Zoology-Honors2016-2017Amanda Bennett

Course Description

Zoology is an in-depth course focusing on animal development, evolution, classification and identification as well as anatomical structures, physiology, and uniqueness. This course requires a strong background in biology and a willingness to learn. Zoology will build on and enhance your knowledge of all animal life forms from single celled organisms to complex mammals such as yourself. The course will include but is not limited to the topics of cell structures, ecology, reproduction, classification, evolution, and many of the animal phyla. This course will use a variety of teaching techniques including debate/discussion, research, lecture, lab, and modeling.

Rules, Expectations and Responsibilities

  1. Be on-time, on-task and prepared to work EVERYDAY.
  • Zoology is a difficult course in the amount of reading, concepts and terms; you are expected to keep up. To do this it is important to be here every day, when you can’t be, it is your responsibility to get your missing work! See boards and folders at back of the room.
  • Turn your work in on time. Homework is due at the beginning of the class. Turn work into the appropriate tray.If you turn it in later you will get a late deduction (70% maximum). You can receive no credit for an assignment more than 3 days late.
  • Stay organized. You are expected to keep track of your own assignments, papers, be prepared for tests, and know important dates. Moodle and your required notebook will help you stay organized.
  • Arrive on time and with all of your class materials~ notebook, tablet or textbook, and pen or pencil.
  • Personal business, such as restroom, locker and office visits need to be conducted during your passing and lunch periods. Do not interrupt me to ask to leave the room and do not expect to leave the room just because you ask.
  • If you are tardy, sign in on the tardy log. This protects you from an unexcused absence.
  1. Personal electronics are for educational purposes only.
  • The use of electronic devices (phones, tablets, ipods, etc) during a lesson is not only distracting to other students but is rude to the teacher. It will not be tolerated. Electronic devices are only allowed when you have been given permission. If you are caught using these without permission the device will be confiscated and you will be referred to the office.
  • Being finished with your work does not automatically grant you permission to use your electronic device. Instead, you are expected to work on a current study sheet for our unit, assignments for another class or, if you have these things finished, you may read, color, play a game or puzzle available to you from the shelf.
  1. Be responsible for your own learning.
  • You must participate to be successful in this class. Science is collaborative; you must work with your classmates and lab partners.
  1. Respect the teacher, the classroom and other students.
  • Treat others how you wish to be treated. Being respectful includes using proper behavior and language. Respect means there will be no physical, verbal or emotional bullying- no put downs, no name calling, no negative comments about each other.
  • Pay attention, participate, don’t put your head down/sleep.
  1. Trash goes in the trash can.
  • Pick up after yourself. Do your part to keep the room nice, neat and orderly.

Grading, Missing work and Late work

Grading will be done on a point system. Points will come from participation, assignments, quizzes, labs, tests, notebook checks, bellwork, etc. Notebooks must be kept exactly as described in the notebook handout. Bellwork will be completed most days at the beginning of class and will be turned in for a grade periodically and when you take a unit test.

On the day an assignment is due every student must turn in their assignment OR a “Missing Work Log”. Failure to turn in the “Missing Work Log” will result in zero credit even if the assignment is turned in within the late work window. If you are absent when an assignment is due attach a missing work log explaining this so you can receive full credit.

Late work will be accepted for no more than 70% credit. After three days the grade will remain a zero.

Any student caught cheating or letting others cheat will receive a zero and be referred to the office.

You will receive a weekly participation/preparedness grade. Participating, trying, being prepared and responsible, etc., and having a good attitude will result in full points each week. Anything less and points will be deducted.

Make up Work

In the event of an absence, students have one day for each day absent to complete missing assignments. If students miss a lab due to an absence they must make it up within one week. Most labs will require students to stay after school during tutoring. A lab not completed within the one week period will remain a zero in the grade book.

Request to Retest

Students wishing to improve their grade on a quiz or test, other than a benchmark test, may fill out a “Request to Retest” form. These requests can only be made for quizzes and tests and are not available for labs, assignments, etc. The form must be filled out with a parent signature and brought to the teacher to schedule a retest date. The retest must be complete within four school days.

After the retest, the new grade will be an average of the two test scores with a maximum increase of 20% the original grade. The opportunity to retest is available to all students. However, all requirements on the request form must be met before retesting and must be done within the appropriate time frame.

Tutoring and After School Detention

Tutoring is available as needed with your teacher during lunch. Weekly before and after school science tutoring times will be in place soon; these will take place with other teachers in the department. When requesting individual tutoring please do so a day prior so arrangements can be made and I can devote tutoring time to addressing your educational needs.

Students will be assigned to after school detention for excessive late work and missing assignments. A notice will be sent home no later than the day before the assigned detention. Failure to attend will result in a referral to the office. Detention can only be reassigned/rescheduled if a parent or guardian contacts the teacher by 3:45pm the day of the assigned detention.

Tutoring can be assigned at the teacher’s discretion for all tests and assignments. The procedure will be the same as when you are assigned detention.

*Please remember that remediation, retesting, tutoring and detention are all ways to help you improve your understanding, prepare you for the future and ensure you pass the course. Take advantage of all the opportunities you are being given.


While there is no set homework schedule you should expect 1-2 homework assignments per week. Work not finished in class automatically becomes homework and is due at the beginning of the next class period. You should review notes and chapter readings regularly. I suggest either reading notes or turning your notes into study sheets nightly (I will show you an effective study sheet method in class).

Success in this class will be strongly linked to your time spent on the materials outside of class


2 3-Ring Binder

Tab dividers (at least 5)

1 spiral notebook

Loose-leaf paper

Pens and pencils

Colored pencils


Box of Nitrile Gloves

Textbooks/Learning Resources

McGraw Hill, Zoology 2006

With technology emerging as such a strong educational tool this class will utilize various resources to assist with instruction including Moodle, textbooks on tablets, internet based assignments, and interactive websites. In addition, there will be a classroom set of textbooks. Should you feel that you would benefit by having a copy of the textbook at home see a book can be checked out to you.

Laboratory Activities

Laboratory work has the potential to be dangerous. Misconduct in the lab with result in an automatic referral and a zero for the lab. There are no substitutions for labs, if your behavior results in long term removal from the lab you will receive a zero for each lab you must miss.


Remind is a messaging system I will be using to send out notifications and reminders about tests, assignments, etc. Don’t worry, everyone’s number remains private and all communication is done through the remind system.

To sign up to receive messages via text, text @zoology101to 81010

You can opt-outof messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe @zoology101'.


All rules and expectations in the student handbook apply in this classroom. Please note that as the teacher I reserve the right to add to, change and modify this syllabus and course at anytime.

Mrs. Bennett’s Guarantee

In this class you will be given ample opportunities to learn and develop as a thinker. My expectations are high and consistent- day to day and student to student. While I will do everything I know to do to provide you with a high quality education, you and only you have full control over your success. Every decision you make throughout the year will lead to a predictable outcome~ make the right decisions.

I believe in you, I believe in your abilities and in your right to learn. You are loved and cared for as not only a student in my class, but as a person full of remarkable talents and potential. Working together we can make this an amazing year.

Student and Parent Signature page. Please review, sign and return ASAP.

The first pages of the syllabus will remain in your notebook. This signature page must be signed by the student and a parent/guardian. The signature page will be kept on file and documents that the student, parent and teacher understand and agree to class rules, expectations and procedures.

I, the student, have read and agree to uphold and follow the rules, expectations and procedures set forth in this syllabus.


Student SignatureDate

I, the parent, have read the rules, expectations and procedures set forth in this syllabus and understand what is expected of my child.

*Parents, please encourage your son/daughter to actively participate in class, complete all assignments thoroughly and on time, and to study regularly outside of class. *


Student SignatureDate