likely due to a bad DC inverter on the power card within the counsel box. It needs to be sent back to Sensors & Software for repair.
Called Sensors and Software for an estimate on a new power board for the GPR counsel box. John said he’d mail up the GPR counsel box from BSU today.
Jay and Mike gathered discharge measurements at 8O and installed drive point piezometers at 8I site. Breck, Morgan, and Julia installed piezometers at 9 locations with three depths at each location along the 8I study reach. This amounted to three nests where one piezometer was installed at the head of a pool (within the tail of the riffle), within the pool, and at the tail of the pool (within the head of the riffle).
The afternoon I rigged up a boat to support the GPR antenna with a mast for the gps antenna.
Conducted gps tests. Found that the trimble 5700 unit here needed to be reconfigured to output a NEMA string in order to record gps data on an external device (pda) for the time stamping method we plan to use with the GPR. Did this by installing and running the configuration toolbox and adding the NEMA string output option. Also tested the Sensors and Software GPS_plot program used to sync the computer clock with GPS time. All gps components seem to be working at this time.
Morgan, Breck, Julia, Mike, and Jay installed piezometers and cap rods at the PI site.
Ran the first Solute Injection Experiment (SIE) test at 8I site. Stations included Jay at injection site, Mike at tail end of reach study site, Breck collected samples at the first nest of piezometers, Julia at second nested site, Morgan at third nested site, Troy and Ken collect in stream samples at three storage and thawlegs for a total of 9 sites. Also collected samples at 7 drive point piezometer sites. We set up and started the drip test just after noon and wrapped up the test by 1830.
We went out to 8I, 8O, and PI sites to determine if we could real time kinematic (RTK) gps data without setting up a mobile base station. We were able to get RTK at all sites however, we lost initialization occasionally at the PI site indicating that we may have to use the mobile base station to save time while collecting 3D profiles at PI. Also collected continuous topo measurements along left and right stream side banks and point locations for the piezometers, TC, and capacitance rods.
Zone 6 North
WGS 1984
Breck, Mike, Jay, Morgan, and Julia logged and analyzed water samples from yesterdays test.
Foggy, smoky, cloudy, cold day.
Breck, Julia, and Morgan departed for Kuparak to do moss counts.
Ken, Jay, Mike, and Troy analyzed water samples.
I met with Lael (Toolik gis person) to go over and practiced setting up the mobile base station for the Green Cabin trip.
Jay, Ken, and I collected 3D GPR at I-8 outlet (8O). Jay and Ken also collected flow discharge measurements at 8O site.
Arrived at the Green Cabin site (GC) ~1130. Morgan, Julia, and Breck deployed 14 peizometer nests into the gravel bar for an SIE test the following day. Ken and I collected 3D sections with the 200 mhz antenna. Problems with the GPR at the GC gravel bar included: 1) interference from the mobile base station with the GPR signal. We solved this problem by placing the base station about 150m up hill from the transect site; 2) small boat (cooler boat) method didn’t work very well due to the lack of give under the boat while dragging the antenna over rocks on the gravel bar; 3) action packer lid method didn’t work very well either due to the rigid lid which promoted yaw and tilt of the antenna. I’d recommend using a larger heavy duty boat or tire tube that would allow more give when dragging it across rocks and boulders.
2nd day at GC site. Ken and I set up the GPR/GPS unit and then collected (200 mhz) 3D transects along the peat/gravel stream site (20.5m stream stretch). Six news reporters were flown into the site to help collect water samples and an understanding of the project goals and objectives. Reporters, Breck, Jay, Morgan, Mike, and Julia conducted and SIE test at GC site hoping to capture the hyporheic flow within the gravel bar (which they did, got some great data results). Ken and I collected some 3D 100 mhz transects within the gravel bar area.
Analyzed water samples. Tested the IBM with GPR for data acquisition (still couldn’t get it to work, will have to rely on the Dell for data collection). Sorted through data files and took a preliminary look at the collected GPR and GPS data files.
Collected GPR transects at the Toolik thermokarst. Transect lines were at the same locations as the ones collect last fall by Mike (10 lines total). Site was very dry where we had only pooled water in the thermokarst and no flow. The string odometer failed to work and so we had to collect transects using the continuous mode.
Sunday – Day off
SIE at the PI site. I helped take background samples at the piezometer locations. During the injection I took in-stream storage samples at S1, S2, and S3 and also in-stream thelweg samples at piezometers A, B, and C.
Jay, Ken, and I collected 3D GPR at the PI site using the 200 mhz antenna. The 3D section included just downstream of the TC array up to the first bend in the creek (~25m stream stretch). Line intervals were set at 30cm. We also collect a left and right stream bank and thelweg transect.
Morgan and Julia collected nutrient samples at 8I. Jay and Mike finished the topographic survey at the PI site. Ken and I collected 3D GPR at 8I. A smaller 3D GPR section encompassed the 8I TC array stream section where we collected GPR transects 2-3m on either side of the TC array (~7m). Another 3D section was selected upstream of the TC location to include a riffle-pool-riffle section. 200 mhz antenna were used at both of these 3D sections. It started raining this evening. This is the first rain we’ve seen since we’ve been here.
Helped Jay collect falling head data at the 8I site. We installed drive points into PI to measure falling head at a later date. Carried back the mobile base station equipment. Packed up gear for the trip back to BSU and inventoried three boxes left behind. Updated notes and trip report.
Traveled back to Fairbanks, AK via Dalton Express.
AHP June 2005 Campaign – Gooseff/Zarnetske Diary (Hydrological)
June 11 (Sat) - fly from DEN/SLC to FBKS
June 12 (Sun) – shopping in FBKS
June 13 (Mon) – drive from FBKS to Toolik (JZ, MJ, JL, TB, MG) in red F350 with no cap.
June 14 (Tue) – organize gear, set plan, get set
June 15 (Wed) – spend morning getting organized, deployed capacitance rods (4 ea) in 8I, 8O, and PI. Distributed metal piezometers (8 ea) to each of these 3 reaches. We dropped off one solar panel at 8O and set up a solar charging station on the heath ridge between 8I and PI with 2 batteries and 1 solar panel.
June 16 (Thurs) – Q measurements at each of 4 capacitance rods in 8O and 8I reaches. Installed delrin and drivepoint piezometers in 8I reach. Small rain event tonight.
June 17 (Fri) – Installed delrin piezometers in PI reach, measured Q in PI reach. Downloaded PI cap rod data (all 4) to insure they were working properly. All look good.
June 18 (Sat) – 8I rwt stream tracer injection, constant drip. All present for this. SCUFA finally arrives (AFTER the injection). During injection, downloaded 8I cap rod data (all 4) to insure they were working properly. All look good.
June 19 (Sun) – processing samples from 8I RWT drip injection. Very smoky in and around camp. Fires S of the Brooks range are providing lots of smoke.
June 20 (Mon) – BB, MJ, JL do moss point transects on Kup. JZ and MG discover that the RWT samples and standards are sensitive to room air temperature. We set up a thermistor, and begin using solid standard in our analysis flow on the 10-AU. Colder today, as clouds have developed in addition to the smoke that was providing overcast conditions. JZ, MG, BB finishes 8I rwt samples at 2am.
June 21 (Tues) – MG day in camp working on ms and plots from 8I RWT injection. JZ, TB, KT head out to 8O to collect cap rod data, Q’s, and tape downs. Also JZ assist with TB’s GPR assessment.
June 22 (Wed) – MG & JZ perform survey on 8I reach.
June 23 (Thurs) – Entire team plus MBL science writers do injection experiment at GC gravel bar. Success all around.
June 24 (Fri) – MG & JZ finish survey on 8I reach (thalweg survey) and survey PI reach, download 8I, PI, and 8O dataloggers. KT and TB run RWT samples from GC gravel bar experiment.
June 25 (Sat) – MG, JZ, BB, TB, KT (+ LR and reporters) go to Toolik thermokarst. LR completes GPS survey, TB, JZ, KT runs GPR lines across 10 established transects.
June 26 (Sun) – BB, MG & B Peterson fly to recon thermokarsts. Many found, lots of pictures taken.
June 27 (Mon) – BB leaves Toolik. Rest of AHP crew + Tom Crumrine (TREC teacher from NH) execute PI SIE experiment. Stream is flowing very slowly. Drip started at 12:30, ended at 18:30. Took 2.5 hrs to get RWT conc. increase at end of reach!
June 28 (Tues) – TB, KT, JZ perform GPR survey at PI with GPS. MJ runs NH4 analyses on PI samples. MG & JL filter and run RWT samples from PI SIE.
June 29 (Wed) – MG & JZ finish PI survey, MJ & JL sample 8I for nuts, DO, etc. TB & KT run GPR survey of 8I. Ran more RWT samples from PI SIE.
June 30 (Thurs) – JZ and TB perform falling head tests in 8I drivepoint piezometers, and they installed drivepoints on PI. Finish running PI RWT samples. KT and MG develop powerpoint presentation for KT to use in AIS science class. KT and MG checked out Kup datalogger, downloaded data, reset the station (it is falling over) and inspected the TC lines. There are 2 still in the bed that should be viable.
July 1 (Fri) – MG and TB leave. KT re-runs several PI RWT samples. MJ, JL sample PI for nutrients and stable isotopes. JZ works on August schedule and survey data.
July 2 (Sat) – JZ, KT, (JL am only) perform falling head tests at PI, collect Q’s and download all cap rod data at PI. MJ and (JL pm only) run nutrients
July 3 (Sun) – JZ, MJ, JL, KT take day off.
July 4 (Mon) – Inventory I-series battery cache and dismantle for interim storage. MJ, JL, JZ, KT, collect nutrients and isotopes at 8I. JZ and KT collect 8I and 8O cap rod data, download data, collect Q’s. 8I Q has notably come up in last 72 hrs, while 8O maintains static low flows. MJ, JL, KT, and JZ successfully execute an “Alvin & the Chipmunks” float for the 4th of July Parade.
July 5 (Tues) – Very rainy day. Wash and dry SIE RWT bottles for storage. JL goes with Chris Luecke to Kup to do P.A.M. analysis of fertilized recovery reach (0.4km) and fertilized area (2.1km). MJ works on 8I nutrients. KT and JZ reinforce Kup datalogger. Begin lab closure including inventory and clean up.
July 6 (Wed) – Another rainy, chilly day. MJ and JL work on reinforcing PI piezo’s. KT leaves on the DHX. All work on finishing SIE RWT bottle and nutrient syringe cleaning and packing. JZ stored and inventoried all Gooseff material – most material in Lab 3 center area with a few shelves in S. side occupied with boxes. MJ does similar packing and inventory and stores everything in Bowden’s usual area of Lab 3.
July 7 (Thur) – JZ, MJ, JL, and Greta Burkhart take VECO red F350 south to FBKs. Lots of bad driving due to fires south of Brooks. JZ dropped off at relatives. MJ & JL take truck in to FBKs.
July 8 (Fri) – JZ in FBKs waiting for flight and visits with relatives.
July 9 (Sat) – 12:35am JZ flies to SLC. End of first AHP 2005 field campaign.
AHP June 2005 Campaign – Morgan Johnson (Biogeochemistry)
Monday, June 13, 2005
Jay, Troy, Mike, Julia and I drove up to Toolik from Fairbanks. Breck also arrived.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Discussed overall project goals for June. Made a schedule. Unpacked the boxes in the lab. Stored some stuff in the polar tent.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
GPR equipment failure. Julia and I taped the geotextile sleeves onto the Delrin piezometers with duct tape. I made a couple of prototypes of the ½” PVC piezo plan to have in case the Delrin piezos would not draw water. Julia, Breck and I took both types of piezos and the new (1 ¼” dia.) steel insertion tool out to Toolik Inlet to test the piezos. Installed one nested set of piezos (4 depths at 20 cm intervals). Deepest went in about 3 feet. Able to draw water from all four depths, samples were very muddy, not easily filtered. Decided if the samples continued to be this muddy, we could centrifuge and then filter them. Scott rewelded the tops of our insertion tool nails and cut off the bent end of our long (8ft) steel insertion tool from last summer. Retapered the end of the rod inside it.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Checked the piezos at Toolik Inlet. We were able to draw samples from all four depths again. Water from top three piezos was much less muddy than yesterday. Bottom piezo still had dark muddy water. Breck, Julia and I installed nested Delrin piezometers in I-8 Inlet. We made 9 installations, each with three nested depths. Each depth value represents the middle of a 10 cm screened section of the Delrin. We chose three representative riffle heads, riffle tails and pools. We are not focusing on connectivity between sites, but rather the differences between the features and depths.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Tested the piezometers at I-8 Inlet. We were able to draw water from the majority of the piezometers. Made notes about the consistency of water and the resistance in pulling the water. Ken tamped down the substrate around the base of each installed piezo nest in order to make sure that the sediments were collapsing around the piezos. Breck and I installed Delrin piezometers at Peat Inlet. Installed at 9 sites, 2 depths each. Most sites had depths of 10 and 30 cm. Numbered 500 scintillation vials to use for the SIE on Saturday (Breck, Julia, Morgan, Troy and Ken).
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Did Solute Injection Experiment (SIE) and 8-I. Dripper started at 12:45, ended at 3:22. Everyone took samples throughout the experiment, putting the samples in prenumbered HDPE scintillation vials. Hyporheic samples taken from Delrin piezometers (all three depths and all nine locations). Breck sampled locations AA and A. Julia sampled B, C and D. Morgan sampled E, F, G and H. Troy and Ken sampled in-stream storage zones and each time they were sampled, the nearby thalweg was sampled as well. One-depth drivepoint samplers also sampled throughout. Dripper started at 12:45, turned off at 3:22. Delrin piezometer sampling schedule: One background sample, 1:05, 1:25, 1:45, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 4:15, 5:15, 6:15. 10 sampling periods.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Processed samples from the 8-I SIE on June 18. Filtered the samples that looked dirty. Ended up with ~525 samples. Julia made copies of everyone’s notes from SIE and Mike compiled everyone’s data into one Excel spreadsheet. We filtered the cloudy/muddy samples through 0.45 um filters and some that were very dark were centrifuged before they were filtered. Did not filter samples that looked clear (without sediment). Troy did GPS stuff in the field in the AM (all three sites). Ken Turner hiked out to get the 10AU fluorometer that was left logging in 8-I overnight. Jay changed the 10AU from the flowthrough mode to cuvette mode and recalibrated it. Julia worked on getting the Aquafluor calibrated and running. Ken, Jay and I ran 100 of the RWT samples. Hiked out to the aufeis.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Breck, Julia and I did moss point transects on the Kuparuk at 4.05 K, 2.1 K, 1.95 K and 1.15 K. Jay and Ken continued to run the SIE RWT samples. I learned about ammonium and phosphate analysis from Adrian. I watched the phosphate procedure and learned how to prep bottles for ammonium analysis. I made copies of the lab protocols for both procedures from Adrian.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Julia and I finished up the Kup Moss Point Transects & entered the data into a spreadsheet.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Flew to Green Cabin Lake Gravel Bar. Breck, Julia and I installed 14 Delrin piezometer nests (3 depths each) all around the gravel bar. We tested each piezo for water and made notes about the ease to pull water and the appearance of the water. Troy & Ken worked on GPR at the gravel bar
Thursday, June 23, 2005