Merton Council
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
Group A: Christian, Other Faiths and Beliefs
Buddhism / Mr P LomFree Churches / Mr P Kendrick (Deputy Mrs S Rogers)
Hinduism / Vacancy
Humanism / Ms A King
Islam / Mr S Sheikh (Deputy Mr M Khan)
Judaism / Mr M Freedman
Roman Catholic Church / Mr W Doris
Sikhism / Mr B Singh
Group B: Church of England
Mr C PowellMs Lilian Zwarts
Group C: Teacher Associations
ATL / Mr N McManusNASUWT / Vacancy
Voice / Vacancy
NUT / Mr R Kay-Kreizman
NAHT/SHA / Ms K Seamer
Group D: Local Authority
Councillor Laxmi AttawarCouncillor Linda Taylor
Councillor Richard Williams
Co-opted Members
Baiha’i Faith / VacancyAhmadiyya Muslim Association
LA Advisor
Keith Shipman / Vacancy
A meeting of the Merton SACRE will be held on:
Date: 14 October 2014
Time: 4.30 PM
Beecholme Primary School
Edgehill Road
Telephone:020 864 04795
This is a public meeting and attendance by the public is encouraged and welcomed. For more information about the agenda and the decision making process contact the clerk of the meeting. For more information about Merton, visit Press enquiries: or telephone 020 8545 3181.
Pre Agenda Meeting
4.30 at Beecholme – visit to the school and discussion re Religious Education at Beecholme.
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
Agenda – 14th Oct 2014
5.30 Agenda
- Apologies
- Introductions and update re clerking.
- Minutes and Matters arising
- Update on Teachers refreshing the Agreed Syllabus – PK
- Visits to buildings - PK
- New Ofsted the inspection criteria for schools - with reference to Modern Life in Britain and RE – Kate Saksena
- Agreed syllabus refresh - Issues for discussion from the work of the teacher with regards to the refresh - RachelClarke
- Place of next meeting?