UClan Cyprus

School of Business and Management

MK3111 – International Marketing

Academic Year 2017/18Year long

Assignment 1 Part A A Contemporary Issue

A critical review of an international marketing issue
Overall Weight / 50% of the marks for the module.
Individual or Group work / You work individually.
General outline of the work / Below is a question to research about international marketing. From your research you need to produce an essay and must use a range of academic and business sources to support your answer.
Release date / September 2017
Submission Date / 11 January, 23.00, 2018
Word count / 2,000 words + tables, diagrams and appendices as required. + references list
Submission method / Electronic copy on turnitin on blackboard

Learning Outcomes

This assessment covers learning outcomes to:
Critically evaluate concepts, theories and models of marketing in the international situation
Monitor and critically evaluate developments in the international business environment and apply these to the international marketing situation.
Search for, select and use effectively relevant data and information.


  • Prepare a 2,000 word (+/-10%) essay which:
  • Gives a discussion of both theory and practice;
  • Includes arguments and wherever possible supporting evidence for each point that you make.

The Question

  • Research andwrite an answer to the following question:

“If a company is to export its products overseas, what kind of changes, if any, does it have to make to its national marketing strategy to suit the local culture? Compare entry into two different countries as a focus for your critically analytical discussion of both theory and models, and give practical examples.”


  • Use a variety of sources from text books, academic articles in academic journals and business sources to support your discussion (guideline of at least three academic journal articles).

Use the LBS referencing system see:

  • For the purposes of this assignment you must use your own words and paraphrase your sources: quotations should not be used at all unless these are very small phrases and can be justified.
  • Although this is an essay you are advised to use headings, sub-headings and highlighting of key words in bold.

Assessment Criteria

To pass you must complete the tasks and will be assessed as to how well you:

  • Critically evaluate concepts, theories and models of marketing in the international situationand illustrate the same with markets indicated in the brief(weight 34%).
  • Monitor and critically evaluate developments in the international business environment and apply these to the international markets specified in the brief(weight 33%).
  • Search for, select and use effectively relevant data and information(weight 33%).
  • Have clear presentation with good layout on the page, clear language and good grammar and proof reading.

(Up to 5% marks will be deducted for poor presentation)

  • Reference correctly using the LBS referencing system.

(Up to 5% marks will be deducted for poor referencing)

Submission Requirements

  • The first page is the title page sheet – indicate your name, course, module, seminar group, assignment details and the word count.
  • Ensure that you submit on time as indicated above (see MIP for advice and penalties).


  • Submission of the assignment will indicate that you are aware of the statement regarding the authenticity of your work:

‘I / we confirm that this assignment which I / we have submitted is all my / our own work and the source of any information or material I / we have used (including the internet) has been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the departmental guidelines I / we have received.’

Student Declaration in Respect of Plagiarism