BAC344 Class Standards for Andre Berns
All email must contain the course code and section letter in the subject line. e.g. students in section A must include BAC344A in the subject line. Failure to include this information may result in your message being miss-filed and therefore ignored. Please keep your messages brief and meaningful.
Sign your message with your name and AS/400 User ID.
I will answer email as soon as possible (within one day).
Course Home Page
Navigate from the ~andre.berns home page
Rm 2100 in the main computer studies office, Tel Building.
Don't bother calling me on the phone. I don't use voice mail. All contact must be in person or via email.
To obtain a credit in this subject you must achieve the following:
55% on the exam
55% average overall on the course.
There will be two mid term tests worth 40% of your final grade.
There will be a final exam worth 30% of your final grade.
Missed Test
If you miss any test due to an emergency you must NOTIFY ME IMMEDIATELY PRIOR to or DIRECTLY FOLLOWING the specific test BY EMAIL or IN PERSON in order to receive consideration for your absence. You will need to provide documented evidence (ie. Doctor's note) of the emergency.
There will be, at most7 assignments worth a total of 30% of your final grade. Each assignment is individually weighted. Assignments will be due either in printed form, electronically, or by demonstration as determined by me.
Assignments submitted electronically are due by 11:59PM of the due date.
Assignments submitted in printed form are to be handed to me at the beginning of class on the due date. They must be in a file folder with your Name, Section and Student ID clearly indicated on the folder and the first page of the assignment.
Demonstrations will be scheduled during Student Help Periods.
Your Name, Section, Student ID and ‘student plagiarism oath’ must be included in heading comments of all source listings. This is required for both electronic and printed form submissions. Printed form submissions must be signed.
Assignments that do not include your Name, Section, Student ID and the ‘student plagiarism oath’ will not be graded. They must be resubmitted and will be considered late.
Late Assignments
Assignments that are submitted late will lose 10 percentage points for each business day late. If you miss the assignment deadline – you must notify me via email as to when your assignment is completed.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Please see Seneca’s Cheating and Plagiarism policy.
How not to cheat
Helping each other is one of the best ways to learn. To avoid copying from each other in this situation…
If you are the helper: sign off all your iSeries sessions. Close your books, put away all your notes, printouts and similar materials. Then, go to your colleague's screen or printout and work with them on their problem using their approach. Help them debug their code. Do not show them how you did it. Your job here is to ask questions, not offer answers.
If you are the person being helped: do not look at your colleague's solution or answer to a question. Your objective is to get help understanding the problem. Don’t just ask for the answer. It's too easy to end up copying it and thereby risking a charge of plagiarism. You will also need a good level of understanding when you write the tests and exam.
Simply rewording someone else's answer or changing the field names in their program and presenting the work as your own is still copying – you are still copying the solution. Trivial differences in the code or the wording do not change the solution being copied.
Attendance, Lateness and Classroom Behaviour
Classes will start on time and late arrivals must not disturb the class. Enter quietly and take a seat. Do not disturb the class by asking questions about what took place before your arrival. Students who are late for class on a regular basis may not be admitted.
Please keep in mind that your fellow classmates are here to receive an education. Please do not carry on conversations or indulge in disruptive behaviour while lessons are in progress. If you have something relevant to add to what I am saying, please feel free to raise your hand and be recognized. Helpful comments and questions are always welcome.
While perfect silence is not expected during lectures, basic courtesy is. Students are hereby granted permission to tell others who are talking/making noise to "be quiet".
Understanding the lectures is your responsibility. If you do not stop me and ask for clarification when you do not understand something I've said, or stop me if I've covered a topic too quickly for your satisfaction, then the blame for your lack of comprehension is yours. Staring at me blankly and nodding your head will only encourage me to carry on, more quickly.
Text Book
The recommended text book for this course is Programming in COBOL/400 by Cooper, Stern and Stern. The text book is available on line from / at the Learning Centre / Library
Photocopied text books are a violation of copyright and are illegal.
To avoid any complications, photocopies (in whole/or part of) will not be allowed in the classroom or our offices. Anyone found in possession of even a single photocopied page would be asked to remove it from the premises immediately.