Present : Cllrs. Mr. Truesdale (Chairman), Mrs. Aston, Mr. Armitt, Mr. Moore, Mr. Young
Rectory Homes – David Ullathorne, Dan Moore.
- 5 Townsend Green – David Ullathorne gave an update on the current situation regarding this planning application. Rectory Homes now own the land and it is hoped to commence work in October. Part of land will be passed to the Parish Council to maintain together with a commuted sum. It was agreed the area would be left as the original ridge and furrow meadowland. An agreement had been signed by the Parish Council relating to this land some time ago but this will now be superceded, and a new agreement between Rectory Homes and the Parish Council will need to be signed. The application is for 6 plots. The only change to the previous application is that the car ports have been made wider. There will be an opening in the wall, which is a condition of the planning permission, but it will not be wide enough for vehicles to pass through. There is a TPO on the tree.
- New Applications
(a)11/01454 – 102 Churchway – demolition of dwelling and erection of 2 detached houses with associated parking and landscaping.
No objection.
(b)11/01644 – Land to rear of 1 Fort End – new dwelling with detached garage and access.
No objection to design of proposed house. Access drive and garage are already used by 1 & 5 FortEnd and by Dundar Cottage, and will in future also be used by the new house. There would appear to be potential for conflict and overspilling onto FortEnd. It would seem sensible to address at this stage rather than when it becomes a problem. Can this be raised please?
(c)11/01696 & 11/01697/ALB – 4 Stockwell – reinstatement of roof and raising of chimney following fire damage.
(d)11/01713 – 39 Anxey Way – works to two Horse Chestnut, one Maple Crimson King and two Leaf Maple trees.
Would prefer to have an up-to-date site plan in order to check location of trees, but no objection in principle subject to the Case Officer being satisfied.
(e)11/01722 – 13 Gibson Lane – pollard 2 Willow trees.
No objection.
(f)11/01809 – Church End Cottage, Aston Road – demolition of chimney.
No objection.
(g)11/01640 – 21 Church End – erection of outbuilding.
May be worth checking the style and colour of the proposed roof tiles.
(h)11/01812 – land adjacent and to the rear of 2 Fern Lane – demolition of storage/workshop buildings, erection of 4 detached dwellings with garages, parking and associated access, alteration to outbuilding to create garage for No. 2, and change of use of outbuilding to B1(a)/A2 Business use.
PC Supports :
- Demolitions.
- Change of use and development for housing.
- Retention of small buildings on either side of entrance.
- Principle of 4 houses.
- Design of proposed houses subject to no overlooking issues becoming apparent on detailed checking.
(i)11/01869 – Grenville Paddock – Aston Road – crown lift 4 Lime trees, fell 1 Yew tree and one Cypress and prune on group of mixed species trees.
Would prefer a better site plan, but no objection in principle subject to Case Officer being satisfied.
(j)11/01388 – 9 Crabtree Road – erection of replacement side extension and demolition of rear extension and erection of two storey rear extension (not included in August minutes).
Proposed rear elevation out of keeping in terms of location, surrounding properties and the dwelling itself.
- Applications Approved
(a)11/01393 – The Old Vicarage, 22 Church End – fell one Sycamore tree.
(b)11/00258 – 23A Churchway – conversion of shop (A1) to single dwellinghouse (C3) including internal alterations, removal of roof over single storey element and alterations to fenestration.
(c)11/00275 – 23A Churchway – Conversion of shop (Class A1use) to single dwellinghouse (Class C3 use).
(d)11/01541 – Rusper, 13B Townside – removal of two trees.
(e)10/00009 – Haddenham and Thame Parkway – erection of 72 dwellings, public open space, new vehicular access and ancillary development.
(f)11/01494 – 13 Wyre Close – single storey side and rear extension.
(g)11/01468 – 16 Church End – crown lift and remove one limb of one Scots Pine and crown thin one European Black Pine tree by 10%. Mr. Truesdale declared an interest.
(h)11/01521 – 18 Old Mill Close – demolition of single storey timber lean-to, erection of car port and single storey rear extension to connect with original garage (new utility room).
(i)11/01587 & 01588 – 2 Stockwell – reinstatement of thatched roof, first floor windows and internal repairs and reconstruction of gable chimney following fire.
(j)11/00946 – Church Farm House, 13 Church End – installation of boiler and flue in rear roof slope and internal alterations (part retrospective).
(k)11/01393 – The Old Vicarage, 22 Church End – fell one Sycamore tree.
- TPO Granted
(a) 45 Townside – 1 Walnut tree.
- Withdrawal
(a)11/01441 – 16 Thame Road – demolition of side extension, erection of replacement side extension, bay window and porch to front, 1 ½ storey rear extension, raising of roof of bungalow and insertion of dormer windows to provide 1st floor accommodation.
- Information on Buckinghamshire Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Submission Development Plan Document : Publication Stage Consultation (Regulation 27) – 5th September to 14th October 2011 received.
- Information on Oxfordshire Consultation on Draft Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Plans received.
- Copy of AVDC’s Consultation Response on HS2 received.
- Resident of Church End has asked permission for cars to park on the green, if necessary, on 24th September. Agreed.
- School buses had problems dropping children off at Church End due to Fair. They had not been informed. Bus companies to be informed when fair is in Haddenham.
- A response to AVDC re: Local Planning will need to be put together. A meeting will be held to discuss.
- Bloor Homes to be invited to October Planning meeting as they wish to discuss their thoughts on developing land at Dollicott.