Mr. Chair?

Are you ready?

We have 28 seconds until the start of the meeting. > It's good to see you back over there sitting in your spot, Maria. We missed you.

Good morning. We will open the October 19 meeting of the Volusia County Council. At this time we will have public participation. If you come to speak on any item on the agenda we will give you three minutes to share your thoughts. We will get some information on how we can help small businesses that need help.

Inc. you very much. My name is Carl and I represent the U.S. small business administration office of disaster assistance which is a vital part of the disaster relief effort. Chairman Kelly you mentioned something built into our message . In times of disaster we help far more than just small businesses. We help large businesses, not-for-profit and renters and homeowners as well. We have low interest disaster loans that are structured to help them get back to normal and pre-Irma conditions. Replace their businesses and personal property. They are structured in a way that makes me proud to represent them. They are structured to make recovery affordable. Terms can go as long as 30 years. Businesses can borrow up to $2 million for physical damage . Homeowners can borrow up to $200,000 to replace their home or real estate. Another $40,000 for personal property. That also applies to renters. If you've had to move somewhere else the landlord will take care of the building, but you need to replace your furniture and clothing etc. replace your furniture and clothing etc. So the use are offered low interest rates. Homeowners are offered 1.75%. Not-for-profit 2.5% and businesses 3.350%.

They are the most simple accounting one-on-one loans you could possibly envision. Simple interest fixed for the term of the loan. No obligation to take them if they are offered and you don't feel you need them or you don't feel that it would be appropriate, you can decline it. If you decide within six minutes -- six months you don't have as much is unique, we can reactivate that within six months. The reason I'm here today is that we are three weeks from the filing deadline. Anyone affected by Irma needs to register with FEMA first at www.disaster assistance start of . Whether you're a business, homeowner or renter, completed and return it especially for homeowners and renters it's vital we have the completed application. If we look at that and say you're right, alone would not be right for you, we will refer you back to FEMA for additional grant assistance. If we don't get the application, we assume that you were fine where you are. There's no additional help for you. It's vital to return that application and get it back to us so we can make the determination. If we are able to offer you alone, the first loan payment will not be due for one year until after you get the loan. There's enough out there that you're going to have to really work to get these people out to your house to fix it and we don't want you to have to start paying back the loan at least until some work is done. There are direct loans from the federal government. No bank is involved. We work with each disaster victim to Taylor these as much as possible to your circumstances to help you recover, rebuild, and basically get on with your life.

Thank you very much. I know you will get with JoAnn.

Will get that out to the public and put it on the website and make it available. Thank you very much. > I have no other cards for anyone at this time. We will close the meeting for public participation and we will see you back here at 10:00. > [The session will reconvene at 10:00 Eastern Standard Time. Captioner on stand by.] > We thank you for this counsel and we pray for them and your provision of wisdom and guidance. The Lord's plan prevails. We pray your will is done on earth as it is in heaven . We will give you thanks as we pray that in all things, Lord, your will is done and we ask you to put a banner of love over our county. We know you love Volusia. May your prosperity be evident . God bless America and Volusia we pray in Christ name, amen .

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice of all -- for all. > For those of you that are here and listening online, I want you to note that the leader of your faith community is invited to give the invocation is open to all. If you would like to do that, please contact Marcy here or send me an email and we will make sure that that happens.

At this time we will have the roll call.

Ms. Denys . She's here telephonically. Dr. Larry, Mr. Patterson, Ms. post, Ms. Wheeler , Miss Cusack, Mr. Kelly? > Everyone is in attendance either here or telephonically. Are there any comments by anyone ?

No, Sir.

Does anyone wish to pull anything from the agenda item? Do I hear a motion for approval quick

Made by Mrs. -- Mr. Patterson and second by Ms. post.

All in favor say Aye. Those opposed ? Motion passes unanimously . > And now we will move to item 1 -- item 2. This is an update on the master plan.

Good morning. I'm very happy to be here today and talk about the third quarter of the dynamic master plan for the calendar year 2017.

This quarter from July through September, 29 divisions and departments for updated. 26 were do to something the Council did. That does not cover all of the activities because some matrices had two or more accomplishments. Compare that with the last quarter , 16 matrices were updated and in the first quarter there were 8. So tried as hard as I could to put this on one page, you all accomplish so much. I just couldn't get it to one page. To review for everyone, the county's mission is to provide responsive and fiscally responsible services for the health, safety, and quality of life of our citizens. We do that today

and our vision for today and into the future is to be a community rich with resources and opportunity today and for generations to come. As a means to summarize all of the work, we have three goals and objectives. What I have listed here for a goal of driving communities are just some broad bullets and a lot of accomplishments. You worked addressing the needs of the homeless, near homeless, and preventing homelessness. You address mobility. Acute care services, social services, safety needs, responded to disaster and emergency needs for the community which we were not anticipating that you've gotten quite good at . You acted with an eye to the future protecting our natural environment, planning for growth and quality of life. You acted on infrastructure and capital projects. You achieve two major projects, you completed the Boardwalk and road paving. And you had a number of interim achievements. Your second goal and objective, economic and financial vitality. You encouraged business, you approved multiple grants, contracts and fees which either produce revenue or offset our costs. You acted with fiscal responsibility for efficiency and sustainability and services and decisions you made and you developed and retained a workforce that is diverse and has varying job opportunities. More about that in a couple of minutes. The third goal and objected [Indiscernible] government. What you did was about the power of partnerships , recognizing our history and brand, Volusia County is a great place to live, work, and play. A high level of customer service and you met expectations for quality. I know I have summarized up pretty quickly. There is a lot of matrices I know you have done for the public at home listening , these are available on the web. Are there any questions?

Thank you, Marilyn.

Thank you very much.

Item 3.

I'm going to introduce George who will do the P's. The nice thing is together with what Marilyn said you can look at it this way. It's sort of a report card this process works well because you do so many things that it gets lost sometimes. This is one way to keep track of what we do. In the case of the capital George will tell us good morning, Mr. chair. I'm just going to go over our capital project . As Jim had mentioned, we have actually had two hurricanes within the last fiscal year. Eventually is going to catch up to us there are some other things in there some good news in here. We have one project, the fishing. Part of the dunes was completed ahead of schedule. The actual , many parts of the board walk through the park are on schedule. That's pretty amazing considering that we've taken some of the brunt of the storm. Just going down to the list here,

lemon Bluff Park, we did have a little bit of a delay there. We're doing a bit of a design change as were taking it out and meeting with the neighbors . It is a good thing, it just added a little bit of time. Michelle harbor Park was definitely hurricane delayed . No sense to start it when you can hardly get to that area right now because of the high water in the St. Johns River. There was a slight change order on the Fairfield rescue firefighting facility. That is expected to be opening , we hope to have that complete by the end of this month. The other projects you see the terminal Ruth -- roof in front of the airport is done and completed. Down a little bit further the terminal renovations we talked about, we have been in the process of negotiating with an architect for the project. Coming up with the fee schedule for them. That will get moving shortly. And then a few more hurricane victims . The Branchdale roof, now is not the best time for us to be doing roofing projects. There is stress on that industry so that has been delayed a little bit. We are still expecting and just have pushed it out one quarter. Some of the other projects are off beach parking. We did a design review and we have talked to the neighbors on the one on 726 North Atlantic. And a little bit of a design change on the 650 Atlantic Avenue. There's a question and I know councilperson Denny is out there . There's a question on 10th Street. I put a little bit of time into that. That goes back almost 10 years. 10th Street as many of you know runs between Mission Road and U.S. 1. It's the border between Edgewater and [Indiscernible] beach. It also has the high school built on that road and of course Daytona State College has a satellite campus there. When that road was planned we work with the school board and the cities

and it was phased in such a way to make sure we got the high school and areas around the school taken care of first. That's been completed. The final link between where we stopped the widening, just a very short area, less than one quarter of a mile to U.S. 1. If you ever had to deal with the railroad, I was trying to push through. They have the jurisdiction you cross them by permit. So you really at their mercy. Jerry in the game , we can explain some of the interesting turns of events that got sold in the middle of all of this. We had to start over again. You have the [Indiscernible] canal that comes down and you're not talking about just laying new track. And so it's a very complicated project. There's a big storm water project that will help clean the mosquito lagoon and help take some of the pollutants out. It's a win win situation where were working with another property owner there. So that agreement will be coming before you, hopefully in a few weeks. But that should not delay where we are at with the project itself. Where our storm water is going to go is not tied directly to the railroad. We hope to be moving forward with that project and with this new twist. There has been some stuff in the paper. We saw what happened on the train tipping over on the Memorial Bridge. Again, I've said this in some of the previous meetings, it is a little bit early to say there behind, but you don't really, when you tip over a crane and you have two hurricanes, they are running behind. They are a big company and they have an opportunity to bring in more resources and make up the gap, I don't know if they will choose to do that or not, but I can tell you that the manager himself has met with the vice president of the company. And their upper staff. They are managing it along with the department of transportation which is a critical partner with us. This is a federally funded project. It is important that everything, just like in the FEMA world, it's the same thing with the Federal Highway administration. You have to work with them closely on anything that's out there. We are doing that. And then, Turnbull Bay, that bridge is still on time. Again, there are a great company down there . They have worked around flooding conditions and things. I was going to mention the Park Avenue, the three lane widening. We've got some land faster than we thought so that one actually may have moved up a little bit in schedule. That's it. We completed a few things there. John had the Plymouth Avenue traffic signal. One last thing, the deep Creek aquifer got shoved out a little bit. That had to do with preparing the scope. It is a test well and it's important we get it right. Mike has secured some grandson stuff for that. We expected to actually -- it was originally to be done by the third quarter of this year. That said.

Are there any questions?

Mr. Chairman,

I would just like to thank

George Reckenwalk for addressing concerns on the 10th Street widening. For some reason is getting a lot of attention from the citizens. Is been an ongoing project, but when it's done it will be fantastic. Thank you for all the twists and turns that of occurred and thank you for addressing those. There are quite a few people listening today. So thank you, George Reckenwalk . > Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would like to have a little bit of an update on the record I know that city Island has been impacted greatly by the hurricane. And I do have quite a few people in my district that are calling about that. They are getting the vibe that this is going to be close forever. We've got the playground going but that's the least amount of the phones.