University People Management System
Team Quaternions
Due 11.2.2001
Getting Started
The University People Management System interfaces with the user via a series of menus. There are a total of 12 menus. The first menu –Main Menu- you –the user- will encounter is displayed below:
Note: The window name will not be the same.
From the Main Menu, the user can traverse into other menus. Each menu performs a specific function in the UMPS software system.
As indicated in the menu, choose which database function to perform and enter it in the prompt line.
User is able to retrieve a help menu at any time. In the Main Menu the command is ‘101’. In all subsequent menues, selecting ‘h’ will bring up the help menu.
In all but the Main Menu user can go back to the previous menu.
The first thing to do is to load a file into the database. To load a new file enter ‘900’ at the prompt ‘>’. UPMS will ask the user to specify a file to read in, as shown in the following figure. The file must be a .txt file.
After a file is specified, user will be returned to the Main Menu.
For Example:
A new person is to be entered in the database. Select ‘1’ and select ‘Enter’. This will bring you to the ‘Add Person’ menu shown below:
In this menu, the user can:
- Add a new undergraduate student
- Add a new graduate student
- Add a new faculty member
- Add a new staff member
Select the appropriate number and press ‘Enter’. The
user-selected menu will appear.
Adding a New Person
User must provide the following:
- university ID number
If this person already exists in the database, then user may update this student’s information as indicated below:
Note: Please press enter to continue.
In the example above, user has chosen to ‘Add a new undergraduate student’, indicated by the ‘1’ at the prompt line ‘>’. The user has supplied UPMS with ‘555333’ as the university id. The student did not exist before and how now been added (indicated by the ‘(now)’).
If student 555333 did exist, the user will still see the same following menu to update all of this student’s information.
After pressing ‘Enter’ the resulting menu will appear:
From this menu user can:
- Update Name
- Update Address
- Update Phone Number
- Add a course this student is currently taking
- Update Date of Birth
- Update Social Security Number
- Update Major
- Update status (freshman, sophomore...)
To update any field, select appropriate number and follow the menu prompts. To go back to Main Menu select ‘b’.
For Example:
If the student’s name is to be updated, UPMS will prompt for student’s last name, middle initial and first name. After the prompted information is entered it will return to the Modify Undergraduate Menu.
The same procedure is used to add or edit a graduate student, a faculty member or a university staff member.
Query Menu
In this menu, the user can query the database and find the following:
- Search for a person by name
- Search for a person by a university ID number
- Search for a person by name and date of birth
- Search all people by a zip code
- Search all people by a state name
- Search all people by a major
- Search all people by a department
- Search for students in a major in GPA order
- Search for a person according to exact phone number
- Search for a person given an area code and prefix
- Search for the list of all courses a student has taken
- Search for the list of all students who have taken a course
- Search for all the courses faculty is teaching
- Search for all the students a faculty member is advising
- Search for committee members given a graduate student’s information
- List the employees supervised by an employee
- Search for a person by social security number
- Search for all people given an area code
- Search for all the courses a student has taken given the semester
Select which query to execute by selecting the appropriate number and then selecting ‘Enter’.
After chosen query is selected, UPMS will prompt user for the pertinent information needed to perform that search.
For Example:
In the example below, the user has chosen ‘1. Search for a person by name’. In the prompts, UPMS has queried the user for the name to search for.
The same will be true for all queries: UPMS will ask for the appropriate information.
After all information is entered, UPMS will display the queried information. If the queried information is not in the database, the UPMS will return to the Query Menu.
Technical Assistance
For technical assistance, please email Team Quarternions.