Clerk: Mrs M Joyce
Laurel House, 12 Pemberton Close Tel: 01948 890194
Ightfield, Whitchurch
Shropshire SY13 4BF Email:
Dear Councillor:
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council of Sutton Upon Tern to be held on
Wednesday, 16th March 2016 at the Festival Centre, Market Drayton and will commence at 7:30 pm in order to conduct the following business set out on the Agenda below.
Signed: MJoyce Date: 10th March 2016
1 Welcome and Public Session
The Parish Council welcomes any members of the Community to bring to the meeting matters of interest or concern relating to items of business listed on the agenda. This is a Public Meeting and the press and public are welcome to attend and are invited to address the Council between 7:30pm and 7:45pm.
2 Present, Apologies and/or Absent
3 Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary or any other Interests
Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the Meeting and which is not included in the register of interests. Members are reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of members’ interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer.
4 Request for Dispensations of DPIs
5 Co-option of Councillor
6 Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th January 2016
7 Matters arising from and action taken from the minutes (not otherwise on the agenda)
8 Unitary Councillor’s report
9 Community/PCC Policing Reports etc
10 Street Lights and General Parish Repairs and /or Maintenance
i) Reports from Councillors of items requiring attention
11 Correspondence:
- SALC information bulletins & legal topic notes
- Shropshire Council’s ‘Big Conversation’: Results of Survey and update
- Future Fit blog post
- Landowner and Farmer’s Guide – public rights of way
- Annual Town and Parish Emergency Planning Briefing Meeting
- NALC Funding and Grants Bulletin
- Non emergency patient transport information
- Proposed cuts to community pharmacies
12 Courses/Meetings:
– Courses offered by SALC (circulated by email): Fundamentals for Councillors 20th April 2016
- Helicopter Liaison Group meeting – 22nd March 2016
- Annual Town and Parish Emergency Planning Briefing on the Wednesday 15thJune 2016 from 18:30pm at the Shirehall, Shrewsbury
- Big Conversation feedback event – 23rd March 2016 Shrewsbury Football Ground 9-11:30
13 Highways/Environmental Health:
- Opportunity to raise any issues/concerns about road conditions and or safety/feedback on items reported:
- Report matters affecting environmental health
- Road Closure: ROAD CLOSURE –Longford Farm to A53 at Fordhall–21/03/2016-2 days (24 hours)-Laying of BT duct for the BDUK contract
ROAD CLOSURE: Crickmerry Bank, From A529 jct Woodseaves to A41 jct Crickmerry, Market Drayton Date and duration: 11thApril 2016 for 5 days Purpose: 83m trenching in tarmac road for new supply Utility: Western Power Distribution
14 Housekeeping:
i) Reports from Representatives for external bodies as appropriate
ii) Public speaking protocol – discuss/adopt
iii) Parish Council Website – Update on site and new site:
15 Planning:
i) Applications: 16/00897/REM (validated: 29/02/2016)
Address: Proposed Dwelling At Colehurst Fishery, Colehurst, Market Drayton, Shropshire
Proposal: Reserved Matters Application pursuant to outline application 14/04148/OUT for erection of managers dwelling and fishery office with detached double garage Applicant: Mr & Mrs J. D Nixon
ii) Decisions: None received
16 Finance:
a) Balances/Cash Book & Bank Reconciliation
b) Invoices/Payments: as below
c) Transparency code/Forthcoming audit arrangements for smaller councils
d) Asset register – review
e) NPower – notification of incorrect rate of charging VAT
Date / Recipient / Reason for Payment / Amount / Chq No30/01/16 / M Joyce / Clerk’s Salary / £174.03 / SO
30/02/16 / M Joyce / Clerk’s Salary / £174.03 / SO
20/02/16 / M Joyce / Clerk’s expenses March 15-Feb 16 to include consumables, mileage, overtime (July 15) / £262.75 / 100207
05/03/16 / SALC / Website training – Cllr Gittins/Clerk / £40.00 / 100208
04/03/16 / M Joyce / Website domain name - purchase / £71.88 / 100209
29/02/16 / NPower / Supply / £94.35 / 100210
31/01/16 / Festival Centre / Room Hire / £30.00 / 100211
Date / Payee / Reason for Payment / Amount
25/02/16 / DAC Beachcroft Claims / Recovery of insurance excess from bus shelter claim / £100.00
17 Any Other Parish Matters/ Items for inclusion on next Agenda
An opportunity for Councillors to bring forward matters of interest or concern