NAME______DATE______CLASS PERIOD______


Match the Six Basic Principles upon which the Constitution is based with the statements that best exemplify them. Be able to give reasons for your choices.

A. Popular Soverignty D. Checks and Balances

B. Limited Government E. Judicial Review

C. Separation of Powers F. Federalism

_____ 1. The People are the source of all governmental authority.

_____ 2. The President is responsible for executing, enforcing, and administering the law.

_____ 3. Congress must have a two-thirds majority vote in each house to override a Presidential veto.

_____ 4. This practice was established in the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison (1803)

_____ 5. “Congress shall make no law…”

_____ 6. Educational requirements vary from State to State.

_____ 7. Only Congress has the power to declare war.

_____ 8. Presidential appointees are subject to confirmation approval by the Senate.

_____ 9. “We the People of the United States…”

_____ 10. The rule of law.

_____ 11. In Ohio, citizens pay both a State and a Federal income tax.

_____ 12. Government may exercise only those powers delegated to it.

_____ 13. Federal courts may declare illegal any government action violating the Constitution.

_____ 14. Government can govern only with the consent of the governed.

_____ 15. “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress…”

_____ 16. All treaties with other nations made by the President must be ratified by the Senate.

_____ 17. The Supreme Court has voided more than 900 state laws as unconstitutional.

_____ 18. Powers not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution are retained by the States.

Indicate whether the following statements are true(T) or false (F).

_____ 19. The Constitution is over-weighted with insignificant detail about the day-to-day operation of the


_____ 20. The Constitution places all governmental power in the hands of the national government.

_____ 21. The basic powers of the national government are divided among three distinct and independent


_____ 22. Head-on clashes between the separate branches of government are frequent and often violent.