Tyrion PoV chapter summary
Tyrion drank his way across the ocean. It was a red Dornish wine he drank. He spent most of the trip in a drunken haze; alternately chugging the wine and then throwing it back up. He spends the entire time below-decks with a boy whose job it is to clean up after the dwarf. Tyrion muses that he would like to be taken to Dorne so that he could help Myrcella claim the Iron Throne. He then considers going North to the Wall, but is daunted by the cold and the Night's Watch vows (primarily the chastity part). At this point Tyrion is still ignorant that Stannis has gone North.
Soon, it becomes obvious that they are taking him to the Free Cities, but which one Tyrion does not know. Tyrion mentions that each city has it's own dialect which is gradually becoming it's own language. He mentions that there are nine of them. The words "wherever whores go" continually rings through his head. He seems obsessed by phrase and the question.
Tyrion thinks back on his escape from King's Landing and Varys is heard to say that Tyrion now knows what Tywin was. From this we can deduce exactly what we thought all along: Varys showed Tyrion the passages leading to Tywin's room so as to cause a rift between Tyrion and the rest of the Lannister family.
At the end of the journey, a drunk and bewildered, Tyrion is shoved into a wine cask which is then sealed. The cask is rolled off the boat and then rolled to Illyrio's manor. By the time the wine arrives, Tyrion is bruised and dazed from his journey. Illyrio, himself, opens the wine cask to let Tyrion out.
"Oh, look, a drunk dwarf" Illyrio says.
"Oh, look, a rotting sea cow." Replies Tyrion.
Illyrio mentions that he likes Tyrion's insolence. In their discussion he uses the phrase "just so" several times. This caused me to pine for one of my favorite characters Syrio Forel. Illyrio welcomes Tyrion to the Free City of Pentos. It is mentioned that Tyrion can speak High Valyerion.
Tyrion is brought to a room where he can sleep off the effects of the wine and generally recover from his ordeal. When he awakes, he finds a blonde girl attending to him. She can speak the Westerosi tongue and dutifully bathes him. After this, Tyrion decides to explore Illyrio's estate. He finds Illyrio's wine cellars, first, and heads straight for the 'good stuff'. He opens a bottle and takes it out into the gardens. Tyrion sees guards around the estate and one of the descriptions shows that Illyrio 'employs' Unsullied.
During his exploration he comes across a washer-woman hanging clothes on a clothesline. She does not respond to him and so Tyrion guesses that she cannot speak Westerosi. He speaks to her anyway, musing about his options. He feels that he cannot stay here, but the Wall is cold and dangerous, and the situation in Dorne too unpredictable. The washer-woman ignores him and then leaves Tyrion to his own amusements.
Tyrion then makes his way back to the manor and is met by Illyrio. Tyrion is struck by how fat Illyrio is. Illyrio begins their conversation by telling Tyrion about the blonde girl and is surprised to find that Tyrion is not interested in bedding her. He mentions that the girl was purchased from the King and, as he knows, can speak Westerosi. She is from Lys, where they teach the art of love.
Illyrio tells Tyrion about the situation in the slave states but carefully avoids mentioning anything about Dany. Illyrio begins to go through Tyrion's options, telling Tyrion that Stannis is at the wall - a fact that surprises Tyrion greatly. The Wall was an unfavorable location to begin with but now that Tyrion knows Stannis is there he rules that out as a safe haven. Illyrio then proceeds to argue against him going to Dorne, explaining that Doran Martell might be a bit upset about Oberyn's death and Lannister rule in general. They both agree that Dorne is too risky a gamble. Tyrion then shrugs, thinking that Illyrio means to keep him in Pentos.
When Illyrio mentions forcing the Lannister's off the Iron Throne, Tyrion objects saying that he is still a Lion. Illyrio scoffs, saying that the Westerosi sew animals to their clothing and then take them over-seriously. Illyrio says that the Prince of Pentos owns a real pride of lions and that if Tyrion wishes Illyrio will bring him to them. Tyrion declines, thinking that this is a veiled threat to feed him to those lions.
The Prince of Pentos, Illyrio says, has sex with a virgin maid of the fields and a virgin maid of the seas every spring - in order to ensure good crops and favorable weather. If either of these fail, a war/drought/plague/flood, the Prince of Pentos has his throat slit.
At the end of Tyrion's PoV, Illyrio says that Tyrion has one other option. An option further to the east…

Sansa chapter: OK, here's a rundown of specific information from the Sansa chapter...
In very clear terms Sansa identifies her age as 13.
The chapter opens with Sansa remembering a time when an old minstrel came to Winterfell and stayed for a long while. When I finally left she tried to get Ned to force him to stay regardless of the fact that he had played his entire list of songs at least three times. Ned promised that other singers would come... none did for a very long time.
Much time is devoted to Marrillion singing and playing from a sky cell. The music is almost ever-present and has caused both Sansa and Robert to lose much sleep.
She wonders why the gods gave such a voice to one as wicked as Marrillion.
She has seen Littlefinger dispatch hundreds of letters in the wake of Lysa's death.
Lord Nestor Royce, Keeper of the Gate and High Steward of the Vale is coming to investigate Lysa's death. This truly scares Sansa - what if Nestor values his honor more than profit?
While Sansa is going under the guise of Elaine Stone she believes that she is still a Stark in her heart.
It was Sansa that told Robert of his mother's death.
Sansa is very concerned that when Nestor arrives that Marrillion may tell the truth. Littlefinger corrects - if he lies.
Sansa questions the lies "When I lied to Robert is was to spare him." Littlefinger responds "And this lie will save us leaving by the same door."
Sansa the most recent events the sacking of Winterfell, Joffrey's murder and realizes "I have no place but here, no friend but Petyr." She ponders her new dual identity and recognizes a similar duality in Littlefinger.
She also recognizes who her protectors have been - Tyrion, the Hound and Garland Tyrell and that in each case it was not Littlefinger. She then goes on to contemplate Marrillion and briefly considers saving him (no details on how), and realizes that Littlefinger HAS saved her twice - once from King's Landing and once from rape at Marrillion's hand.
Marrilion has lost his eyes and some of his fingers.
Nestor Royce arrives with his son Alba (sp?), 12 knights and 20 guards. Littlefinger and Maester Coleman (pronounced kohl-uh-mun) are there to greet him. Littlefinger is solemn.
Sansa is sent to bring Robert. She finds him teary eyed and snot covered with a bloody lip from having chewed it. She notes that Robert at 8 is smaller than most 5 year olds. Sansa gently cleans him up. He complains that he was locked in his room the night before and Sansa thinks about having ordered Lothor Brun to do so... since Lysa's death he has wandered the halls at night looking for a bed to sleep in (often Sansa's where he would end up trying to nuzzle her breasts and at times wet the bed).
Sansa doesn't like the High Hall - the skinny columns are like skeletal fingers, the blue veined marble like an old persons legs and the hall is poorly lit, only 12 of 50 torches lit.
Robert declares that Marrillion hurt his mother. Ser Marwin Belmore asks if Robert witnessed the attack.
Petyr coaxes Sansa into telling her story. As she tells the story she begins to cry and realizes to herself (good student of the EVIL Littlefinger that she is) that the tear is good and will add credence to her story. As she finishes the story Robert has a shaking spell (epilepsy?).
The Royces and Belmore disliked Marrillion - he mocked and japed them once writing a song about pigs rutting around feeding on the droppings of a falcon. He would the hide behind Lysa who, in turn, showered him with gifts including Jon's favorite falcon.
Much to Sansa's dismay (and the amusement of the audience) Petyr declares that he killed Lysa... by persuading her to send Marrillion away.
The jailer brings Marrillion before Royce and his retinue and confesses to Lysa's murder.
Ser Belmore and Alba Royce demand his death but Littlefinger instead returns him to his sky cell - the blue eventually calls.
Petyr and Nestor retire to the solar Sansa comes to serve the wine (and Arbor Gold).
Nestor informs Littlefinger that Bronze Yohn is coming , that he means to question Marrillion and to strip Littlefinger of the title Lord Protector. He's bringing with him no small force - Templeton, Waynwood, Belmore, Egin and Lyn Corbray.
Nestor indicates that where he can raise 20 Bronze Yohn can raise 20,000.
Littlefinger gives Nestor a scroll bearing the Arryn seal but Petyr's signature. An order prepared by Lysa just before her death, thus she never had the opportunity to sign it, that grants Nestor and his line hereditary title of the Gates of the Moon. Littlefinger signed the decree as Lord Protector after her death because he knew her wishes.
After Nestor retires to his rooms, Littlefinger explains to Sansa that not all that he told Nestor was lies and that a man like Nestor would be prickly about his honor if openly asked his price.
He then points out that Nestor had immediately noticed Petyr's signature on the decree and would realize that he stands to gain the Gates of the Moon at Littlefinger's discretion and that if Bronze Yohn succeeds in removing Littlefinger it is likely that Nestor's claim will be made invalid.
Petyr implores Sansa to become Elaine even in her heart and she does so. The chapter closes with her indicating that she recognizes that this is something Petyr wants to hear and so she lies to him.

Tyrion 2nd chapter summarize

Tyrion and Illyrio depart Pentos through the Sunset Gate. They travel by a huge litter that could fit 4 Illyrio's so there is plenty of room for a dwarf. Unsullied guard their trek and there are a trail of mules that follow them carrying chests, casks, barrels, and hampers filled with delectables to make sure Illyrio doesn't lose his fat figure.
Tyrion complains that he should have been sent by ship to SlaversBay but Illyrio explains the dangers of pirates and autumn storms. Illyrio will take him as far as the River road and from there he will travel to Dany. Tyrion grouses that by the time he gets to Dany her dragons will be as large as Balerion the Black Dread. Illyrio muses that might not be a bad thing.
They drink, eat, and talk a lot during the journey. Tyrion repeatedly promises himself he will cease his heavy drinking but keep filling his cup. They eat lavishly on all kind of foods and drink several different types of wine.
They stop only to relieve themselves on the road. The road itself is an old Valyrian road, fused stone raised a half foot above the ground. The road was wide enough for 3 wagons and it showed no sign of cracks from weather or traffic. Tyrion remembers that Valyria reached as far as Dragonstone, but never to Westeros itself. He finds it odd that they never tried to expand into the wealthy 7 kingdoms. "The wealth was further west, but they had dragons. Surely they knew it was there."
He notes a piece of dung on the road and thinks of Tywin. He thinks to himself that he should have killed Tywin long ago and hope Tywin will see him from Hell raisings Aerys' daughter to the throne.
He asks Illyrio of Dany and Illyio tells Tyrion of her. He explains that she was a frightened little girl, always wary. She was lovely, though, and he considered getting rid of Viscerys and claiming her for a wife. He doesn't do so because he believed her to be dead inside. He says that little girl died in the Doathraki sea and he does not know this new queen. Tyrion asks why Illyrio would put Mad Aerys' daughter on the throne. Illyrio says she is the sister of Prince Rhaegar.
During the conversation, Illyrio reveals that Viscerys had promised Illyrio the Master of Coin post and his choice of castles. The choices were Storm's End, Harrenhal, and Casterly Rock. Tyrion finds that hilarious. They both agree they are mistrustful of the gratitude of kings. Illyrio explains he has done all of this only for Varys. Tyrion's thoughts reveal he does not believe Illyrio at all on that.
Tyrion then finds out they are to meet a Griff on the road. Griff leads a group of sell swords. Griff is a knight from Westeros, although he had long been in Illyrio's service. Griff has raised his own son to be a knight and he is called Young Griff. Illyrio assures Tyrion that Young Griff will like him.
Tyrion is skeptical of dealing with sell swords since Cersei has offered a Lordship for his head. Illyrio explains that only Griff will know who Tyrion is and that he trusts Griff like a brother. Tyrion believes it is a mistake but only says, "Then I will trust Griff as I would my own brother." ( )
They keep eating and drinking and end up speaking of Varys. Tyrion learns that Illyrio and Varys grew up together in Pentos. Varys had arrived from Myr one step ahead of the slavers after being ratted out by a fellow thief. Varys had been a Prince of Thieves in Myr.
Varys was nearly beaten to death in Pentos and Illyrio decided to come to an arrangement with him. Varys spied on small time thieves and stole their loot. Illyrio worked out arrangements with the victimes to recover their loot for a price. Half of the thieves wanted to kill Varys while the other half started selling their loot to him. Illyrio and Varys grew rich and soon Varys began to train his little "mice".
The mice were little boys and girls who he taught to climb walls, slip into chimneys, and to read. The mice were used to steal information, memorize it, and then leave. Varys' talents gave him a reputation that got to an anxious king who did not trust his son, his Queen, or his over proud Hand.
Tyrion knew that story and admitted that Illyrio was much more than a simple cheese monger. Illyrio admits that Tyrion is just as quick as Varys had claimed.
They eat and drink some more and Illyrio falls asleep. Tyrion ponders the Myrish Fire wine he is drinking and thinks of dragons. He remembers his lonely childhood and remembers his dreams of being a Targaryen Prince of a Valyrian dragonlord, flying over the land. He recalls when two of his uncles asked what he wanted for his nameday. He begged for a dragon, claiming it didn't have to be a big one. It could be little like him. Gerion laughed but Tygett shook his head and told him that there were no more dragon because the last died a hundred year before. Tyrion thought it was very unfair and had cried himself to sleep that night. He thinks of Dany's 3 dragons and in his heart he listens for the beat of leather wings.
They pass through the Flatlands. Tyrion hears of the Velvet Hills and of the Rhoynar city Arnar. It was destroyed by Valyria. He gloats that he will see the Free Cities and ponders whether he should visit every whore in Volantis and name their bastards Tywin.
Tyrion recalls his 16th birthday when he announced he would visit the Free Cities as Gerion had. Tywin forbids it because Tyrion could not be relied upon to not disgrace the Lannisters. Tyrion defiantly claims since he is a man he is free to do as he wished.
Tywin tells him that only children and fools believe that men are truly free. Tywin tells him he should dress in motley and amuse the spice kings and cheese lords. But Tyrion will have to pay his own way and he can never return. Tyrion asks why Tywin wants him around since he has never had any use for him. Tywin decides to make use of Tyrion and on his name day has him clean all of the drains and cistens in Casterly Rock. Tyrion thinks Tywin hoped he'd fall in one but proudly recalls what a good job he did.