Public document to be completed by the Contracting Authority
RS-Belgrade: IPA — supply of rabies vaccines
and equipment for surveillance of animal diseases — 09SER01/07/11
2010/S 216-330589
Location – Serbia
1. Publication reference
2. Procedure
3. Programme
4. Financing
Budget line
5. Contracting Authority
European Union represented by the European Commission, on behalf of and for the account of the beneficiary country, Belgrade, Serbia.
6. Description of the contract
Supply and aerial distribution of rabies vaccine baits in Serbia for vaccination campaigns in the autumn of 2011 and spring of 2012, delivery and installation of associated equipment (e.g. surveillance equipment, laboratory equipment and diagnostic kits (reagents) as well as equipment for epidemiological investigations and rapid response).
7. Number and titles of lots
Lot 1: Rabies vaccines for oral vaccination
Lot 2: Diagnostics and laboratory equipment
Lot 3: Equipment for surveillance
Lot 4: Equipment for epidemiological investigations and rapid response for the control of CSF and rabies
8. Eligibility and rules of origin
Participation is open to all legal persons, participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers which are established in a Member State of the European Union or in a country or territory of the regions covered and/or authorised by the specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is financed (see item 22 below). All goods supplied under this contract must originate in one or more of these countries. Participation is also open to international organisations. Participation of natural persons is directly governed by the specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is financed.
9. Grounds for exclusion
Tenderers must submit a signed declaration, included in the Tender Form for a Supply Contract, to the effect that they are not in any of the situations listed in point 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide to contracts procedures for EU external actions.
10. Number of tenders
Tenderers may submit only one tender per lot. Tenders for parts of a lot will not be considered. Any tenderer may state in its tender that it would offer a discount in the event that its tender is accepted for more than one lot. Tenderers may not submit a tender for a variant solution in addition to their tender for the supplies required in the tender dossier.
11. Tender guarantee
Tenderers must provide a tender guarantee of:
· For Lot nº 1 the value of a Tender guarantee = EUR 50,000
· For Lot nº 2 the value of a Tender guarantee = EUR 35,000
· For Lot nº 3 the value of a Tender guarantee = EUR 10,000
· For Lot nº 4 the value of a Tender guarantee = EUR 10,000
when submitting their tender. This guarantee will be released to unsuccessful tenderers once the tender procedure has been completed and to the successful tenderer(s) upon signature of the contract by all parties. This guarantee will be called upon if the tenderer does not fulfil all obligations stated in its tender.
12. Performance guarantee
The successful tenderer will be asked to provide a performance guarantee of 10% of the amount of the contract at the signing of the contract. This guarantee must be provided together with the return of the countersigned contract no later than 30 days after the tenderer receives the contract signed by the Contracting Authority. If the selected tenderer fails to provide such a guarantee within this period, the contract will be void and a new contract may be drawn up and sent to the tenderer which has submitted the next cheapest compliant tender.
13. Information meeting and/or site visit
No information meeting is planned
14. Tender validity
Tenders must remain valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for submission of tenders.
15. Period of implementation of tasks
For the Lot nº 1:
The Contractor shall be responsible for supply, delivery, storage, transport and aerial distribution of the goods at the locations specified in the Technical Specifications and shall bear costs and be ready for inspection, testing and issuance of all necessary permits as required by the Technical Specifications during the contract implementation.
The Commencement Order shall be deemed to be issued at the date of Contract signature by all parties.
For 2011 autumn vaccination campaign, the vaccine shall be delivered to Serbia in August 2011 within 21 days after Commencement Order, and for 2012 spring vaccination campaign the vaccine shall be delivered to Serbia during February 2012.
All pre-vaccination activities should be timely completed by the Contractor so that vaccination campaigns could start respectively during October 2011 and April 2012 or up to 21 days after delivery of vaccines to Serbia, which ever date is earlier.
As a condition for the Commencement order, the Contractor is obliged to inform the Contracting Authority that all necessary inspection and testing activities as well as all necessary permits (including permits for flying) have been satisfactorily completed / issued and endorsed by the Beneficiary (Veterinary Directorate) and should submit to the Contracting Authority full registration dossier for the vaccine including laboratory tests for safety, potency, quality and sterility and others upon request. Additionally, the Contractor should provide the detail plan of vaccination minimum 7 days before the start of the vaccination campaigns,
Integral part of the Contractor’s request for aerial distribution must be written confirmations by the Beneficiary (Veterinary Directorate) and verification agent (on-going TA project forthe control and eradication of classical swine fever and rabies) acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority that all necessary inspection and testing activities have been satisfactorily completed, necessary permits issued as well as a written confirmation by the Beneficiary (Veterinary Directorate) that aerial distribution of vaccines can commence.
It is the Contractor’s obligation to obtain such confirmations prior to requesting the order for aerial distribution from the Contracting Authority.
On the bases of the previous the Contractor shall request an order for aerial distribution from the Contracting Authority. The Contractor shall be responsible for timely completion of those procedures and obtaining of all necessary permits.
The order for aerial distribution will be issued by the Contracting Authority after all pre-vaccination activities (necessary inspection and testing activities specified in the Technical Specifications) have been completed and endorsed by the Beneficiary (Veterinary Directorate).
For the particular territory covered during the course of vaccination campaign, the Contractor is obliged to submit to the Contracting Authority the flying plan minimum 7 days prior to the flying round.
Additionally, he should provide to the Contracting Authority and Beneficiary the weekly reports on course of the actions (including maps on covered territories, numbers of already distributed vaccines dosses, progress and observed problems, etc.).
Together with the Contracting Authority / Contracting Authority representative, he / she should plan, organize and monitor on-going activities and be responsible for the crisis management situations that may occur.
The vaccination campaigns should be completed within 45 days starting from the day of issuance of the order for aerial distribution of vaccines by the Contracting Authority.
15 days after completion of vaccination campaign the Contractor is obliged to deliver Final Report regarding course of the vaccination campaign proving that all contractual obligations have been fulfilled. The final report should be approved by the Contracting Authority.
The Final Acceptance will be issued by the Contracting Authority after all post-vaccination activities (necessary inspection and testing activities specified in the Technical Specifications) have been completed and endorsed by the Beneficiary (Veterinary Directorate).
The Contractor should apply for Final Acceptance after all obligations laid down in the Contract have been fulfilled. As part of the application for Final Acceptance, the Contractor should provide a written confirmation by the Beneficiary (Veterinary Directorate) and acceptance verification agent acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority that all contractual obligations as per the Technical Specifications and other terms and conditions of the Contract have been successfully implemented and fulfilled.
The Contracting Authority will have 45 days to either issue the Final Acceptance or reject the application for Final Acceptance specifying the reasons for rejection.
If the Contracting Authority fails to either issue the Final Acceptance or reject it within 45 days from the date of Contractor’s application, the Final Acceptance shall be deemed to have been issued.
For the Lots nº 2, 3 and 4:
The implementation period during which all items described in the Technical Specifications have to be supplied, delivered, installed and commissioned and during which the training is to be provided (as required) should be completed starting from the day of issuance of Commencement Order by the Contracting Authority. The implementation period, ending with the Provisional Acceptance, shall be for:
· Lots nº 2, 3 and 4: within 6 months after the Contractor receives the Commencement Order
(Valid for all items except items 3.8.1 - Ab ELISA kit for CSF and 3.8.2 - Ag ELISA kit for CSF to be delivered in 2 times during a 1 year after Commencement order)
16. Selection criteria
The following selection criteria will be applied to tenderers. In the case of tenders submitted by a consortium, these selection criteria will be applied to the consortium as a whole:
For each Lot:
1) Economic and financial capacity of tenderer (based on i.a. item 3 of the Tender Form for a Supply Contract). In case of tenderer being a public body, equivalent information should be provided.
(a) The average annual turnover of the tenderer for years 2009 and 2010 must be at least 2 times the values of submitted financial proposal for each of the years;
2) Professional and technical capacity of tenderer (based on i.a. items 5 and 6 of the Tender Form for a Supply Contract)
(a) The tenderer has completed[1] (i.e. Provisional or Final Acceptance or equivalent) at least one contract in the field related to the relevant lot for which the tenderer applies with similar scope and nature of this tender, which was implemented in the last three years, i.e. 2008, 2009, 2010 until the deadline for submission of tenders.
For tenderers biding for several or all of the lots, selection criteria are cumulative.
An economic operator may, where appropriate and for a particular contract, rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of the legal nature of the links which it has with them. Some examples of when it may not be considered appropriate by the Contracting Authority are when the tender rely in majority on the capacities of other entities or when they rely on key criteria. If the tender rely on other entities it must prove to the Contracting Authority that it will have at its disposal the resources necessary for performance of the contract, for example by producing an undertaking on the part of those entities to place those resources at its disposal. Such entities, for instance the parent company of the economic operator, must respect the same rules of eligibility and notably that of nationality, as the economic operator. Furthermore, the data for this third entity for the relevant selection criterion should be included in the tender in a separate document. Proof of the capacity will also have to be furnished when requested by the Contracting Authority.
17. Award criteria
18. How to obtain the tender dossier
The tender dossier is available from the following Internet address: The tender dossier is also available from the Contracting Authority. Tenders must be submitted using the standard Tender Form for a Supply Contract included in the tender dossier, whose format and instructions must be strictly observed.
Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing t:
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia
Tel.: +381 11 3083 200
Fax: +381 11 3083 201
Finance and Contracts, 9thfloor
GTC 19 Avenue Building
Vladimira Popovica 40
11070 Belgrade
(mentioning the publication reference shown in item 1) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders given in item 19. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier shall be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the EuropeAid website at
19. Deadline for submission of tenders
12:00 hours Central European Time on 15 August 2011
Any tender received after this deadline will not be considered.
20. Tender opening session
14:00 hours Central European Time on 15 August 2011 at the premises of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, GTC 19 Avenue Building, Vladimira Popovica 40, Belgrade, Serbia.
21. Language of the procedure
All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.
22. Legal basis
Council regulation (EC) N° 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006
November 2010 Page 6 of 6
23 May 2011 Supply Procurement Notice.doc
[1] Issue date to be stated in Detailed Description of Supply in Section 6 Experience of Tender Form for a Supply Contract. The document should evidence the complete delivery of the supplies mentioned in the reference including the fulfilment of all obligations under the respective contract