Component 5: New Model Colleges (General)

1. At the state level the model colleges proposal sent by the universities may be scrutinized following the RUSA guidelines and funding priorities under the component. A maximum of 5 Proposals from a particular state may be proposed under the existing 374Model College Scheme of general education.

The following information in the table below should be given:

Model College Scheme

Indicator / Unit / Model college 1 / Model college 2 / Model college 3 / Model college 4 / Model college 5
Whether College (Govt./ Aided)
District under which model college is proposed
Is it EBD District / Yes/No.
Reservation for socially & economically weaker section / % of Hostel seats / %
Whether a new MDC / Yes/No
Sanctioned /Established after 01.01.2008 / Yes /no
Available land area / Area / In acres
Does the state commit to bear recurring expenses / Yes/no
Number of colleges in the concerned district / Number
No of Colleges per 1,00,000 students of 18‐23 year age group in the district / Number
Percent of SC and ST population to total in the district / %
Percent of Female students enrolled to18‐23 year age group female population in the district / %
Percent of SC and ST students enrolled to18‐23 year age group SC and ST population in the district / %
  1. State should submit the following financial plan for each model college proposed (Cost per Sq. Meter as per RUSA Guideline):

Model College
1 / Model College - 2 / Model College - 3
Proposed College Falls under, Please specify (Tier-1/Tier-2/Tier-3)
Details for proposed college / Physical Value (Area in Sq.Mt)) / Financial Value (Rs. in lakhs) / Physical Value (Area in Sq.Mt.) / Financial Value (Rs. in lakhs) / Physical Value (Area Sq.Mt.) / Financial Value (Rs. in lakhs)
Faculty rooms
Toilet Blocks
separate for boys
and girls

3. A consolidated table of all model colleges may be given:

Model College / Total cost (Rs. lakhs) / Reasons in support of modal college