CCSIMembership and IK Fulfillment Program

The Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI) Membership and Instructor Kit Fulfillment Programs allow memberships to be purchased from the Cisco Learning Network Store. CCSI Membership allows instructors to download any required instructor kits.

Learning Partner Admins can purchase instructor kits memberships for their instructors and ICP candidates. If approved by their sponsoring Learning Partner, Instructors will also be able to purchase their own membership.

Cisco Authorized Instructor Kits include the Instructor Guide, Student Guide, Lab Guide, Course Administration Guide and supporting documents (if applicable) to deliver the course. Once a membership is purchased, all included instructor kits will be available for download at any time for the duration of the membership.

  • Base membership includes access to instructor kits for all Associate level courses
  • Premium membership includes access to all instructor kits for all Associate, Professional and Specialization courses
  • Instructor Certification Program (ICP) Kit membership for newly hired instructor candidates preparing for the ICP Event for ICND1 and ICND2. This ICP membership is not mandatory

Note: Instructor Kits for Special Practice Program (i.e. Cisco 360 forCCIE, UCS) is distributed manually and are not part of the Premium membership.

Membership Ordering and Instructor Kit Access

This section describes the process and guidelines for ordering the annual Instructor Kit Membership from Cisco. For more information on the membership models please go to CLN store and review the presentation and FAQ’s. You will find the information on the left navigation of the CLN store under “support.”

Steps to Order the Annual Membership for Instructor Kits

  1. Make sure that the instructor has updated his or her ID in the Cisco Certification Tracking System ( Further, if the instructor email address or other information has changed, the instructor should go to and click Register in the top navigation area, Click “Accounts” to update the profile with the new email address or other information. If the information is not correct or missing, the purchase might not be completed or the instructor might not get the message to download the Instructor Kits. (See below- Step 1: Pre Order preparation)
  2. Go to the Cisco Learning Network Store and begin ordering by choosing the Instructor Kits Base or Premium membership located in the left navigation area. If you do not see the Instructor Kit membership buy now button then it is possible your ID in the certification tracking system and email address or the information in LPMS is inaccurate or missing. Instructor should check with their LP admin to ensure that the information is correct in LPMS. If you are still having difficulty, contact Certification & Communities Online Support. (See below - Step 2: Ordering Membership- Base/Premium)
  • Use a credit card or PayPal to purchase the membership for one or more of your instructors. Purchase order and wire transfer payments are discouraged because the Instructor Kits are not released until payment is made. Additionally, there is a US $35 nonrefundable fee for wire transfer payment for each order.
  • When the payment transaction is complete, the LP admin and the instructor will receive a confirmation email and an email to download the digital rights management (DRM) for getting access to the Instructor Kits.
  1. The instructor gains access to the Instructor Kits in the membership after the membership payment has been made and the instructor has clicked to accept the CCSI agreement. Accepting the CCSI Agreement is mandatory in order to deliver any Cisco training. If the CCSI Agreement is not agreed to within 14 days of the purchase date, the CCSI access will be revoked and the status will be terminated.
  2. For the initial membership, the Instructor will have 60 days to complete payment. For annual renewals, the instructor will have a 60-day grace period to complete payment. Cisco will send reminders before the expiration date. However, the Instructor is responsible for purchasing new memberships before the grace period expires. If payment has not been made by then, the membership expires and the Instructor Kits are deactivated. The instructor will no longer have access to teach the classes.

Pre Order preparation

Log into Certification Tracking System

Merge your CCO Id ( id) to yourCertification Tracking System profile in oneof two ways.

Note: Authorization Code is your VUE registration # found on your VUE Score Report

Merge add “CCO ID” field in Certification Tracking System profile

CCO ID is automatically pulled into CCSI profile (using CSCO# as the key/lookup field) from Cert Tracking System profile. No action by Learning Partner is required.

NOTE: It takes up to 24- 48 hours from the time one merges their CCO id to their Certification Tracking profile for their CCO ID to get pushed to the CLN Store so ordering membership immediately after merging will result in error.

Order a membership

LP Admin or CCSI (if approved by the LP) have to log in to CLN store.

  1. Click on Log In in the upper right click on Instructor Kits under Learning Partner Products.
  2. Order Base or Premium membership(s) for existing CCSIs. Order ICP Preparation membership for CCSI candidates. LP must enroll candidate for ICP Event in LPMS first (Instructor Management -> Manage New CCSI -> Request for Joint ICP Enrollment).
  3. LP Admin can order both Base andPremium memberships by first adding theBase membership to the Cart thenselecting Continue Shopping to add the Premium membership.

Note- We recommend LP Admin order no more than 5 memberships at a time.

Both the Learning Partner and the CCSI will receive a membership purchase confirmation email with step-by-step instructions for accepting the CCSI agreement. CCSI will also receive an email with instructions for installing the LockLizard Viewer program and license.

Microsoft RMS & Locklizard Instructor Kits installation & access instructions

Click on this link to find RMS & Locklizard Instructor Kits installation & access instructions & go step by step to perform the steps mentioned there.

Locklizard License installation & download details

These are two more ways which a CCSI can choose to download & register Locklizard license:

  1. Exit any screen capture programsRead the ‘Accessing your protected files from Cisco’ email and followinstructions to install the Viewer program and LockLizard license.
  1. Exit any screen capture programs, Login to CLN Store then go toOrder Status & History,Read ‘installation instructions’ and install the LockLizard Viewerprogram for the Instructor Kits,Select ‘click here’ todownload/Save the LockLizardlicense to your desktop, selectRun to install the license thenwait for ‘Registration Successful’

Note: CCSI does not need to do this step if already have 1 or more instructor kits before April 4, 2010

CCSI Agreement acceptance and Instructor Kit Downloader Program

CCSI has to log in to the CLN Store, go to Order Status & History, click on membershipOrder# link.

On the Order Detail screen click on the Download button to accept the CCSIagreement then download the Instructor Kit Downloader program.

Read the CCSI agreement properly & then clickthe checkboxtoaccept theCCSIAgreementClick on Submit.

Note: step-by-step process included in membership purchase confirmation email

Click on Save when a pop up will appear & save the Instructor Kit Downloader program to your desktop or any folder.

Once this process has been completed, launch the InstructorKit Downloader program.

Choose Download Location for theInstructor Kits

Select kit(s) to download

Select Download

Open any IK to test for example here in the screenshot below, ACUCM is selected.

Five Types of Files in Instructor Kit:


  • Not every course has all types of documents Instructor Kits can be downloaded in one file or individually.
  • Reach out to [email protected]for any questions related to IK subscription and technical assistance.