hDeed book 26
Recorded 16 Mar 1810
Dated 19 Oct 1808
From Abraham Cantrell to William Bridges
Near Sandy Run
Beg a large pine at the fork of the road
N79W 66 poles to a pine on the road
N 33 poles to a red oak sapling
W 58 poles to a stake and ponters Bery Hicks corner
N 44 poles to a post oak on Bridges old line
N75E 57 poles to a line
S25E 47 poles to a pine Henry Green’s line
S89W 101 poles to the beginning
~100 acres
Wit Bery Hicks & Achiles Durham
Signed Abraham Cantrell
Deed book 26
Recorded 17 Mar 1811
Dated 7 Apr 1809
From Jesse Gibbs to John Roach
Several tracts on Sandy Run
#1 mentions Lucy Gage’s corner; 150 acres
#2 on the west fork of Sandy Run
- beginning at a pine on the west side of the ridge near James Shearer’s corner now sd Gibbs
- south near Sameul Phllips’ line 138 poles crossing two branches to a pine and 2 small red oaks
- E 70 poles to a stake near his own line
- N 138 poles passing Shadrack Green’s improvement to a take
- W 70 poles to the beginning
- Containing 60 acres granted to Gibbs, grant dated Dec 4 1804 & entered jun 1 1803
#3 mentions Shipman’s Field, William Wilson’s corner, Chrismann’s line
#4 on the west fork of Sandy Run
- Beginning at a black gum Gibbs’ own corner
- S with his own line 138 poles to a small chestnut on the bank of the Run
- W 70 poles to a pine and 2 small oaks
- S 12 (72?) poles to a pine
- E 100 poles with the lines of Shearer and Gage crossing the run to a pine
- N 150 poles to a pine
- W 90 poles to the beginning
- Containing 30 acres granted to Gibbs, grant dated Nov 28 1807 entered Jan 14 1807
Witnessed by James Shearer and William Green
Signed by Jesse Gibbs with his mark
Deed book 26
Recorded 18 Mar 1811
Dated 7 Apr 1809
From James Shearer to John Roach
On waters of Sandy Run
Beginning on a post oak on Shadrack Green’s now Jesse Gibbs’ line
N15E 113 poles to a red oak
E 144 poles to a red oak sapling by (then) Shadrack Green’s corner post oak
S15W with said line to a stake on (then) Shadrack Green’s old line
With said line to the beginning
Containing 100 acres granted to Obadiah Blanton, grant dated Nov 18 1801 and entered Nov 2 1800
Witnessed by Solomon Harrilson and William Green, signed by James Shearer
Record of Lunacy Book 4 p378
Clarence Poe Lovelace
12/24/1963 Order of commitment to Broughton
age 54
802 Spindale St.
Spindale, NC
Petitioner Ray Shehan son-in-law 708 Spindale St
Loetter from hospital authorizing conveyance of patient to hospital recd and transmitted to family to go 1/2/64
Certificate of discharge on probation filed 2/11/64
Certificate of discharge from the order of commitment 7/6/64
Declared competent by jury 8/12/65
Record of Lunacy Book 4
Flay W. Lovelace
Age 38
Spindale, NC
Petitioner was “wife”
3/31/1964 affidavit executred by petitioner
4/10/1964 Order of commitment to Brougthon hospital
Papers mailed 4/13/64 to go 4/28/64
Cert of discharge as of improved mind filed 6/24/64
Record of Lunacy Book 4 p446
Mary Everett Lovelace
Age 68
Rt 2 box 12
Petitoner… Minor L. Lovelace
Rt 2 Ellenboro
Affidavit executed 7/13/1964
7/14/64 order of commitment to broughton
“mentally disordered”
Record of Judicial hospitalization Book 5 p102
Dora Lovelace age 73
111 Georgia St
Husband Frank B. Lovelaced of same address petitioner
17 aug 1966
mentally ill
committed to broughton 18 aug 1966
d. 3 oct 1966
Record of Lunacy ook 3 p339
Virginia Lovelace age 35
c/o Grace Mill
Rutherfordton, NC
No SS#
Father Dolphe Laughter & Colleen Laughter petitioners
Drug addicted (sleeping powder)
4 aug 1955
committed to Dix Hill 4 aug 1955
discharged on probation 10-11-55
discharged from order of commitment 1/17/57
Superior Court Minute Docket 1935
17 May 1935
“State vs. Onzie Lovelace; chargerdd with violating prohibition law. Defendant enters plea of not guilty. Jury trial; verdict of guilty, on three counts. Judgement, defendant to be confined to Common Jail of Rutherford County for period of six months; assigned to work on the roads under control of State Highway and Public Works Commission; not to wear stripes”
Superior court judgement docket Book R p221
Case #661
Onzey Gordon Lovelace granted absolute divorce from Carrie Belle Lovelace
24 feb 1947
Superior Court Judgement docket book E p111
2 feb 1917
Ola Bowen vs. James Lovelace
Pauper suit; appeal dismissed
Superior Court Judgement docket book E p205
April term 1920
Eva Shytle et al
Crayton Lovelace
“judgement that this case be dismissed and that plaintiff pay the cost
Pauper suit
Superior Court Judgement docket book F p115
Feb 1924
Iva Lovelace granted divorce from Dennis Lovelace and awarded custody of children