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Notice of Appeal under Senate Regulation 12: Academic Appeals

You should read Senate Regulation 12 and the ‘Appeals concerning academic assessment – A Guide for Students (from June 2013)’ document before completing this form (both are available at
If you have a disability that requires any adjustments to the appeals process or documentation in alternative formats, please notify as soon as possible.
Please ensure you answer allsections, as your appeal may be delayed or rejected if information is missing.
You may wish to consult the Advice and Representation Centre (ARC) of the Union of Brunel Students (UBS) before submitting this form – they can be contacted via .
I, the undersigned, wish to appeal against either
  • (for taught students)the assessment of my academic progress/final award, as confirmed at the last Board of Examiners, or
  • (for research students) the outcome of a formal progress review or final award, as confirmed by the Supervisor or authorised member of staff, or the Examiners
For final year students, I understand that the award for which I have been recommended will not be awarded whilst my appeal is being considered, and I will not be able to attend a degree congregation until my appeal is resolved. If I choose to attend a degree congregation or accept my award I will not be able to submit or proceed with an appeal.
I also understand that the information contained within this form and evidence included as part of my submission may be shared with other departments in the University, including, for example, the Disability and Dyslexia Service. If I do not want you to share this information I understand that I must indicate as such on this form below. I understand that this does not include my School, as they will need to provide a response to my appeal if it accepted for consideration by the Academic Appeals Committee.
Please select one option from this list
Signature Please sign here
Name / Enter your full name here /
Student ID number(including /) / Enter your student ID number here /
Date / Enter the date of submission of this appeal form here /
Postal address * / Enter your full postal address here, including the postcode /
Email address * / Enter your contact email address here, which should be your Brunel email address /
Telephone number / Enter your contact telephone number here /

* these should be the same contact postal and email addresses that are currently shown in eVision – please ensure you update your details in eVision if these are not the same.

Before proceeding with your appeal, you are advised to carefully consider the following notes:
1)Many students will have various distractions and responsibilities during their course, which will, at times, interfere with their studies. These may include financial and housing problems, relationship problems, and minor illnesses. Mitigating circumstances are taken in to account in cases where they have prevented a student from demonstrating their learning in formal assessments; they cannot be used as a justification for your failure to master the subjects you are studying or to achieve the results you might have obtained had you been able to attend and/or study more effectively.
2)You cannot appeal solely because the result is worse than you would have wished or worse than you feel you deserve; you cannot challenge academic judgement. For example, if a project has been awarded a lower mark than you feel is justified, you do not have valid grounds for an appeal unless you can identify a procedural error in the assessment process, or you can prove that there is evidence of inadequate assessment or prejudice or bias on the part of one or more examiners.
Title of course / Enter the title of your course here /
School / Select your School from the list /
Type and Level of your course / Select the level of your course relevant to the decision of the Board of Examiners against which you are appealing
Mode of attendance / Select from the list /
Date of notification* of results / Enter the date you were notified of your examination results or the outcome of your progression review here, either via the internet or post /
Reason for delay in submitting appeal ** / Enter the reason for the delay in submitting your appeal, if applicable, here /

* ‘Notification’ will be taken to include the publication of results through the internet or dispatch of notification of results by post to a student’s most recently notified address (SR12.22).

** If you are submitting this appeal more than 15 working days after having received the outcome of your request forInternal Resolution, you need to explain the delay in submission. You should note that appeals received after this 15 working day deadline may be rejected at the earliest stage.


SR12.25 states that the Academic Appeals Committee will normally decline to consider an academic appeal by a student against assessment unless and until the possibility of School internal resolution has been exhausted, unless the student is able to demonstrate that it was not practicable for him/her to seek such resolution.
Have you sought Internal Resolution through your School, prior to submitting this appeal form? / Select Yes or No
If you have selected ‘Yes’, please ensure you attach a copy of the formal ‘Conclusion of Internal Resolution’ provided by the School to this form, in accordance with SR12.23.
If you have selected ‘No’, please state below why you have not yet sought Internal Resolution. Please also state who you have spoken to about your appeal to date, and what the outcome of that conversation was.
Please state here why you have not sought Internal Resolution, who you have spoken to about your appeal so far, and what the outcome of that conversation was /


Please confirm below whether this is the first appeal you have submitted in relation to this matter, or whether this is a resubmission of an appeal which has previously been rejected at the Preliminary Consideration stage.
Please select one option from the list /

Part 1 – Grounds for appeal

In accordance with SR12.19, an academic appeal may be made on one or more of the following grounds. Please indicate below which grounds are relevant to your appeal; it is possible that more than one may apply.
Please select ‘Y’ for those that apply, and ‘N’ for those that do not apply.
A / That there exist circumstances materially affecting your performance which were not known to the Examiners or progress review when the decision was taken, and which it was not reasonably practicable for you to have made known to the Examiners or progress review beforehand; / Select Y or N /
B / That there were procedural irregularities in the conduct of the examinations and/or other assessment procedures, including assessment of coursework, of such a nature as to create a reasonable possibility that the result might have been different had they not occurred; / Select Y or N
C / (i)That there is evidence of prejudice or bias on the part of one or more Examiners or members of staff conducting a progress review; / Select Y or N /
(ii)That there is evidence of inadequate assessment on the part of one or more Examiners or members of staff conducting a progress review. / Select Y or N /

Part 2 – The decision you are appealing against

What is the decision of the Examiners or members of staff conducting a review that you wish to appeal against?
Please attach a copy of the letter informing you of the decision.
Enter here the relevant details, relating to the question above, and include as much information as you feel is necessary in order for the Academic Appeals Committee to reach its decision /

Part 3 – Why should the decision be different, and what do you think would be a fair outcome?

Please explain
(i)Why you think this decision should have been different, and
(ii)What you think the decision should have been.
This is your opportunity to explain in full your grounds for appeal, and tell us what outcome you think would be fair (for example, to be allowed to re-sit failed modules, or to re-submit a thesis).
Enter here the relevant details, relating to the question above, and include as much information as you feel is necessary in order for the Academic Appeals Committee to reach its decision /

Part 4 – Mitigating circumstances
(only complete this section if you have selected the grounds of mitigating circumstances as the basis for your appeal)

If you believe that mitigating circumstances affected your performance, and these were not made known to the Examiners or members of staff conducting a review within seven days of the assessment or examination (as is required in line with the University’s Mitigating Circumstances Policy) please explain here why it was not possible for you to have submitted the mitigation in line with the University’s policy.
Please attach any relevant supporting documentation, for example, medical certificates – if these have not been included, please explain why below.
Enter here the relevant details, relating to the question above, and include as much information as you feel is necessary in order for the Academic Appeals Committee to reach its decision /

Part 5 – Supporting documentation

Please list here any documentation you are submitting in support of your appeal. Wherever possible, original documents should be supplied, which will be returned to you at the earliest opportunity.
Please ensure you include the evidence listed below when you submit this form. If they have not been included, please explain why below.
List here the documentation you are submitting in support of your academic appeal, and if something relevant to your appeal hasnot been included, please explain why /
Please keep a copy of your appeal form and supporting documentation for your own records.
Please send this form and accompanying documentation to either , or post it to the Clerk to the Academic Appeals Committee, c/o Room 209, Wilfred Brown Building, Brunel University, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH.
Please ensure that you get proof of postage if you are posting your appeal form. If you do not receive an email confirming receipt of your appeal within 10 working days, please contact the above email address.
The Committee will endeavour to consider cases promptly, but please be aware that each case is investigated thoroughly and sometimes this can take several weeks. The Committee’s decision can only be communicated to you in writing, so it is very important that you provide the Clerk with your current address details, and inform as soon as possible, should they change whilst your appeal is in progress.
Academic Appeal from (from June 2013) / Page 1 of 4