(Amended January 2014)
Ketton Parish Council is responsible for the administration & maintenance of the KettonCemetery and in order to assist the Council in meeting its objectives of a well-maintained and peaceful environment, families purchasing a burial plot are required to abide by the following rules:
1. EligibilityPlots are allocated by the Parish Clerk and only residents of Ketton may reserve a plot in advance. No refunds on plot purchase will be allowed.
2.Times of IntermentNo interment will be allowed to take place before nine o’ clock in the morning or after four o’ clock in the afternoon. Interments requested on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays require special permission.
3.Monuments & InscriptionsAll memorials of any description and the inscriptions thereon are to be subject to the approval of the Parish Council. As a general rule, the following guidelines should be followed:
a. Memorials should consist of headstones only and these should not be above 3 feet in height. Kerbstones, slabs, plastic and wooden memorials are not permitted.
b. The plot number is to be inscribed on the headstone
c. It would be appreciated if the type of stone used for memorials could be in keeping with stone of the local area. Black headstones are not allowed in the cemetery to avoid it becoming a sombre area.
d. A vase for flowers may be incorporated into a headstone or sunk into the ground immediately in front of the headstone base. Planters or vases may not be placed on the remaining length of the grave.
4.Maintenance of Graves.
a. No trees, bushes or shrubs may be planted on any grave as these prevent the cemetery being maintained.
b. All floral & other tributes placed upon a grave immediately following an interment must be removed within one calendar month of their being placed there. After this time the Parish Council will exercise its right to remove such matter if it is deemed unsightly
c. Plastic, silk or artificial flowers may be placed on graves during winter months (November to March) when mowing is not undertaken. At other times of the year (April to October) the Parish Council reserves the right to remove artificial tributes to enable grass-cutting to take place.
d. Watering cans for watering flowers are provided and must be returned after use to the tap by the main gate. Families are requested to remove dead flowers or wreaths from graves. A wheelie bin, which is emptied weekly, is provided by the main gate.
Where it is wished to plant a shrub on the Mound of Remembrance, please contact the Parish Clerk who will advise you of the procedure.
5.Memorials - Owners’ Responsibility
All gravestones, monuments, kerbs and other memorials are to be kept in good repair by the owners. If not repaired after due notice, the memorial may be removed by the Parish Council. In cases where the owner cannot be found, notice of the intended removal shall be given in the local newspaper during each of two successive weeks.
The Parish Council will not be responsible in any way for the care of gravestones, monuments, kerbs or any other memorials, or for any damage caused.
6.Access to the Cemetery
Visitors shall keep to the paths and refrain from interfering with flowers and shrubs in grave spaces and observe a dignified behaviour while within the cemetery boundaries.
Children under the age of ten are required to be accompanied by a responsible adult.
No vehicles (other than hearses and invalid cars) will be allowed in the cemetery.
Cycling is not permitted.
Dogs must be kept on leads at all times and not be allowed to foul the cemetery grounds.