Homeland Security Division

512-916-6035 (phone)


COURSE: / EMT-Tactical (Tactical Medical Course)
COST: / Waived Fee of $795 for CAPCOG Region Medics - Class limited to 24 students (Note: CAPCOG allocated Homeland Security Grant Funds to cover cost for CAPCOG Region Medics)
LOCATION: / Williamson County EMS Annex
321 W. 8th Street
Georgetown, TX 78626
TRAINER: / Rescue Training Inc

DATES: / January 31 – February 4, 2011 (5 days - 54 hours)
TIME: / 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Monday-Friday)
AUDIENCE: / Certified as EMT, EMT-I, EMT-P, Paramedic, PA, or MDwho works in the CAPCOG Region (Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays Lee, Llano, Travis, Williamson Counties)
CONTACT: / CAPCOG Homeland Security
(512) 916-6035
REGISTRATION: / Register online on the Homeland Security page of the CAPCOG Training Website at
Prerequisites: / 1)*Current certification as medical provides at the EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, EMT-Paramedic, Licensed Paramedic, PA, or Physician
2)*Employed by a public safety entity (EMS, Police, Fire, DHS, Military, etc) and provide a support letter from agency where currently employed.
3)**Assigned to a Tactical Medic Team, be a part of group that is in the process of forming a team, or supports law enforcement.
4)**Provide a support letter from the local law enforcement entity associated with the tactical medic team or group that is forming a team. (Submit support letter upon registration.)
*Note: Required prerequisites from Rescue Training Inc.
**Note: Required prerequisites for participants from the CAPCOG region.
Special Instructions: / Students must complete CAPCOG registration, provide a letter of support from the agency where employed, and provide a letter of support from the local law enforcement entity that incorporates the medical unit.
Additional Info / 45 EMS CEU hours

Course Objective:

The primary purpose and goals of the Tactical Medical program to provide the medic with four basic skills:

  • The skills to operate in the tactical environment.
  • The skills to perform a basic medical intelligence assessment.
  • The skills to minimize mortality and morbidity of personnel working in the tactical environment.
  • The skills to maintain operations capabilities of tactical units.

Background and Program Information:

Law Enforcement Tactical Units are made up of some of the most highly skilled, trained, experienced, and both physically and mentally fit law enforcement personnel. They continuously train, are always ready to deal with the worst of the worst situations, and accomplish missions that are of the most dangerous and where the possibility of injuries are high. They may be part of a SWAT unit or a local Police Emergency Response Team.

Becoming a member of this "Tactical Medic" team requires the medic to have the same level of professionalism, dedication and commitment as well as being trained and equipped with the special skills necessary to support these law enforcement teams. Tactical medicine is nothing like routine EMS.Specialized training is needed to support this type of environment.

For more information about this course, please visit the website.

Topics/Activities of the Tactical Medic Program Include:

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (2010 revised), Immediate Reaction Team Concepts, Latest Concepts in Legal Liability Aspects of the Tactical Medic, Sports Medicine for the Tactical Athlete, Non-Mission Medical Care, Medical Aspects of Specific Operations, Medical Threat Assessment/Medical Preplanning, Tactical Movement, Extraction, Assessment and Remote Assessment Methodology, Equipment Selection/Special Medical Gear for Tactical Operations, Hostage Survival, Tactical Airway Considerations, Extended Operations Considerations and Logistics, Heat Stress, Team Health and Management, Basic Suturing, Clandestine Drug Labs and Booby Traps, Medicine Across the Barricade, Waterborne Rescue, Advanced Personnel Recovery, Ballistics/Forensics, CBRNE and Toxic Hazards, Medical Effects of Less-Lethal Weapons, Anti-Personnel Devices, Field Expedient Decontamination, Riot Control Agents, Medical and Tactical Response to 4th Generation Warfare, and much more.

Registration Process

Students must complete CAPCOG registration, provide a letter of support from the agency where employed, and provide a letter of support from the local law enforcement entity that incorporates the medical unit. All submittedmaterials can beemailed, mailed, or faxed to the CAPCOG Homeland Security Department using the contact information below.

Capital Area Council of Governments

Homeland Security Department

6800 Burleson Road, Bldg 310, Suite 165

Austin, TX 78744

Fax: (512) 916-6177


If more than 24 candidates register forthis course, candidates will be selectedby their activity on a tactical teamand level ofmedical certification.

PriorityI-Medicscurrentlyonan activepolicetactical team.

PriorityII - Medicsthat performasupportfunctiontoa policetacticalteam.

PriorityIII -Medicsnotyetassignedtoatacticalteam.

Please note that travel and lodging for this 5-day course is the responsibility of the participant or their jurisdiction.

Additional Course Information from Rescue Training Inc.

Exposure to Conditions During Training:

This training requires strenuous physical activity, especially during the field training exercises. Students will be exposed to a variety of conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Simulated tactical operations
  • Exposure to CS and other chemical munitions
  • Incoming fire with weapons firing blanks or soft projectiles, such as; Simunitions, paintballs, Airsoft, soft BB’s, or other “non-lethal” projectiles.
  • Pyrotechnics (smoke & sound and light distraction devices)
  • Darkness with austere field conditions
  • Tactical Waterborne Activities
  • Field training under rigorous and demanding psychological stress
  • Operating in tactical gear during extreme weather conditions including extreme heat and precipitation. Applicants who are not in excellent physical condition and who do not participate in a regular physical conditioning program should seek the approval of their physician before participating.

Uniforms and Equipment:

Eachstudent should wear thetactical uniform of his or her department.Standard EMS work uniforms do not usually provide adequate protectionfor the field environment. If your department does not have a tactical uniform, militarystyle BDU's, "combat" style boots, andrain gear areacceptable.

Eachstudent is to bring their own tactical equipment(bodyarmor, helmet,eyeprotection,medicalkit, etc.). We feel the best training occurs when students are training in the same gear and using the same equipment they will utilize during actual missions. Weapons,ammunition, magazines, knives, etc. must notbe brought to the EMT-T course. A limited amount of tactical gear will be available for those that cannot bring their own.

Recommended Equipment (Bring all of your gear)

  • Tactical Body Armor
  • Helmet
  • Eye protection
  • Hydrationsystem
  • Flashlight
  • Gloves
  • Protectivemask


EMT-Tacticaltraining is law enforcement training and involvesscenariosandroleplay. In order to ensure asafetraining environment,thereisanabsoluteprohibitiononweaponspossessionatthecourse. Thepossessionbytactical medicstudentsofanypersonal(or department) weapons ofany kindis strictlyforbidden. We provide all firearms necessary for familiarity.Therearenoshootinglabsduringthis course.