of the Meeting held at 7.30pm on Thursday, 2nd February 2006, In Methodist Church Hall, Forest Road, Huncote
Present: J. Melville B. Kilby
R. Taylor A. Knight
K. Davies
In Attendance: F. Burgess (Clerk) District Councillor S. King
Members of the Public: N. Pickering, S. Jackson, A. Schreeder, S. McKentee
4462 Apologies: County Councillor E. White, B. Molloy
4463 Opening Remarks
The Chairman, Councillor Knight, extended a warm welcome to all present.
4464 Declaration by Members of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests
4464 Parishioners’ Time
no issues were raised
4465 Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting (HunPCFeb06/02
It was unanimously resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2006 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. Proposed: Councillor Taylor, Seconded Councillor Davies.
4466 Matters arising from the minutes
4467 Policing Issues
4467/1 January Report.
There has been problems with youths congregating around the area of the shops, the shopkeepers have attended Blaby Police Station to report and have been advised to keep us up to date on events.
There have been two burglaries in the village, one in the Denman Lane and one in the Forest Road areas. These have happened while the occupants have been away. We ask that any suspect persons or vehicles be reported to the police. One person has been arrested and is now on bail. A further offence has occurred since this arrest.
Information on Mosquito, device intended to prevent people hanging around an area has been obtained and will be sent with a covering letter to the shopkeepers. As the area is private property the responsibility for provision and installation would rest with the owner or tenant of the property, although the Parish Council and Police would be available for support. This device costs around £500. Action :Clerk
The local area beat officer is to be invited to the March meeting. Action: Clerk
4467/2 Inspector Mark Martin on identification and protection of the vulnerable.
A preliminary draft of the questionnaire has been produced and is now being refined.
4468 Reports from District and County Councillors
4468/1 County Councillor E. White sent in apologies.
4468/2 District Councillor Sue King reported :
4468/2/1 Footpath between School Lane and the Recreation Ground. No update.
4468/2/2 Flooding of Forest Road footpath (65-73). The Highways Inspector has visited the site and will keep in touch.
4468/2/3 B.D.C. car parking – proposed charging – No decision has yet been made. A 4,000 signature petition against this has been sent to Blaby D.C.
4468/2/4 Footpath to on Croft Hill Road – there has been problems with the raised section of footpath, and although repairs have been completed, the suitability of the current footpath has been discussed. A large proportion of users are using this footpath on the way to the new Nature Path. Discussions with Aggregate Ltd. On possible upgrades are to take place.
4468/2/5 The proposed sale of a plot of land off Duncan Avenue/Narborough Road is being established shortly. The condition of the land from both a safety and visual aspect at the time of any sale is an important issue to Huncote Parish Council.
4468/2/6 Housing Stock –a feasibility study to redevelop the area around Duncan Avenue flats is under discussion. According to the timescale, renovation of the existing flats will be required, either jobbing repairs or new doors and windows.
4468/2/7 Huncote Leisure Centre – the long term future of this has to be decided. One possibility would include this being used for orienteering.
4468/2/8 Councillor King reported the recent death of District Councillor Anna Pullen.
4469 Publicity and Public Relations Issues
4469/1 The Journal
Minutes of January have been sent. In future both full minutes and highlights will be sent.
4469/2 Village News
The next issue will be produced for March/April. Councillors were requested to provide copy for this to the Clerk.
4470 Planning Issues
4470/1 Applications For Consideration
1. Acresford – Forest Road Quarry, Sale of imported sand and washed mill-waste. Maximum of 60 lorries per month. No objections provided all vehicles enter and leave from Enderby direction. Note: this application had arrived at the Parish Offices after the publication of the agenda, but in view of the closing date for comments it was agreed to consider it at this meeting.
2. Mole Groundworks – 1st floor office extension- Forest Road. Height to be specified – No objections.
3. 3 Duncan Ave Extension No objections.
4. Elms Farm – Demolition of existing industrial building and replacement by three industrial units. Comment to lack of insulation in proposed buildings.
4470/2 Comments Already Submitted
4470/3 Results of Earlier Decisions
(i) Green’s Lodge Farm Forest Road – erection of crop storage building –accepted –usual condition plus three year start limit, and extra details to be submitted to planning authority.
(ii) 39 Bennett Rise – two storey side/rear extension plus detached garage – accepted – materials used shall match existing buildings. three parking spaces to be provided and permanently used for parking(including two in proposed garage).
(iii) 17 Main Street – retention of link to rear. Accepted.
(iv) 2 Forest Road – removal of soil and building of retaining wall –rejected as this could cause restricted visibility to vehicles leaving Eunice Avenue.
(v) West View House, Forest Road – conversion of existing garage to dwelling. Rejected –existing building style not suitable for conversion.
4471 Financial Issues
4471/1 Accounts for Payment and Confirmation of Payments Made
(Document HunPCFeb05/3)
The following accounts have been paid. The council are asked to approve them retrospectively.
Huncote P.O. Stamps 48x2nd P.C. £10.08
Narborough Hardware Paraffin, Sand P.C. £10.27
Downtown Computers Inkjets P.C. £09.00
B.T. Phone number P.C. £05.24
Permission is requested to pay the following:
Payee For Cost
Blaby D.C. Dog Litter Bins Ch 401371 £524.85
& orderly O-D (part)
Blaby D.C. Ground services Ch 401371 £1,119.21
Aug-Oct (part)
F. Burgess Clerk Sal January Ch 401376 £440.31
Inland Rev. Tax/NI January Ch 401373 £185.40
B.A. Smith January Sal Ch 401374 £190.96
F. Burgess Expenses Jan Ch 401376 £ 52.34
Proposed: Councillor Knight, Seconded Councillor Taylor. Agreed unanimously.
4471/2 Summary of Income & Expenditure and Budget Analysis 2005/6 To Date (Document HunPCFeb06/4)
These were received and noted.
4471/3 Request from H.A.T.S. for grant for stage lighting
Available funding is limited both in overall amount and also with potential outgoings on other projects at this time. When conditions improve further requests will be considered.
4472 Highways and Footpaths
see also 4468 for issues concerning Car Parking in Blaby District and condition of footpath in School Lane.
4472/1 Park & Ride –
No decision appears to have been taken by Leicestershire County Council, but it appears that work has started in the area. The Clerk was asked to write to Leicestershire County Council to find out what is happening. Action Clerk
4473 Environmental Issues
4473/1 Graffiti this is still increasing and examples have been sent to Blaby D.C.
4473/2 Litter and dog fouling still remain problems both in the recreation ground and the sports ground. The clear up costs of this, particularly of broken glass are significant.
4473/3 BMX Track –
Work is expected to restart on this shortly.
4473/4 Tree Wardens
The Parish Council has received from Leicestershire County Council for tree wardens in the Parish. Councillor Taylor is to investigate.
4473/5 East Midlands Airport – Master Plan – the Council has received notification of an exhibition of expansion and corridor plans to be held at various venues in Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. These were noted, but the Council requested that any corridor planning and consultation should cover plans for East Midlands, Coventry and Birmingham airports all of which impinge on potential traffic over Huncote.
4473/6 Rural Community Council – an extra-ordinary General Meeting is to be held on 23rd February.
4474 Huncote Enhancement Project
Further options on the planters to be situated around the village sign are to be evaluated.
4474 Recreation & Amenities Subcommittee and Related Issues
4475/1 Zip Line
Attempts to fins suitable materials to repair the zip line are being made. Action: Clerk
4475/2 Arts Festival Blaby D.C. June 2006.
Huncote Primary School is to be contacted to se if any involvement can be undertaken.
4475/3 Ground Maintenance 2006/7
A quote for grass cutting in the Parish has been obtained from Blaby District Council. For 2005/6 several quotes were sought together with the possibility of moving some work in house and it is believed the best value has been obtained. The quote from Blaby D.C. is to be accepted, and the work moved in house last year will remain under direct labour. Action: Clerk
4475/4 Living Locals – within Leicestershire there is a project to use spare rooms in Public Houses as village halls or for community activities. Discussion has been held with the Landlord of the Red Lion and they are willing to support this, but only have limited facilities. Councillor Davies commented that use of the Community Centre in the School has decreased recently as fees have been significantly increased, and suggested the possibility that he some of the money set aside for this project to instead be used to reduce these fees.
4476 Quarries Issues
4476/1 Croft Quarry – Dust subcommittee no newsletter has been published recently. More contracts have been obtained particularly for S’t Pancras and the Olympic stadium which is resulting in more stone being shipped by rail.
A change in washing technique uses more mist and less water which should result in less dirt and water coming onto the roads.
More slabs are to be made by dust (grade PM10) compression which will reduce stockpiles of dust.
The hill settling is within tolerance.
More steps are to be built on the new nature walk.
4477 Cemetery Issues
Safety work on graves and headstones is almost complete.
4478 Education Matters
Huncote Partnership Library committee met recently, and the future is uncertain. The building is towards the end of life and replacements have been estimated to cost a minimum of £100,000 plus fitting charges. Whilst grants may be available, they may not be permitted to be used for new buildings, and they also fall far short of the amount needed.
4479 Administrative Matters
no issues
4480 Organisational /Policy Issues
The issue of members of the public who attend and raise issues at Council Meeting but which to be anonymous was discussed. The Clerk had received advice on both the legal situation and the practice at other councils. The legal situation is that any one attending a Public Meeting may be named, although some Councils will report the item as “a member of the public”. It was agreed that when no request is made for the person or persons to be anonymous then the name or names will be recorded. If person or persons request to be anonymous then the Council will consider each application on an individual basis. The Council will be sympathetic to such requests where no personal or financial clash of interests are involved, and where the accepted rules and conduct of debate are met. In all cases however it will still be necessary for all persons attending meeting to sign in to comply with fire regulations.
4481 Staffing Issues
no issues
4482 Huncote Parish Council Internet Website
no issues.
4483 Miscellaneous Matters
4483/1 It was noted that the following items of correspondence had been received and were available from the Clerk for reference: -
a. Blaby D.C. Tenant Participation Compact 2005
b. R.C.C. Funding Guide 2006
c. The Clerk Jan 2006
d. L.C.C. Planning an event
4483/2 Blaby D.C. Charity Quiz Night – the Council are unable to raise a team for this event.
4484 Any other business
4485 Date of next meeting
The next meeting is due to be held on 2nd March (Methodist Hall) at 7.30 p.m. This meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.
Huncote Minutes 12h January 2006 Page 1 of 6 Chairman’s Initials: Date: