HARVEY, LOUISIANA August 8, 2010
The first reading, from the book of Wisdom, comes in the middle of a long section telling of God’s actions on behalf of Israel during their Exodus from slavery in Egypt. Deliverance of the Israelites was probably known beforehand by the ancestors, through the patriarchs to whom God had promised to care for His chosen people.
All Jews, Christians, and Muslims consider themselves children of Abraham, whose faith in God’s promises is extolled in the second reading from the book of Hebrews. When God called Abraham to leave his home in Haran at the age of 75, he obeyed, with no idea where he was going. God simply told him to ‘go to a land that I will show you.’ In his time in the promised land, Abraham did not rule the land, so he sojourned there as a foreigner. He looked forward, beyond his time, to the heavenly city that would be his real and eternal home. Abraham is thus presented as a model of faith for all Christians who have here ‘no lasting city.’
The link between today’s readings is trust in God’s providence. The gospel of Luke gives us the key to the proper use of the world’s goods; if our hearts are focused on God we will value all things rightly and await the coming of His kingdom eagerly and without fear. No one is able to determine when Our Lord will return, so we should live each day in joyful anticipation. With faith in God, let us be vigilant in prayer during our pilgrimage to our heavenly home.
Today’s Scriptures: Wisdom 18:6-9; Psalm 33; Hebrews 11:1-19; Luke 12:32-48
BLESSED MOTHER’S LAMP will burn for a special intention.
SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in of Esther Chan.
ALTAR WINE is given in memory of Avie & Lorena Legendre requested by Kathy Savona.
SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: Gladys Tochtrop, Beverly McDonald, Frances Bruce, Elaine Belsome, Cindy Robichaux, Aimee Seal, Bonnie Perrin.
In Loving Memory of
Rena Danos McEvers
May the Lord bless your sacrifice.
4:00p.m. Clara & Dominick Bartolo Sr. & Jr.
6:00p.m. Troy Dean Williams II, Rene & Delia Hidalgo, Perkins &
Guillot Families Deceased, Pete Sr., William Jr. & Julian
Taulli, Eola White, Doyce Hebert, Marion Trupiano, Albert
Bourg Sr., Val Plaisance, Ledet, Bartolo, Carbo, Diket &
Wallace Families Deceased, Sylvia Hanks, Sam & Irene
Paternostro, Carmen Austin, Ethel Simoneaux, Phil Damico,
Richard Hynes, Leland Melancon Sr., Mary Martin, Hilton
8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
11:00a.m. Giuseppe Borzilliere, Alcess Belsome, Robert Tochtrop,
Ronnie LaGrange, Jeffries Blanchard Sr. & Jr., Odell
Blanchard & Phyllis Ware, For Favors Granted, Dudley
LeBlanc, Floyd Belsome, Camille Paul Bourg, Gladys Savoie,
Barry Savoie Sr., Ralph Baudoin, Fr. Jon Parks sdb
7:00a.m. Abel J. Hunter
7:00a.m. David Sr. & Baby Bruce, Edward Melancon, Avie & Lorena
Legendre, Sidney Rotolo, Charles Paine III
7:00a.m. Jackie Keller
7:00a.m. Charles “Tee”, Tommy & Steve Blanchard
7:00a.m. Wayne LeBlanc
7:00a.m. Armbruster & Brown Families Deceased
4:00p.m. Beatrice, Sam Sr. & Sam Jr. Zappula
6:00p.m. Mary Lynn Sanassardo, Pete Ditta, Patsy Plaisance, Peter B.
Bertucci, Noble Kinler, Sam & Irene Paternostro, Carmen
Austin, Heloise Richoux, Fr. Jon Parks sdb, Hilton Lirette,
Joan Martin, Harold & Grayce Thiaville, Connie Busby
8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
11:00a.m. Angelina & Billy Shrader, Mary, Marian & Philip Magadelina,
John Bourg, LeBlanc, Falgout Families Deceased, Enola
Clement Braud, Ray Comeaux, Elise Schouest, Marion
Saladino, Floyd Belsome, Camille Paul Bourg, Dudley
LeBlanc, Fr. Jon Parks, sdb, Fr. Michael Bao Hoang, sdb,
Fr. Eugene Larouche CSSR, John Hong Le & Mary
Madeleine & Families (living)
4:00p.m. Madison C., Macie C., Courtney D.
6:00p.m. Anthony S., Nick B.
8:00a.m. Daniel D., Paul D., Peter D.
11:00a.m. Keith L., Lance, L., Austin B.
4:00p.m. Ginger G. Marnie L. Josie P., Anthony V.
6:00p.m. Gerald D. Bert L. Darryl T., Sue D.
8:00a.m. Joseph Jill S. Janet C., Mary L.
11:00a.m. Ann W. Raylyn S. Don D., Ann W.,
Patti M., Denna C.
1. Fr. Jon Parks’ sdb Bell Tower Fund: The first bill for the Bell
Tower totaled $24,645.00. The finishing touches are now being
completed. A second bill of $23,914.00 was just received. As you
can see, this is an enormous amount. The entire Bell Tower has been
rebuilt. We can all be assured that we are safe from the “Tower”
falling upon us. In order to meet this expense, a Bell Tower Fund has
been opened. In addition, to accepting donations, in memory of Fr.
Jonathan Parks, a second collection for the Bell Tower will be taken
at all Masses next weekend, August 14-15th.
2. Italian Cookie Sale: The Altar Society/Women’s Club will hold an
Italian Cookie Sale before and after all Masses this weekend. Fig,
Seed, Pecan and Chocolate Pecan will be available. Proceeds from
this sale will be deposited into the Bell Tower Fund. Thank you for
your generous support.
3. R.C.I.A.: Please call St. Rosalie Parish Center to register for adult
confirmation instruction, which begins August 29, 2010. Anyone
interested in becoming Catholic should e-mail or call Diane Haydel at
or 628-0058, or the Parish Center – 340-1962.
4. Pastoral Council Nominations: (1) A Catholic, registered member of
St. Rosalie Parish, over 18 years of age. (2) A person committed to the
growth and faith life of St. Rosalie Parish. (3) Will support the goals
and objectives of our Parish. (4) Will regularly attend Pastoral Council
meetings, usually once a month, meetings held in the Gathering Room
at 6:30p.m. (5) Shares the spirit of Jesus Christ. “I have come not to
be served, but to serve.” (6) Nominations will close on Sunday,
August 15, 2010 at 4:00p.m. (7) Voting will be held on Sept. 11 & 12,
2010, at all Masses. (8) The two-year term of Toni Savona and Ronnie
Hemenway will end in September. They may run for re-election. If
you would like to run for a seat on the Pastoral Council, submit your
name to Kathy Savona-340-7800 or the Parish Center-340-1962.
5. Seminarian of the Week: In the kindness of your prayers please
remember Brothers Minh Dang and Paul T. Chu, sdb. Both will
receive second Profession at the end of this school year.
6. St. Rosalie School-Week of August 9th-13th: Orientation is for
Parents Only – all at 6:30PM in the cafe.
Orientation: Monday, August 9th: Middle School (6th-8th),
Tuesday, August 10th 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades
Thursday, August 12th: First day of School,
Kindergarten – 8th
7. St. Rosalie Fair: September 24, 25, 26, 2010
.T-shirt deadline is Friday, August 20th (Students will be allowed to
wear their shirts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during
.Donation for the week of Aug. 14-15: Items suitable for the Novelty
Booth. Call Murphy-348-3233.
. St. Rosalie Flower Fund: The Fair Flower Fund is now open. All
donations will help to defray the cost of the flowers, which will fill
the Sanctuary and St. Rosalie’s place of honor during the fair. You
may place your donation in the pink envelope (provided with your
Sunday envelopes) or use an envelope of your own, marked Fair
Flowers. These can be dropped in the collection basket or brought
to the Parish Center. For special flower orders, please call
Charlotte Falgout at 349-8078 or 368-1734.
8. Magnificat, Westbank Women’s Prayer Breakfast: Saturday,
August 14th 9:00a.m.-12:00 Noon at Knights of Columbus Hall, 475
Franklin St., Gretna. Tickets are $15.00. Call Agnes Tranchina 347-
2665 or the Westbank Religious Supply 341-6558, Mary’s Helpers
348-7729 for further information.
9. Mother’s Day Out Program: Registration for the Mother’s Day Out
Program held at St. Joseph Church in Gretna is now open. Contact the
program director at 368-6008 or e-mail at .
10. Visit the Holy Land: This Mardi Gras (March 3-12, 2011)
join Acadiana pilgrims on a journey of a lifetime as we walk
in the FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS and his Apostles. Call 337-
The Eucharist must be the center of our Christian Catholic spirituality and daily life. We can never understand fully this “incredible’ mystery of our faith. We grow to love Christ in the Eucharist. This Bread of Life can give us the power, hope, love, and energy to get through the most difficult periods in our lives. Father Edward Farrell in Gathering the Fragments gives us a reflection on “How to Live the Eucharist” in the following words:
“The Eucharist is the fullest revelation and manifestation of who Jesus is for us at this moment in our life and history. The Eucharist is our identity, the mirror of who we are and who we are becoming. The Eucharist is Christ, risen from the dead, living in our midst, leading us in our daily work of overcoming the darkness, joylessness and loneliness of the world through the light of the Gospel, the joy of the Eucharist, and the warmth of the community.
Jesus did not build himself a house and shut himself off from the world. He was a man of the streets, of the open roads. He was always trying to teach his disciples more, wanting them to understand more, leading them farther than they ever wanted to go. Jesus was always pushing and drawing his disciples further. They were always reluctant and hesitant, mumbling and grumbling among themselves. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
The Eucharist is a journey, Jesus is always going on ahead of us. Jesus is leading us up the mountain of prayer where he wants to reveal himself to us. Life is movement, change, growth.
Jesus is always leading us to the altar, surrounded by candles that are the symbol of the burning bush, the fire of God’s presence. He invites us to drink of the well of God’s word, a deep well that is never exhausted. And we join him at the table to feast on the bread and wine of his presence.
The Eucharist is not something we simply go to. It must be more than something we attend. It is not something the priest does for us. The Eucharist is the deepest and most demanding personal experience of our spiritual lives. It demands a total active presence to ourselves or we will fail to recognize Jesus’ total presence to us.
The Eucharist is a meeting with Jesus, an experience of God. That is why we call it a sacrament, a mystery-like the noonday sun so bright that we cannot look into it for more that a second, or like the ocean, so immense that we cannot exhaust it. The Eucharist is the mystery of love, of violence, of death, of forgiveness and new life.”
This coming week we might ask ourselves the question: Am I allowing the Eucharist to really be effective in my life? Or am I resisting the grace of this sacrament of Christ Body and Blood?
Father Jim writes:
“To all you good and kind parishioners and friends of St. Rosalie I say a sincere THANK YOU for your generosity and kindness during my 19 years among you – 12 as pastor and 7 as associate.
I shall continue to remember you and your loved ones daily at the altar of the Lord. May the Good Lord continue to richly bless you all.
Fr. Jim Curran S.D.B.