Name ______

The Great Depression and New Deal Organizer (Pre-AP)

Using your Unit 11 study guide, chapter 22, and notes, please answer the following questions specifically with detail.

Group / Effect of the Great Depression
Oil Workers
Factory Workers
Cotton Farmers
Tenant Farmers
Timber Workers
African Americans
Mexican Americans
Working Women

As a result of the Great Depression, which group above suffered the greatest job loss?

Group / Effect of the New Deal
Construction Workers
Rural People
Young People

1.  What was the one of the causes of the stock market crash?

2.  What was one of the effects of the stock market crash?

3.  What was President Hoover’s oversight in his reaction to the economic crisis?

4.  What was a major factor in Texas’s internal economic crisis?

5.  What was Governor Sterling’s response to the overproduction of oil in the East Texas Field?

6.  Why were areas like the High Plains known as the Dust Bowl?

7.  What was the main effect of New Deal?

8.  How did the New Deal help residents of rural Texas?

Organization / Describe its role during the New Deal
Year / Political Events in Texas: 1920s, 30s, and 40s
U.S. Supreme Court rules that Texas law prohibiting blacks from voting in primaries violates 14th and 15th Amendment rights (Smith vs. Herndon).
LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) is founded at Corpus Christi to work for Mexican American rights in courts, hiring, and education.
Ross Sterling loses bid for reelection as Texas governor to Miriam Ferguson, whose 2nd governorship is clouded in controversy.
School Improvement League is founded in San Antonio to address inadequate school facilities as well as overcrowding.
James Allred becomes Texas governor and reorganizes the Texas Rangers. He also establishes the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
U.S. Supreme Court rules that the all-white primary is unconstitutional (Smith vs. Allright).