Burnett’s Advanced Placement English Literature End of Year Project
The following projects are all ideas from which each student may choose one. This project needs to be completed by May 24 (A day) or May 25 (B day). However, its standards will be kept high and grading will be very rigid – if I asked specifically for something, I want it exactly how I asked for it. No excuses!
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The Quotes Project
Type up any 100 lines, quotes, or portions of passages that have they would like to expound on.
Each entry must:
(a)have bibliographic data; the speaker, the reading it comes from, etc.
(b)the context in which it was used
(c)and an in-depth analysis of the quote
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page. At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The Director Project
Students will create a student version of any major work covered in class using a video camera – student will create a movie version.
Requirements include:
- 10 minutes of movie time
- Quality
- May use friends and others for supporting characters.
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format)this will share the cast of characters and any other vital information. At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
Arts and Culture Project
Students need to produce 5 original artistic pieces based on any of readings we’ve covered in class.As well, analytic captures must accompany each artwork.
Requirements include:
(a)an annexed pager to each work reflecting the connection to the class.
(b)At least 5 works
(c)Black&White or color optional
(d)You may include photos
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page. At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained fromthe project should be affixed.
The Theme Project
Students will respond, in the form of papers, to 5 themes defined in the works we’ve covered in our readings.
Requirements include:
- A page delineating the original work
- Must follow all the rules of composition
- Human ELEMENT or condition (theme)
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The Novel Project
Students must deeply analyze four of the read in class.
Each analysis must include:
- biographic data on author
- respond in 2-page essay form to 3 critiques of each novel
- Human Element (theme)
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The AP English/Study Skills Project
Students must produce a study skills book, based on their knowledge of advanced placement, studying, and college research (other tests may be included) that will help next year’s students pass the course/exam.
Requirements include:
(a)graphics on most pages
(b)activities and creativity
(c)human element (theme) connection
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page. At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The Poetry Project
Students analyze any 5 poems covered in class, and they must write 5 of their own.
Each analysis must include:
- a look at literary techniques
- a look at form, diction, etc.
- copy of original
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page. At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The Music Project
Students must research 10 songs/musical pieces that relate to the items read in this class: Classical, Jazz, Country, hip hop - basically all genres must be covered.
Each analysis must include:
i. a structured format/page that you develop
ii. all the genres
iii. graphics of jewel/cd case
iv. copy of original songs
v. human element (theme)
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The Myth Project
An in-depth analysis in the stories behind popular Greek, Roman, Christian, and one other cultural myth; each culture or type of myth needs to have at least 2 stories where a study of the characters, events, and themes of the stories are developed.
Each analysis must include:
- graphics of story
- connections to readings and other things
- Human Element (theme)
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The Short Story Project
Students will respond, in the form of papers, to 2 short stories. As well, students will write their own 3 page short story. Students work will need to be turned in on periodic dates for teacher to check progression.
Requirements include:
- Developing a character sketch of characters
- Developing story line and plot
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
In Character Project
Students will have the opportunity to reproduce characters from their favorite works (Yes, paper or actual created dolls). 5 characters of 8 ½ x 11 figure or taller must somehow highlight the major traits and qualities of the character and how this developed the work.
Requirements include:
- Developing a character sketch of characters which should be attached to caricature
- How does this character’s traits add to the story
- Human ELEMENT and condition
- At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The Talk Show Project
Student will be the host to a talk show. Student will orchestrate the format, govern the rules, and develop a 5-minuteshow. It must relay ideas and concepts covered in class based on our covered literature.
Note: Teacher must approve of ideas before grading.
All planning is done by the student/host.
Requirements include:
- Typed one-page proposal and script
- Possibly developing a character sketch of characters
- Possibly developing story line and plot
- Possibly talking about Human ELEMENT
- At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The Hero In Literature
Students will respond, in the form of papers, tothe major works read in class, paying particular attention to the heroic characters and 3of them.
Requirements include:
- Elaboration of how these traits are brought about
- Must follow all the rules of composition
- Must contain traits from Archetype Handbook
- Human ELEMENT or condition
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
Special Topics in literature
Students will respond, in the form of papers, to any creative topics defined in 3 works we’ve covered in our readings. Students may look at nature in literature, parents in literature, the wayward child in literature, rape in literature, death in literature, use of drugs in literature, etc.
Requirements include:
- Must follow all the rules of composition
- One (or two) special topics that is recognized in all chosen works.
- Human ELEMENT or condition (theme)
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The VeeJaying Project
Students must research 10 songs/musical VIDEOS. They must breakdown the video and analyze it for its meaning. What was the director and creative producer trying to do? Does it work with the song? Explain.
Each analysis must include:
i. At least 4 different genres
ii. Give some information on the artist as well (gossip)
iii. copy of original songs
iv. human element (theme) connection
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
Political Prowess Project
Students create a project centered around 10 current topics of the day, either in school, at home, in the community, and in the world.
Requirements include:
- interviews turned into articles
- papers based on political issues (world)
- papers centered around community/home issues
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
The Cartoonist Project
Students will respond, in the form of comic strips/comic books, to 4 of the major works read in class,paying particular attention to the heroic characters, dialogue, and themes.
Requirements include:
- Elaboration of plot
- Must follow all the rules of story telling
- Must be in color & paneling, unless for effect
- Human ELEMENT or condition
Project must possess a cover page and a contents page (depending on format). At the end of the project, a page of the insights gained from the project should be affixed.
As usual, have fun and learn a little something!
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